So it was mostly Jeff's fault

Wolfenstein, now there is a CLASSIC!!

my FIRST PC games were Oregon trail, number muncher, Warcraft II tides of darkness and AOE 2 AOK. Then eventually ultimate doom for 95. My friend played Wolfenstein on his pc.

Thats great to know you can code that well! I took some basic linux stuff in class and i mean BASIC. I was never very good at coding and wouldn’t brag about it. I would have loved to learned more, and most I could brag about was writing some basic batch files, and dinking around with Visual Studio. But nothing THAT insane.

CAT IOS was a nightmare to me, and my college instructors weren’t exactly um… well I guess for a better term. The best at explaining stuff. my college room mate did a bit job at explaining it than me. mainly the debugging stuff.

In case anyone was wondering to be back on topic. Nah, I dont think Jeff was at fault. I think its just like anything. Someone gets thrown under the bus and takes the blame in a PR nightmare. The guy’s reputation in wow was pretty dang good. So nah. I dont think Jeff woulda done that. Just knowing his rep from WoW. he’d never would have done that. Thats playing BC through Cata and most of MoP.

They also have so little staff. People pointed out how little they pay because they assumed people would just love to work at Blizz.

Oh yeah, just the dozens and dozens of unfilled critical staff positions on the Overwatch team job listing board was a little telling “something” wasn’t right.


You should program their Match maker for them.

I mean this match maker for Quickplay Classic is AWFUL. I’d rather not say this, but it seams like when they put it together there was a substantial amount of Alcohol involved and almost ZERO logic.

The extreme uneven teams they make pretty much is a full-on testament as to why Overwatch perished in numbers.

never understood why people simp for jeff. its way too easy to charm people with a ‘‘nice’’ personality even while all you do is deliver failure.
it was obvious that ultimately every bad decision was his responsibility.
people trying to say '‘upper management’ are to blame are super naïve about business,
you don’t pay top money to top talent and then micromanage them, you trust them do what they get paid for. the failure of ow is all down on jeff.

I think the reason why People like Jeff is, is the personality and the fact that he took the front spotlight while others at Blizzard refuse to almost always never go on Camera.

As well as WoW has a major reputation for what he did to make the game the way it is.

If we cut away that Battlegrounds flatout SUCKED for match balance. I mean the rest of the game was actually fairly good.

He was there before activision took over. Once activision took over. It went DOWN fast. Which is a pretty apparent evidence that Activision is the one that turned their games into MUSH.

Tho i doubt there is no fault at person who was in charge of the game itself… i think most decisions were made base on higher ups expectations and support. I dont know how much to say someone like Jeff had in the end, was he doing his own thing, or had to keep his ideas around what he was told.
I be frank, i never understood why there is so much cult build around him, never liked him much to say he was great guy, just like other people like that in industry, but i doubt it is all only his fault.

I mean… I’ve been hyping up Role Queue… for a while…

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept
✅ [Quickplay] Opt-Out of RoleQueue
✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

As for Open Queue it’s nice that it kinda serves as a heatsink for excess DPS players
✅ Competitive 222 vs Competitive Classic

Currently I’d like to see it replaced with a mode that has no Role Queue, and can freely switch roles midgame, but has a maximum of 1 Tank per team, and 2 Supports per team.

Heck here’s what I’d like to see:

  • Quickplay: Role Limits (1Tank/2Support max per team)
  • Unranked: Role Queue (Competitive Ruleset, no SR)
  • Ranked: Role Queue (Competitive Ruleset, with SR)
  • Arcade: Quickplay Classic (5v5 or 6v6)
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I love how everyone in here is acting like he is this amazing person and so on. You all have only seen him when he has wanted to be seen. Of course he looks like an amazing person lmao. The ones saying “the higher ups made him!” He was a higher up lmao he was the one making the real workers scrap stuff and so on

Until something really bad comes out, I don’t see why this is a problem.

There was a huge news bombshell last year or the year before when all the lawsuits started flowing where a bunch of devs was interviewed anonymously and they all said something around how the higher ups wanted the game to have as much micro transactions as possible and to make the game feel more mainstream, etc. Years of development got thrown away for the new direction the game is headed.

If the video describing the leak (which I suspect is spin) is even true so what? The worst you can say is Jeff made a bad call based on the way things worked in the company with a small team. I believe the “leak” is just too specific; it smells of someone like Bobby putting out FUD on a certain level quite honestly. Real easy to blame the guy who is not around to defend himself, oldest trick in the book. Only fools believe everything they get handed at face value without thinking about it.

Brigitte was created with Kaplan being in charge. That is unforgivable.