Where is classic QP

I only play classic quick play in arcade to get the event rewards, i´m not a fan of role queue in casual games. Removing it, even if it´s only an unnecessary test, is awful. Let us have fun with the game, please. Options for everyone.


I kinda wish there was a bigger uproar about this, if we don’t make enough noise, we won’t be heard, and we might not get qpc back.


The only mode I play, ruined my gaming weekend (during the week I don’t play so much) I am reinstalling TF2 right now, so many time I don’t play it, many hours of pure fun, and map choosing!! Bye OW. Ah! And without map choosing in OW2 don’t hope I will buy it.


I’ve played their games since 1994. After the last three out of four WoW expansions being bad, how they handled HoTS, Warcraft 3: Refunded, and now how they’ve handled Overwatch, Blizzard went from a guaranteed pre-order to a “wait and see after launch” type of game studio for me.

They’ve become too much like old SOE for my confidence to remain.


Seriously. I logged in, accidentally queued into Team Deathmatch, realized there was no QPC, and logged out.

GG blizz


Hey everyone, we’re looking into this issue now, we’re sorry for the miss here. It looks like the arcade cards aren’t following the rotation we expect, and we hope to have more detail early next week (Monday).

I hope you’re still enjoying the Anniversary event, it’s hard to believe the game has been out for five years! Time goes by so quickly.

Cheers everyone, apologies again.


Thanks Bill.


Thanks for the update! Have a good weekend.


Monday. An entire weekend without the only game mode I play, yay?

Enjoying the event? No, because the only game-mode I play, is gone during the busiest play-time I have. I was expecting to get nearly 16 hours of Overwatch this weekend playing Mystery Heroes only, and it’s going to take until Monday for just details, not a fix.

Event isn’t “enjoyable” if you can’t play the game because the dev’s can’t/won’t fix it on a weekend when players have the most time available to play.

Very unfortunate, but guess at least bad news is news. No playing Overwatch until maybe Tuesday I suppose.


yeah, also find and return “Mystery heroes” too, thanks.


Thank you Mr Warnecke! :grin:

What is with this style or type of acting and replies from people these days? Enjoy the event? no, we are mad MH and QP are gone. We are not enjoying anything because we are not playing. Sorry we ruined your weekend of gaming, maybe we will have something to say monday! Imagine buying OW2? lmao


Good to see a reaction, thank you. Any news if that applies to Mystery Heros too?

Jesus christ let the devs have their time off. They have families and lives too. You will survive 2 days without your “favorite” mode.


Sucks people can’t play the game mode they’re wanting to :frowning:

But thanks for the response and happy to know it’s being worked on :slight_smile: Have a good weekend!

you mean all the ppl who enjoyed the game the way it was for 4+ years before forced 2-2-2? gee, i wonder where they’re all coming from…


I will. And they will survive working a weekend. When you work in an industry like programming, especially within a niche industry like gaming, for a massive game like this. You either have weekend workers, or your devs expect that occasionally you might be called to work on weekends.

I’ve worked weekends, holidays, extreme overtime, missing friend and family events, for far less impactful ‘issues’ at the company I was a developer for at the time (multiple companies over the past 15 years).

I’m not at all implying that it literally hurts me in any way. I’m simply pointing out that to not fix a game bug that is impacting so many people during the busiest play-time is to say, “we don’t care enough.”

Which is fine, they’re a corporation and allowed to dictate their procedures, policies, and priorities. It’s clear this isn’t a high priority. That’s fine. I’ll go on and do other things. That doesn’t mean I will just say, “yay, thanks, good job!”

Especially when they acknowledged a bug impacting/preventing playing the game for so many during this time period of heavy play-time-availability and then said, “enjoy the event”.

Ya, the event will still be there when it is ultimately fixed. No, Tuesday is not terribly unreasonable, if your company isn’t running one of the biggest games on the planet.

I’m allowed to be disgruntled at the loss of so much time being able to play something I enjoy so much.


oh god fix the game give qpc


Move open queue next to role queue like you did with comp.


Yeah, I’ve taken a long break for like 2 months, my wife played a little last night so I decided ‘Heck I’ll play some today maybe it’ll be better’.

I only ever play QP arcade because I freakin’ hate being locked into one category of the roster; not all my best heroes are in one category, I have less options to switch to, it’s madenning.

There is no more Quickplay Arcade.


So now it’s the straightjacket experience or nothing, eh? I see Blizzard. I see.