Please stop picking Roadhog

god damn people playing what they want and I dont like it smh my smh

Well, what am I supposed to do on the other tank slot with a Roadhog? I hate playing Rein and I don’t want to do it, and I especially don’t want to do it without a Zarya. So that leaves me with literally nothing to pick. I can’t pick Zarya or Dva with a Roadhog, Orisa’s trash, Sigma’s trash, Ball is pretty bad with Roadhog even if Ball was good and he’s not since the nerf, Winston’s trash…

I agree when the second Tank is Hammond.

Just had a game with two snipers on the enemy team + Rein/Zarya, Ana and Lucio, and we experienced a hard loss considering our strategy was hiding behind walls and peaking…

The kicker? After the game I reiterated what I said before (“we really could have done with a shield Tank…”), and the Roadhog was like “Yeah, probably…” - As if no one had mentioned it up until that point. I rage quit, because I don’t have time for that nonsense.

It sucked, too, as we did really well during the first half of the game until the enemy team switched up… :expressionless:

Stopped reading here.

Rein/Hog is actually decent. Hog can basically delete the enemy Rein (because he’s picked in like every game on both teams) with wholehog. Since Reins knockback resistance is so high you can do huge damage to him with it.

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but the first sign of resistance implies they swapped because they got countered or simply did too poorly to continue wanting to be a punching bag…

anyways, your belief or rather lack thereof has inspired me.
im gonna two trick Orisa/Sigma for probably the next 2 days in gold comp and see where it gets me.

Yeah but then I have to play Rein and I really really don’t want to play Rein.

I heard Road + Orisa was good.

Anyway I do what I want.

Uh… don’t use an account you like, is all I can say about that plan.

Its quickplay, you can.

Yes, “was”. As in, past tense, and is not anymore.

Same here lol
20 characters

I mean Roadhog is still a good choice in the right hands.

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no no, i’ll use my main. I’ll go all in on this. I wont throw, i’ll do my best, see if i can learn anything from my replays, and possibly publish my findings

Yeah but Orisa is straight up unplayably bad.


Naw, he’s just telling people what heroes they can’t play else get falsely reported for throwing…

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Imagine controlling what heroes other people can and can’t play

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I’m only being a little snarky when I say “But I thought you were going to play Sigma and Orisa”?

Anyways, good luck. I hope you don’t get false reported over it.

sorry mate I can play whatever I damn well please

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The more you ask, the more people are going to pick him. Have you learned nothing from the years of threads about OP characters?