🛡 So I played Orisa and Sigma in Comp again for 3 days (replays included)

in contrast to this from last month:

So I did it again, I two-tricked Sigma and Orisa once more in competitive to get a reevaluation at their current status. This time for 3 days

The short version, in stark contrast to my last review, is that they’re ok. No, Reinhardt’s nerf to Earthshatter had nothing to do with this either. I need to clear something up before I take a deep dive into this:

Orisa and Sigma are different now. They are not as they were before the shield nerfs.

Honestly, the shield nerf was a good step in immediacy but at this point, we gotta experiment with something different. I’m fine with them having lower barriers which is why I propose the following changes


  • Barrier HP now up to 800
  • Barrier can now be recalled and placed down on demand with 1 second cooldown between as opposed to having a 10 second cooldown

This is a change I feel Orisa desperately needs. She needs to have her barrier changed to function like Sigma and Reinhardt. For both consistency’s sake and for being able to reduce double shield synergy.

It gives her some tanking power back and makes her much like Sigma. Any further changes would need to wait assuming this works fine as it is.


  • Kinetic Grasp gathers shields in real-time.
  • Sigma has a lower gravity when falling

Two simple changes as Sigma doesn’t truly need much. If these tanks can’t be changed back to main tanks, it’s worth an attempt to make them better in whatever category they’re currently in. Make them good at where they’re at now.

The lighter descent thing was meant to be more realistic to the character that can control gravity.

Ah but i’m not done yet. We still need to cut back into Reinhardt and Winston


  • Rocket Hammer now does 85 damage per swing
  • Barrier HP increased to 1700

To make sure Reinhardt doesn’t go completely irrelevant if Sigma and Orisa become meta again, his shield HP is the same as combined Sigma and Orisa shields along with more damage. It’s not much but it’s some breathing room for him to still cut into the tank meta.


  • Shield Dome can now be recalled and placed on-demand with 2-second cooldown between

A simple buff to help Winston a long way in the future. It has the potential to be a strong ability if used properly

Overall, the games went better. I started revisioning how I was going to use Sigma and Orisa. I had to be better with shield placement, do better with duels, and try to position my ult better and not on top of total mayhem. Sigma is much easier to use than Orisa and I generally felt more comfortable playing him knowing I could reposition my barrier to save my team more. Orisa works well but Sigma overall works better with all he can bring to the table. He makes up for Orisa’s shortcomings and lack of an adequate stun.

I gained about 40 sr now. Not a net loss

I also have some replay codes because I want to add more verification to this

Orisa Games:

Sigma Games:

To sweeten this further, i also have these:

anyways, how are the actual mains for these heroes feeling? i want to know if people actually think these can be good changes or not given what im trying to establish. Especially the winston change

Perhaps sometime down the line, i’ll do another hero if given any suggestions

Bumping this one more time because I’m trying to get a discussion going

I kinda like that tbh…


Orisa can’t be a main tank, until double barrier is removed as a possibility, which means Sigma needs to be made into an off tank. A smaller shield, with probably a little less health, so it is only used on off angles, and buffs elsewhere so Sigma himself can stay on the frontline, and then we can talk Orisa balance.

Well by remove I hope you don’t mean lock the tank role to one shield tank per match. This new shield would put her in the same spot as sigma currently. They can work as a solo but work better in tandem with someone supporting them. I’ve found this to be Zarya, roadhog, and Reinhardt

Also yeah this is a suggestion I’ve heard before and it would be nice to gather shields because I ultimately get hooked

Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant since Orisa/Rein isn’t viable, Sigma is the problem. Making it so he can’t be a second shield tank, would solve the double barrier issue.

Yeah this has been requested. It’s a huge weakness in the ability.

Rein does not need changes. He is quite literally the best tank atm and this would make it even worse.

The reduction of his passive was a freaken god send.

This was done in warning of double barrier coming back with Orisa’s shield being bumped up.

Why would Sigma be the problem for rein and Orisa not working? It’s meant to be good design that they can’t work and Sigma is this bizarre hybrid of a tank and offtank that can deal damage and shield it. If anything I’d try to bring Orisa to that level

Let me try again. You would never have Rein/Orisa as a comp, correct? So you can’t get double barrier from that, realistically. However, with Sigma, you have Orisa/Sigma, or even Rein/Sigma, as viable double barrier comps.

If however, Sigma is made a true off tank, and can’t use his barrier as if he was a second main tank, then double barrier is effectively removed as a viable comp, and Orisa is allowed to be buffed back up again without fear of the double barrier apocalypse again.

That requires an entire rework to make him no longer a shield tank hybrid. It’s worth trying so long as he comes out better but my solutions are more simple and not requiring of an overhaul

Sigma needs the cooldown on placing his barrier removed. It is the only way to make him a counter to Reinhardt’s Earthshatter. Which can only be reliably countered with another Rein right now.

honestly yeah that would be nice too. its already 900 hp, it couldn’t hurt

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I used to play Orisa until she got sledgehammered and now I play Zarya exclusively. This game requires more tanks to be in a usable state to remain playable and competitive against deathball which rules the game again.

Honestly, I think the game would be offer a more enjoyable tanking experience overall with these changes. I’m not sure if I completely agree on recalling the barriers, but that could work as an experimental test. However, any changes to even remotely try to enable more tanks to be competitive again can’t be bad for the game so I support your idea sincerely.

Thank you for committing your time to play test the problematic heroes to gain more insight about their performance, not many would go this far for a forum post.


Only if you can control it like Angelic Descent. The last thing I want is to be gently floating down being free target practice for the enemy hitscans.

Rein doesn’t need more damage, he does more than enough already.

Winston’s bubble is supposed to be a disposable form of temporary cover mainly for him, and not as a proper team shield.

or let alone do it twice lol.

but i care enough for these heroes to want to see them do good again, it’s important to have perspective for every role , and while i dont know it all, tackling inconsistencies across the roster feels like a good start

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I’m a QP player, I used to play Orisa when I queued tank, I don’t play her anymore. Today I tried to play her on Ilios’ well and I lost. Frustrating that in a map that she’s supposed to be a good pick she struggles.
I got a Hog to help me, but I was fighting against another Hog and Rein.
Rein could easily move closer with his Hog to Brawl carefully on my face despite all the support I was getting from my team. He would carefully avoid my halts My barriers wouldn’t last more than 5 seconds up (I guess maybe 2 or 3 secs only).

She doesn’t feel good or rewarding. It’s like you’re putting a lot of effort to coordinate the barrier, the fortify, halt usage and your shots, but your always on a slight disadvantage on purpose.
She doesn’t need major buffs, I just wish she was less purposefully disadvantageous to be able to compete with the other tanks.

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Reinhardt doesn’t need more freaking damage. He’s already a killing machine, and I am sick of tanks being Just Better than DPS.