Still no OWL rewards after todays patch

Warte auch noch auf den OWL loot, ein kleiner loot bis 12h ist angekommen aber auf den rest zu warten ist nervig

I’ve still not received all of the rewards for my watch time (more than enough to hit the max requirement) after all this time, do I need to open a support ticket at this rate?

I’ll say it again just give everyone with any watch time all of the rewards like when this same issue happened in 2019. There’s no need to withhold the rewards when it’s clear something has gone wrong with the tracking at some point, all they’re left with at current is an angry and disgruntled player base, who rightfully feel like the time they’ve put in hasn’t been honored.


11 days have passed since this update. Is there any news at all? Any progress?

There have been no updates for over a week here either, unless I missed them.

Should I just give up and realize I will never get them?

ANY communication at all would be appreciated. Thanks


Well, it’s post holiday weekend, so might hear something. Or not. They might be waiting to see if the December patch fixes things.

I’m pretty much resigned to the fact that they won’t be able to deliver things as promised. The game is writhe with buggy systems, and the reward system appears to be no exception.


I just wish they never hired WyomingMyst - he used to be a great source of information, and now he is silenced as a Blizz employee.

Good for them, but bad for the playerbase.

We have community managers, right? Where are they?


wrong the arists dont care either except making fun of ppl who are “whining” about their owl rewards missing see angela ziegeler on twitter for example last week she presented herself as some shining beacon for the scammed community
“i talked to blizzard they are working on it” this week shes making fun of ppl "whining and crying " about the owl drops “as if it gets resolved faster when u whine all day” this complete company head to toe is an arrogant out of touch scam operation bc they still believe ppl love them for the games the previous employees made 20 years ago


Just leaving my mark so im not forgotten.
Still missing all skins after the 18hr mark + OWL finals items.

Received tokens for 35 hours however.
Still hoping, but seemingly in vain.


Wanna trade? I only got 5 tokens and the pulse pistol namecard. You can have that for your stuff lmao


I watched every live stream and legit only got 19 hours worth tokens, much less all the rewards. That’s like saying I watched 3-4 hours a day, when the streams averaged 8+ hours and I watched the entire thing live AND watched all the encores live, which should also count for tokens. So their tracking is busted all the way up and down.

Everything was connected, nothing wrong on my end.


I’m so frustrated. I made sure I had the positive market and watched on their own damned website. Yet I got basically nothing. I’m not sure I even got any owl tokens. This is incredibly frustrating and makes me despise the change to YouTube even more. Never had any problems with twitch and still don’t have problems with twitch when they do their twitch drops.


This +1,000,000.

CS just tells you “oh we can’t verify that garbage”. Ok, so who tf do you talk to then? Blizzard, I hate you. Good job turning something that’s supposed to be a “reward” into a source of frustration and anger. Anything you’re not screwing up with OW2?


we even had a patch today?

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Oddly enough I received a Soldier 76 Contenders skin today so something works? I think somehow OWL screwed something up an nothing was tracked…


Still missing anything past cassidy/phar/echo
I have enough tokens acquired throughout the event to confirm that I have at least 30 hours. (I did the math during the watch period and can confirm based on what I had before/after)

I have none of the grand finals rewards past spray 1 despite desperately refreshing to guarantee the connected diamond being present while also being present myself for both the finals and the encores.

also missing both bursts of 100 tokens from watching 30 hours and watching all of the finals

I literally was looking forward to junker queen and soj’s skins specifically
A lot of your fanbase was just denied the rewards because of the shoddy youtube system. You promised better communication yet treat this scenario like rockstar, just hoping people forget about it.

I beg whoever is reading this with actual power to act on this issue: just give everyone with any amount of watch time during the alotted time all of the skins. Its the least you can do to remedy the situaiton.


My support ticket - will update when (if?) I hear anything.

Game: Overwatch 2

Topic: Not listed here

Description: I have not received my OWL rewards in full even though my accounts were properly linked, the “diamond” was showing that I was receiving credit, and I have multiple non-skin rewards at various hour marks that exceed what skins I have received. I should have received all 35 skins and only have the first nine. I watched for over 50 hours (I tracked viewership through the YouTube website). There has been no updates recently on the status of issuing the rewards. I wanted to make sure to put my claim in now in case there are problems. Thanks

Estimated response time: 24 hours


Bruh how can someone be so idiotic istg


Now the 28th nothing changed. I hope they know people won’t forget this. It feels like they think if it’s ignored people will forget or give up.

EDIT: So I was wrong and I did receive my contender’s Dva and Soldier skin which just makes the lack of drops on the other stuff more sus. I had assumed I wouldn’t get them because of how we didn’t get the OWL stuff.


probably yes… they choose when to communicate and what information to share. they will spam their twitter with the new tank and battlepass items in hope people will get over it.


I’m in the exact same boat and saw a lot of people with exactly the same stats. 150~ tokens (proof of 30+ hours) but only rewards up until the 15 hour mark.

The customer support doesn’t care and closes any ticket saying they can’t do anything, even though the tokens are solid proof of the watch time.

Even though tokens are not enough either, I watched far more than I got. With the green dot, everything connected etc.


i watched almost every stream and i got like 10 tokens and only got up to 9 HOURS of stuff. I just want my Kiriko skin dude cus i didnt even get those skins either even tho i watched the finals