So the only way for Mercy mains will be satisfied

Ah, I think you have the same concerns that GreyFalcon has. In which case I’ll have to refer you to my answers to them above.

Then what? The engaging argument? I already established that that was a matter of opinion. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I proved my assertion with facts, therefore, my assertion is a fact? Unless you want to go ahead and refute it.

I provided evidence to prove that mass Res is more skillful than Valkyrie; a comparison between the two in terms of thought processes. Mass Res won, therefore, with that alone, we’ve already established that mass Res is more skillful without being subjective but rather, objective.

What is subjective about any of the evidence I provided? Highlight it and give it to me.

Insisting something even after agreeing that the opposition is correct does not make sense, at all…

Nope, there is a clear answer. :blush: You just don’t agree with me but that doesn’t make me wrong since I provided evidence for my assertion unlike you. :slight_smile:

Don’t reply then if you don’t want to refute it? You’re the one who asked after all. :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Mercy is not my most played but she has consistently remained at the top 4 for my most played for every season.

I am fine with mass Rez coming back with few tweaks like maybe LoS changes but I genuinely do love Valk. I find that it does require a lot more skill compared to Rez. The reason I love it is because I do feel I’m more engaged in a fight than mass Rez Mercy.

Either way, I still have so much fun with Mercy today. I’m not opposed to a buff but I am against any more nerfs

Here’s my likes since Jeff at them all. >-<

:blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

they didn’t arbitrarily nerf it. she was OP, and so they nerfed it

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Lol I see no facts. But you have trouble understanding what that is. You’ve provided evidence to support a claim.

Evidence does not equal fact. And the only reason I choose not to support valk with evidence for you is because you are the type of person who will not listen and keep an open mind. Tragic

I asked you to highlight them which you didn’t. I’m taking that as you refusing to elaborate on your point and therefore, you give up this argument. :blush:

The evidence in question are facts. Re-read them. If you don’t want to do that either then don’t claim something like this. :blush:

Do we really need to resort to ad hominem arguments? :blush:

I know…

Just to clarify for you, here’s the definition of a fact:

a thing that is known or proved to be true.

I proved with evidence that my assertion that mass Res is more skillful than Valkyrie therefore, it is a fact. :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

There are so many different ideas that go from keeping rez, changing rez, reverting rez with adjustments and removing rez.

We have had suggestions that cover nearly everything and there are still more coming out, inspired by other gaming influences, etc.

The Mercy community has been ignored by the devs the moment they told them the Mercy Rework would be OP and at every stage since then when Mercy players have predicted every issue that would plague Mercy except for how bad the healing nerf would truly gut her.

Mercy’s want a fun character and that is why there are so many damn people out there making suggestions.

Mercy’s want balance and that is why there are so many people trying to think of balance and trying to make sure their suggestions are extremely flexible in numbers while still trying to keep her core playstyle which is her reliable single target beam.

Heck, there have even been suggestions for her having a staff and a bloody healing bow, which most people were pretty against because people don’t want Mercy to become another Ana but like a Hanzo Ana.

We are scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas. Still, we get ignored.
Many people only have bitterness left about “how the devs are listening”, because we’re getting no sign of that.

I meant the reasoning to nerf her healing specifically was arbitrary. I do not even recall if they said something stupid like, “our pure healer is healing the best out of the healers” or not.

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And how many of them don’t include multi-rez or removing rez? And are posted as their own discussion thread?

Bonus points for how many also don’t include removing Valkyrie.

As far as I’m aware, the numbers shrink down to almost nothing.

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Here’s an idea: Let’s get rid of Rez, and make Valkyrie a cooldown ability or something, just not her ult anymore. Then, for her new ultimate, just make it so that her and her heal target becoming invulnerable for 8 seconds. And she can change healing targets and leave a bit of residual invulnerability for a little bit, but it also reduces the overall duration with each switch.

Then, like, maybe also make it so that she heals someone more if they haven’t taken damage for a little bit. And, hey, maybe also give someone like 25-50% bonus health if she heals them while they’re at full health! That’d be fun.

