Show health pack locations through walls please

I’m saying I can’t handle it past 10 or 12, and that’s what inspired me to write this post.

however the underlying issue exists nevertheless

The more maps in rotation, the worse it is for Sombra. That is an argument that in not inconsistent with my original post.

II find people to seriously lack and creativity or have any imagination. So ready to shoot down anything without giving it a chance for thought.

For this example I could do with or without viewing health packs through walls. But it might help less experienced players and for people who think they are good, they can’t be that good if they are relying on health pack secrecy for their victories.

The larger point is for sheep who never want to consider changes. Ironic, since Blizzard wouldn’t change anything at all if they thought their game was constantly perfect, yet they update it all the time. I guess you can’t be a real fan if you basically have to argue against every suggestion for a change that is made.

In the meantime, as Iloveyou (who I know is not the kind of person I’m describing) says, for sure learn the maps. I don’t expect a change but it can’t hurt suggesting

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I’m all for updates - but updates should be driven by people who actually understand the game, not suggestions spammed over and over by players who happen to be in the lowest tiers. No shame in being low tier, but surely you can admit that someone in Bronze or Silver doesn’t understand the game - and therefore doesn’t understand what the game actually needs.

I’ve hit mid-Diamond and I’m usually in mid-high Platinum - and I consider myself a bad, inconsistent player. I wouldn’t expect the developers to put much weight in any input I have, and I would hope that they’d put even less weight into the input of Bronze players who have everything they need to climb but actively refuse to put in even the minimum amount of effort to get good.


I would say Bronze and Silver tier understand what playing in Bronze and silver are like, so sort of I agree with you?

Anyway, here’s all I care about, the game has to be as fun playing from Bronze to Gold as it is from Platinum on up, for Blizzard’s sake. I think that’s the place they should consider when they come up with these ideas. Should they add something to the game that ruins Diamond+ level play? No, of course not.

Should they add things that make play more fun at all levels? Sure! I think that was the original intent of this post, correct me if I’m wrong. Something along the lines of you all who play high level have the stuff memorized. We lowly lows would like something that makes our gameplay better.

I mean, maybe I might disagree with the health pack thing, but I think I sort of get where its coming from. Maybe?

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I agree completely with you here. I’d also like to see better training and practice functionality in the game.

If this was the first, second, or even fifth time OP has made this thread or hijacked other threads with this idea; if OP would respond respectfully to anyone who disagrees with him or points out logical inconsistency instead of saying things like “I don’t even play this game” or “You’re derailing the topic” or “let’s talk on voice comms”; If OP would at least make an attempt to improve himself instead of bragging about how much he doesn’t try, I might agree with you. However, I just can’t. Either the point of the thread is to troll or the OP values intense laziness over any kind of competitive mindset.


I’ve actually come to the conclusion that Tactician does this purely to have a high post count. All his arguments loop to the point where the discussion goes nowhere and doesnt end. You realize that?

You all know he doesnt listen to anything anyone’s saying.

Of course he wont admit it or admit hes ever wrong either.

In my opinion… every post of his should be reported as trolling, because what troll will ever admit to being a troll? None… this dude is a troll.

Oh, but this is derailing the topic… my bad… lol


This is not a troll topic.

There are many possible answers to the problem of having too many maps. Showing health packs through walls is one possible answer.

I disagree, this is a troll topic/post and everyone knows it.

You just proved my point. Congrats.

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I genuinely believe that showing health packs through walls would enhance my gameplay experience.

I’m on the verge of making healthpack location flashcards. I think this shows how serious I am about the topic.

I guess this is the hill you die on



so anyway…

a lot of the counter arguments in this post are good ones, and I can definitely see the merits of not showing healthpacks through the wall

but I think showing health packs through walls would help us focus on more important gameplay aspects

I just view healthpack memorization as drab, and something that doesn’t really add to the game. In my opinion it takes something away from the game.

Again, I could understand why someone would get hyped about remembering health pack locations, I really understand where that argument is coming from. I just don’t agree with it.

And so the loop continues!


map memorization is probably one of the most important things for every role. If you really invest in the game and want to be at the top if you can memorize the map and always know how to play in positions that benefit you then you should start winning. This includes understanding how to position around healthpacks to make the most of duels. Also if you wanna see healthpacks through walls play sombra and hack them.


This is actually a really good plan
Back when I was low ranked I would actually spend a lot of time looking at the overhead view of all the maps with the healthpacks marked in order to learn the map and optimal duel spots so you should try it.


I disagree. I learned the health pack locations simply by playing the game. No special effort. It’s just part of learning the game. Playing the game is fun therefore I had fun learning the health pack locations.


cool story, it didn’t work that way for me

I actively play heroes that don’t rely on health packs, and now I don’t know where most of them are

Then youre a casual and shouldnt ask them to do something youre too lazy to do aswell


not lazy, you can’t expect someone to remember 100 maps

Yes you can and most of highrated player do it daily. Its completly fine as it is.

Get good.


nah, some people can remember pi to the millionth digit, that doesn’t mean people who can’t are lazy