So the only way for Mercy mains will be satisfied

the choice to nerf her healing was because it was broken

Yeah, totally, let’s nerf healer with lowest healing among main healers, which has no ways to increase it, while every other main healer can. /s

you dont know what you’re talking about…

i havent ever seen anyone say AOE-res or riot.

like seriously. we know AOE res works, original ideas would be more of a gamble, but there are a lot that so many people like.

they tried to fix something that wasnt broken, broke it, and havent really tried to fix it. it shouldnt be our jobs to come up with new ideas in the first place.


Meaningless declarative statement. The only purpose this serves is to highlight the stubborn bias you hold.

That’s what Mercy mains seem good at doing… asking for mass-res without actually outright saying it, but implying it otherwise.

As my “Commentary post” highlighted, you can see this by process-of-elimination.
-Mercy Mains show little support for original ult concepts? Check
-Mercy Mains rarely post original ult concept ideas? Check
-Mercy Mains continue to defend Mass res? Check
-Mercy Mains constantly bashing Valkyrie? Check
-Therefor, I can only conclude that most Mercy Mains just want a Mass Res revert. They don’t have to say it outright. It’s obvious.

So wait a minute. You start out with implying that you don’t see Mercy Mains sticking to their guns on a Mass Res revert, but then you go and defend Mass Res and the shallow support for original ideas?

I sense cognitive dissonance.

im trying to explain why AOE res is more supported. it’s not difficult to see.

originial ideas dont get as much “support” because there arent people exclaiming that it’d ruin the game, so they dont get as much traction.

plus, implementing an original idea IS a gamble, you dont know how it’d playout with the other 27 heroes… but we know, for the most part that AOE res worked in the past.


A perfect example is Valkyrie. it was something new and original, good on paper, but we’ve seen what heppened.

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exactly. it was scrapped in alpha for a reason.

Time and time again, it has been explained as nauseum, not just by the community, but by BLIZZARD DEVS THEMSELVES why Mass-res was removed and why it is never coming back.

We (As in both Blizzard and the parts of the community not on the mass-res bandwagon) don’t want mass-res back, know it will never come back, and we’re becoming abrasive toward you (Bulk of Mercy Mains) about it because you keep beating a dead horse instead of moving on to something that would ACTUALLY get consideration.

Let go of mass-res and maybe Blizzard will actually take Mercy Mains seriously. Period. It’s so simple, I don’t understand how that point hasn’t been driven home up to this point.

citation please. i’d love to read it.

surely if it’s been “explained ad nauseum” there’d be a lot to read about blizzard’s motives for removing AOE res.


yeah, the ones we already have are being dutifully considered. :roll_eyes: :face_vomiting:

all they ever respond to is 2 year olds asking for PC building help, and thank you posts that are meaningless and literaly go against CoC but ok. sure.

you know that a dev has not once responded to anything in the 10’s of thousands of posts in the mercy megathread? let alone anything outside of it.

the only dev responses are people saying the post is getting locked for some arbitrary reason no one else can see.

but ok.

But heres the problem with that. Their opinions can change. Yes, its true, they said they had no plans to revert mass rez back. At that time.

They also said in 2016 that they had no plans to put in deathmatch in the game, a year late, we have deathmatch. In 2017 when got her playstyle shifted earlier on, she was expected to “DM the Riptire”, latter that year, that opinion shifted since it got nerfed.

What Im saying is, while it is true, they said what you said, doesnt mean their opinion cant shift. Their opinions and thoughts can change overtime, as do everyone elses.

Who knows, I personally think the reason why theyre using baby steps right now is because they’re trying to see if Valkyrie still works. If it still doesnt, they might change to something SIMILAR, not entirely revert. I could be wrong, but at this point, no one knows except the devs.

And I think thats a problem why the devs dont comment a lot, because people would take their word as law and use it against everyone that disagrees with them.

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Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not about the spend the next 5 hours digging through 500 most recent Mercy threads and compiling a list of examples. You can do that yourself. It’s easy.

As for Blizzard saying it, there is a direct quote that I have seen several times saying they had no intention of ever bringing back mass-res. But again, sorry to disappoint, but I’m not about to go forum-digging to find that for you either.

However, Crestren has confirmed already that the quote exists. So it’s not like I’m being disingenuous here, you’re just asking me to do something impractical and ready to silence me when I don’t.

it’s just annoying that you’ve exclaimed that they have explained their reasoning beyond the double standard that comes to my mind when i think of it.

when you say that, i think of jeff saying that they dont think it’s ok for them to tell a main healer to stop healing for a bit to “go and hide”.

im not sure if that’s what you’re referencing, but that isnt explaining something ad nauseum.

No, that’s not it. Blizzard devs outright said mass-res is not being considered.

You seem confused because I worded a sentence poorly. Blizzard themselves didn’t say this ad nauseum, but the ad nauseum part comes from the community. It’s been explained so many times now, that people give up trying to keep you from beating that dead horse.

i dont know man, they said they were done nerfing mercy like 3 nerfs ago…

they go back on things quiet often. theres a slim chance it’ll happen but that doesnt change the fact that as of the 2 options we have, it’s the one thats best for the hero, as valkyrie isnt mercy.

You ignore the fact that a lot of people like Valkyrie.

  1. Mercy has healthy pickrates
  2. Mercy has healthy winrates
  3. The active forum is something like 2-4% of the playerbase.

More on #3. Blizzard understands this, for sure. They know they can’t just let 2-4% determine the future of a hero while they’re sitting on a mountain of statistical evidence in pickrates and winrates to imply that the hero is liked fine and balanced fine.

Face it, you’re in an extreme minority. Lots of people enjoy Valkyrie, but you expect those people to let go of THAT version of “your” hero, so you can have the old problematic one back.

Not going to happen.

Healthy pickrates? You mean her used solely to pocket one teammate in duo stacks?

Valkyrie makes decent E ability, so it can stay in game in that spot.

It will happen, if they ever want Mercy to be a hero, rather than sidekick. She got no hero moment now.

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Another rework or a revert. I feel like Rez can only be balanced as an ult not a common ability.

No, it doesn’t. It would be overpowered on E. Even if you cut the duration of it down so that it wasn’t, didn’t you just make a healing Pharah? lol

They can freely cut duration, as long as it has reasonable cooldown. As support ultimate it’s too weak.

So, her base kit isnt fun for you?
Since that hasnt been drastically changed, you only enjoyed her ult?