And, I dunno, make her yell something about Oktoberfest or something.

There was literally one posted today.

There are ones that change Valkyrie.

But considering that Valkyrie in particular lowers her skill ceiling dramatically, especially in it’s current design, surely they should be open to removing it because the more skill ceiling they leave room for, the better she is for their precious pro play, just like they wanted and just didn’t achieve with this rework.

I saw 2. But I also saw about 50 other Mercy posts, many of which had hundreds of posts on them today.

One was a bit overly complicated. But it was a novel way to limit single instant rez.
One was a straight buff to heal beam, with no counterbalance.

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This was one that was suggested.

I don’t necessarily feel it is the right path for Mercy but there are so many suggestions.

But here is the catch right?

I think the key part of this is:

People have put in so much effort for her, because this is the character they most strongly relate to and want to be able to enjoy her.
Mercy has some of the loudest voices in the community because she is the one they most strongly feel attached to.
Any other main would be doing the same and some even have, but they don’t have as large a following as Mercy does representing them.
Mercy’s even take time to mention other characters suffering the way our character has.

Even those character’s have their megavoids.
Why should we try when time and time again, we are shown we are not wanted by the devs and the rest of the community who should be supporting us in our search for a fun and balanced hero because if their hero was put under the bus as hard as some other heroes, they would riot too.


Huh did miss that first post.
And another similar one here.
Mercy 3.0 (New Ability: Field Medic) - #7 by Colourouu-2549

The problem with these is that they seem really difficult to balance, and almost feels like they just tossed bucket full of buffs at the character.
Mercy is really simple right now, and that’s hard to balance. This just feels a bit excessive.

Because if Mercy mains don’t try to understand the developers perspectives, and persuade them, they are going to listen to people like me.

Devs once again prove they are listening - #121 by GreyFalcon-11737


Two mines on Junkrat created an awful load of OP Spam issues that gave him the ability to do so much damage, like his mines did essentially double his damage output with them and not to mention it removed skilled thought choices of when to use them for finishing enemies off and moving because they did and still can do a butt load of damage.
For mobility, it is good. For damage it was a whole load of BS. And I take this info from my friend who has mained Junkrat since before he was ever buffed and proved that Junkrat was in a fine position but could have just used mobility because he was managing to deal with Pharah’s on old Junk and now he can hit the fricking skybox with him.
Not to mention “concussion mines” and the other concussion ability in the game doesn’t do any damage, so consistency is not their strong suit.

The piercing on Mei didn’t do as much for her as the fall off damage change. Although I think most people would trade that back for a slight faster speed of firing because some people prefer to be able to make those hits more consistently rather than getting luck with the hit but usually not being able to follow up on it by getting another hit.

Roadhog was gutted to even try to get where we are today. That should never have to be the case. And even now, you can see the ridiculously hyped up reactions about his power from Overwatch News outlets, claiming he is better but what is to stop us from repeating the past and if he is so strong now, how long before the usual “omg nerf him one hits are unfair”. Because isn’t this where we are at with Doomfist?

Mercy had 50hps in the past and it didn’t work.
It doesn’t work now. Gutting her base kit was the only way to balanced an E ability because it is overpowered there but with low healing can hardly be used at all now. That isn’t balanced.

You can’t make as many heroes viable as possible because in their eyes, they need to change the meta, but meta’s only consist of a handful of heroes which makes metas go dull quickly.

They need more heroes to spread pick rates and have shared areas of expertise and playstyles to do that.

Just because the Dev’s change things, doesn’t mean they have been right.
They have a bad history of it and that includes other games in their business.


We get it you can complain about pretty much anything and are incredibly keen on looking at negatives, however, every single change that has been implemented has lead us to this state of the game where most of the heroes feel balanced with very few exceptions

I don’t expect you to understand though and I agree that we need more heroes in order to diversify the game even more

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New rework or revert. We are not interested in ultimate, that can’t save anyone from other ultimates, and statue mode as ability.

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He really wasn’t though.

Ali agree with this. Rez could get removed and I would be happy if they made her fun