So the only way for Mercy mains will be satisfied

So you’re telling me they’ve made a wide variety of concept posts that don’t involve a multi-rez or removing rez?

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Fair enough, I’m happy someone likes her.

I will continue to press for a rework that I feel provides the same amount of fun and impact that I felt with pre-rework Mercy. Whether that is with mass-res or with out it.

My point is that you’re either an outlier or a liar. The push for mass-rez has so much support and the push for original ideas has seemingly none. The Mercy main community as a whole just wants mass rez and it’s poisoning the well for those like you who perhaps would be happy with an original idea.

Seeing as you’re still taking it out of context, I’ll just take that as a “no.”

I want to point out something.

If you ignore Rezzing anyone with that hard-to-pull-off ability, and ignore the ultimate, Mercy herself should technically be FUNNER than she was back when she had mass Rez. She now has that glide jump, and her mobility is even greater than it used to be.

So it kinda seems like the only “Fun” anyone EVER had with Mercy was sweeping in to mass Rez everyone. If that is the only thing that made Mercy fun, then not enough thought is being put into making her actually fun.

Coming from someone who used to play her a ton, I’m confident in saying that the reason Mercy isn’t fun, the reason it takes a certain kind of person to even want to play her, is because the basic act of healing in her kit is just too easy. Personally I’d love her to be harder to play if it meant she could actually be valuable again. At this state, even if they removed Rez, replaced Valkyrie, reverted her, or whatever, she’d still be, at her core, less fun than just about any other character simply because there is no actual challenge, no strive for improvement. Healing somebody in GM with Mercy isn’t any harder than healing someone in Bronze.

If I had to make a suggestion for changes to Mercy, that don’t involve reverting and focus on impact and fun, it would be this

  • healing and power boost beams changed to a soft lock like Moira’s damage beam (still fairly forgiving but no more 180 turns and still forever supporting)
  • healing amount increased to 80/sec to compensate
  • Rez removed, instead a new ability, possible a CC counter or cleanse ability on a cooldown
  • Valkyrie time shortened to 8 seconds, single beam full lockon, increases heals to 160 HPS and Power Boost to 50%. Flight still a thing.

There you go. Impact, fun, and challenge all rolled into one. It’s what Mercy needs, and in my opinion that’s the only way they’ll ever be able to have her compete with Ana without taking her spot. She can’t be easy, have good impact, and be fun all at the same time. Something has to go, and it’s quite apparent that fun and impact are what people want. Sadly, she can’t be as easy mechanically if you want both…

This is coming from someone who has 149 hours on her.

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I’m not taking it out of context but whatever helps you sleep at night. :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

I actually like BTC’s version of Miracle Worker that stops players dying for a small amount of time though doesn’t stop them loosing health.

It would make for some intense game play to get your team off zero health to prevent them dying once the clock runs out! :smiley:

2/3 of her kit has been ignored; the 2/3 that specifically got changed by the rework…

She could BHop before since it was a glitch. It was a glitch after the rework too but Bliz ended up implementing it into the game so yay, one fun thing.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

I have never, ever ever seen this type of thread before.

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Don’t forget the /s :wink:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Anything but her current design. It’s a hot mess.

The only issue her rework fixed was partially her mid-combat potential with Valkyrie, but they decided to put it as an ultimate for whatever reasons even though it’s a pretty lazily done ultimate and doesn’t even provide much for how much charge it costs.

E Resurrect on the other hand feels pretty terrible to use due to the slow and sets a hard cap on how good the other aspects of her kit can be, a literal leech on her kit. They’ve literally had to nerf EVERYTHING about her kit aside from regular GA just to keep Resurrect on E, when you have to tear down a hero’s kit like that because they were so broken means it’s just not gonna work… At all.


Yeah, but one ability (that was an empty slot before) and the ultimate shouldn’t be ALL the fun of a character. The character should be fun at all moments of playing them. And if people are complaint about the rework, saying there is “no fun” with her anymore, that means all the fun was in Rez, right?

Yes but if you’re going to ask why people don’t find current Mercy fun and found old Mercy fun, you need to address the parts that specifically got changed rather than ignoring them.

Not necessarily. It just means that Mercy’s current kit is inherently boring. Valkyrie and Res on E, which you ignored, are the main reason for this.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

I mean yeah kinda. Old Resurrect was a playmaking ability, if they added an actual skill-intensive E ability that can turn the tides of a game during the rework it would be less of a problem. People were asking for an E ability before the rework because Mercy was one of the few heroes without one at the time however Blizzard decided to move Rez there which broke the game for 5 seasons.

Community: You just want mass resurrect back.

Mercy Mains: No, we do not. We just want Mercy to be fun again.

Community: Okay, so what made pre-rework Mercy so fun?

Mercy Mains: She had impact and was satisfying. Valkyrie is boring. Res on E is bad.

Community: Here are some really good ideas for ultimates that aren’t Valkyrie or Mass Resurrect.

Mercy Mains: Ignores

Mercy Mains: What was wrong with mass res?

Community: It was OP. It may have been fun and skillful for you, but one skilled player should not negate the efforts, skill, and placement of an entire team. Thus sapping the fun from everyone but you.

Mercy Mains: Mercy is still so unfun, no one listens to us. Why does no one listen to us? We’ve tried everything.

Me: No… no you haven’t. You say you don’t only just want mass-res, but you spend so much time defending mass-res and seemingly no time promoting alternatives to it. You want mass-res and it’s that simple. It’s not about fun, it’s not about balance, it’s about mass-res.

When the bulk of the Mercy community bands together to create new and original ideas that aren’t multi or mass resurrect and those ideas gain as much support as a mass resurrect revert has, they might actually get some consideration.

Until then, keep sobbing and playing victim.

That’s an angry and unconstructive post. Perhaps a break?

Sometimes the truth is harsh and reality is fierce. Sometimes that’s what it takes to pull someones head out of… the sand…

And it’s constructive in the sense that it encourages the Mercy community to actually care about something other than mass res.

It doesn’t perform that function though. It lays blame and doesn’t guide or help fix the situation. It does the opposite of encourage by saying everyone is awful.

It has no positive points.

If that doesn’t get at least a few Mercy mains to understand what direction they need to go for this issue, nothing will.

That paragraph is pure truth. Mercy mains keep hyping this mass-res revert movement and it’s hurting any chance of Mercy actually getting a change that would satisfy people like you who ACTUALLY want a fun original rework.

There’s nothing positive to take from that or give to it. It’s a negative that needs to be addressed. Sometimes it takes recognizing a negative in order to encourage a positive change.

You don’t take your drug-addicted friend to intervention and try to bring something positive about their addiction. No, you have to express to them how destructive their behavior before you can even begin to start on positive building.

I feel bad that you wrote all that and still completely missed the point. I am not arguing whether valk or Rez is more skillful.

You truly do not know what the term fact means.

You provided evidence to support your claim of why Rez is better than valk. This is good. HOWEVER, your evidence is still not fact. It’s opinion. That’s why there’s actual discussion on this. BECAUSE IT’S AN OPINION.

Going back to my 2*2=5 example, you don’t see people arguing that because there is a clear cut answer. This topic does not have one. Why is it hard for you to understand that? And I mean that in a genuine and nice way.

I would love to play devil’s advocate against your claim but you simply are not the type to listen to the other side so why bother?