Mercy's ultimate

The raid was arranged over several channels of communication

The passing of the mantle of leadership of the two more or less identical anti-Mercy groups occurred on twitter

Remember your replies?


I believe this video is appropriate considering the context at the moment. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Factually, I have not backtracked on any statements I have made in this discussion

Factually, I have not backtracked on an agreement to not use certain terminology because no such agreement was ever made

They are still there, available for all to read

They say you’re gonna wait for discussions.


Mmm… the only public twitter communication I remember was a certain YouTuber getting called out for their less than savory comments about marginalized groups.

I’m not sure what sort of tweets you saw that leads you to believe any “leadership” of anti-Mercy groups were passed between any individuals but maybe I just happened to miss it. I’m sure that the tweets are archived if they existed.

Regardless, this thread has gotten severely off topic.


Where in said statement do I state that I agree not to use certain terminology?

There is no “leading me to believe”

The series of tweets from the toxic and entitled former figurehead of these two groups occurred as I described it.

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Since the one you’ve replied to doesn’t seem to get the hint, on my end, allow me to apologize for any derailments. I would much prefer that we go back on topic as well, since it seems that there are some who insist on continuing with derailing threads and slandering others, and the discussion is thus, going no where.

Back on topic!

I respect your opinion, but I don’t think it’s fair to say that people who want a revert are “pushing an agenda to polarize the community.” I believe that’s kind of a broad way to discriminate a group of people with those opinions. Just as you don’t think Mass Rez will come back, others are free to disagree, and maintain that hope. At the end of the day, we’re all entitled to our opinions, and we should also respect them, despite the differences. :blush:


I think this is worth mentioning there. I believe many forget that back then, Mercy didn’t always have res, nor did she always res successfully. Now, Mercy has the ability to Rez every 30 seconds. That difference as well as the major increase in how many resses Mercy is able to pull off in a match, often goes unmentioned and ignored, so thank you. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Agreed, sorry about that. Loops like Dodo’s conversations often derail everything.


I merely responded to a statement made on this thread

This is how discussion threads work…post, reply, reply, reply…

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And you can’t seem to take a hint. Topic. Back on it.


The post I replied to made a statement about me.

This statement then became part of this thread, and an additional item to potentially discuss, and to reply to, as I did here

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Agreed, as Revert said,

If the time had been taken to make tweaks and take into account countering effect something like Deadeye had on Mass Rez, maybe we would have seen another variant before or instead of the shift to Valk.


The devs observed very serious behavior problems connected to the rez of multiple team members at the same time. I dont think any such changes as noted above would have altered said behavior in any way…as such, removing mass rez from the game was absolutely the right thing to do

I get in update seeing somebody used a post of mine to make a point and see “Oh hey great! It’s TrueNeural again. I’d love to see this conversation” only to find out that yet again we are having the conversation about how a forum poster absolutely refuses to stop using a term that at this point is KNOWN to be antagonistic and a common form of derailent.


I hate being on the same team as people who intentionally antagonize their opponents.

Anyway, back on topic, Blizzard probably sees it as a waist of resources to revert Mercy’s current ultimate, as they do take much time in deciding the play of a rework.

Looking at the past, Symmetra being the example here, they gave her a second rework instead of reverting her. I feel that it would be a safe assumption that if a major change to Mercy were to happen, it would indeed be another rework, rather than a revert.

I am not really looking forward to a second rework, as with every rework, Mercy’s kit would be a roulette. I am very happy with Mercy’s kit, regardless of whatever E ability she has. I realize this is only my opinion, but I would hate to see Mercy lose a part of her kit in a rework, which would indeed be possible. Even if the ult was reverted, not that I’m against it, it would suck if they have to take a hit at Mercy’s kit.

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every time a thread about mercy is made


I don’t feel this way until I see my two favorite forum posters, Revert and Dodo hashing it out in here :joy:

dammit i should have added one more with “mercy thread made by megadodo”