Still no OWL rewards after todays patch

I watched everything and still have nothing…I don’t understand.


same here. I don’t understand what is going on.


I’m amazed I still don’t have my rewards. I watched every second of every stream and only have a portion of the rewards. This is atrocious.


wdf are u talking specify u clown

I sent the below to gaming journalists who have covered OW2:


I’ve enjoyed your articles and wanted to update you on a story idea.

The Overwatch League uses YouTube to broadcast games and recently ran a promotion with free cosmetic rewards. Apparently, something went wrong with the drops and many gamers, including myself, have not received all the rewards. Following is the most active forum post on the issue:

Blizzard’s response:

In Blizzard’s post, they direct you to OWL’s twitter, which has this update from the 18th:

I am personally very frustrated and there has been radio silence from Blizzard. I have filed a support ticket and don’t have a response yet.

This may be out of your regular reporting or too small of an issue, but if you (or a junior colleague) could write an article and get some answers - well, that would make a lot of OW2 players very happy!

Thanks and long live journalism,

Hopefully, someone will pick this up and put pressure on Blizz for some answers!


Team 4,
I imagine a lot of the frustration on this thread can be boiled down to people being told to participate in a system, having that system be broken, and instead of acknowledging that error, being told that they must have done something wrong when all evidence and their lived experience knows this to be untrue.
You will sell your integrity cheap if radio silence continues and restitutions are not made for these errors ASAP. People are already frustrated with your monetization practices with the shop, then you give them an opportunity to support the league and earn some cool cosmetics simultaneously but tell them AFTER the damage is done and the power is all in your hands: ‘we’ll see what we can do.’ I guess just don’t be surprised if watch numbers continue to tank on Twitch and with the OWL next year if you don’t address these issues and concerns.
I was promised a new, more communicative Overwatch team, but I have yet to see this materialize. Please, by all means, make me the fool. The funny thing is: I want this game to succeed so badly. There’s nothing quite like Overwatch. I just don’t want to be made the fool anymore. It’s getting hard.


I’m in the same boat, watched a bunch of games, and made sure to watch the grand finale because I wanted the Kiriko skin, and I got nothing.


Me too, watched owl, and didn’t get any token

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As of today 11/29, I still have not received anything from the grand finals, and only up to the 12 hour mark on the playoffs even though I watched everything. Also opened a support ticket 10 days ago with no response. You say to follow @overwatchleague on twitter, but they haven’t updated anything since the 18th either.


There won’t be any rewards check reddit:


This is a single GM responding, not an official statement. It’s somewhat likely they just read the wording of the promotion, copy pasted it in with no knowledge of the issues, and said the promotion is over.

Still, the problem seems to be that OWL and Blizz devs have been silent for 2 weeks now. The last time anything about this was communicated over official channels was the 17th with a “We’re working on this”.


Got my ticket closed for the 3rd time after trying to explain the issue to a 5 year old.

I clearly told them that I got 150 OWL tokens during the time frame (which they can clearly see), which PROVES that I watched at least 30 hours (but only got rewards until the 15 hour mark).

Their answer: we can’t trust your statement???

These clowns of a customer support are not able to trust their own system. Blizzard used as all as view bots to artificially increase their numbers and now they’re ignoring us after being to incompetent to distribute some basic rewards.

Instead of an apology and just rewarding everyone that tuned in with everything as compensation, they actually try to simply let this issue die down as if nothing happened.


ey thats a great idea

Some of these persons in customer service tend to not be informed - the mere fact that some milestone rewards were given but the respective skins/tokens at the same tier were not shows that something is wrong. They are just stating what’s written when everything would have gone according to plan.

Not one single person on the internet has received everything they watched, not one person has the Sojourn skin. So that person is uninformed.

Terrible that no official update has been given yet.


ey nice posted the same screenshot of my answer a couple weeks ago got removed alomst instantly and banned lmao

Same here still nothing from grand final.

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That’s 100% a blizzard issue if they aren’t giving accurate information to their support staff. They should have a list of known bugs and issues that were addressed and acknowledged so they don’t cause issues like this.


I had a response from my support ticket a few days ago which said they are aware of the issue and that OWL and Youtube teams are still working to fix it.
My guess is that we won’t see the rewards until sometime in season 2.

Here is the response I got:

Your ticket has received the following response:

You hear an angry muffled voice and then a hand shoots out of the ground in front of you. A disheveled but otherwise well preserved corpse drags it self out of the ground and begins to speak.

Thank you for contacting me. This is Game Master Uridetz, I am here to assist with your ticket. Sorry for the time it took me to unearth myself. Dirt can be heavier than it looks :D.

Yes, this is something the team is aware of, there was even a tweet about it recently:

I would advise following this for updates as well as if you have not already be sure to report it in the bug report forums. Hope you have an awesome day! Thanks again for contacting me. :slight_smile:

You watch as the Forsaken Game Master shambles off into the distance. Just as he gets to the crest of the hill you see his silhouette lose an arm, and hear muttering as he picks it up and keeps rambling on out of sight


Same story here … Have received nothing since the end of the finals.

I “won” 190 tokens for now (had 60 tokens at the begining and I ended up with 250). BUT I watched ALL playoffs and finals streams (Encore included obviously) and still MISSING TONS of tokens like many.

About the skins, I got everything until Roadhog Baptiste and Sigma included. No other skins after that. And like everybody, the last 2 days I received NOTHING. No skins or tokens.

And for the finals I only got Kiriko and Junker Queen. But no Sojourn or sprays or else. Funny since Sojourn was the first tier to unlock before Kiriko and Junker Q…

And of course, the fact I got 190 tokens just prove by itself that I watched their competition for more than 30 hours…


Any update would be appreciated … it is almost two weeks later.