Every game that takes place in the ladder should be public knowledge

But its not. System will reward you only if you win. Losing even only 15 sr is not reward.

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I feel like this is mainly a gamesense problem, they would still do that if they removed psbr :]

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At least they wouldn’t be rewarded more / punished less, that’s the big difference. Right now it feels like the game punishes you for having patience.

If you have 40% win rate and can maintain your SR it kinda is.

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It’s not doo doo when you are accepting money from others under the pretenses that you are delivering to them the best product possible. The team/company has a responsibility to deliver the best product. It’s the same reason for all the backlash against the NBA when star players were taking 6+ games off in a row.

Sadly, our laws have not caught up with the times so that companies are held responsible for the products they deliver, when it comes to gaming. Right now, the best we can do is not buy anymore products, but to many people will continue to fall for the same lies.

Smurfing, and other forms of cheating, would not be as much of an issue if companies had to be responsible for what they deliver and allow. Everyone has accepted the problems instead of looking for a solution.

Outperforming everyone on your team, and even the opposing team, doesn’t mean you carried if you lose the game. You did not meet the objective. While you might have tried very hard to carry, and did everything in your power, you weren’t able to achieve the goal. That’s not a negative against you.

playing good, against people tiers below your actual rank isn’t the same as playing good against people of similar ranks. It skews the numbers, making things more difficult for the people in their proper ranks.

Another common issue can be a player picking a role such as DPS, and always running ahead, trying to fight away from the team fight. While you might take one player out of the fight for the opposing team, you’ve still removed a damage dealer from your team’s role. Your team is basically down one player as well. Any damage/eliminations you get are pretty much mitigated by respawn time/run back, healers, and shield regeneration/ability cool down timers.

why do I want all games to be public knowledge and the MMR formula published?

CryingEcho’s explanation makes the most sense to me, especially since any time anyone asks you why you want some pointless feature you respond with a nonsensical answer like “it’s about purity” or “it’s traditional” or “you just completely disproved me, do you want to talk about it on comms?”

Oh, and also because you made a thread asking what your 6000th post should be about.


Please be courteous and respectful.

the reason I asked that is because I didn’t know who Life was responding to

He sounded pretty courteous and respectful to me.


His post originally said that I need to watch my manners or something like that, which I would say is not very courteous or respectful, but [Kermit drinking tea].

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I’ll settle for a simple chart of my own play history. I want to see a graph of the ups and downs in SR. Instead, you can’t even see your overall win rate in the game. You have to go to an external site to see that, which keeps getting blocked by Blizzard for some unknown reason as if they have something to hide.

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Yes, I asked that question. :smiley:

MMR formula is useless to you, unless you are planning to abuse it somehow.

Not really sure what you mean by “games to be public knowledge”

You can rewatch 10 of your games. You want exactly what? Watch games others you have in friend list played or people in top500? Why?


so it’s like any other sport. Games played are public knowledge. Football games are not played privately then the results reported to a commissioner. Ladder games for chess are all recorded. When you report a win or a loss to the international chess federation, any and all members are allowed to review the win/loss reports.

I feel if you’re going to ask me to increase my SR, you should at least let me know exactly how I can do that.

I think we’re just arguing semantics here lol. For me, carrying means vastly outperforming your team regardless of the outcome of the game. I suppose the victory condition is necessary in your definition.

Not every sport game is recorded. Basicly only important ones are recorded and can be watched back in TV for example. Yes many lesser leagues are recorded too but its up to people(families, freinds, fans,coaches…) if they record them. I mean I can tell my friend to record my game I am playing with others friends behind my house.

Not really sure why you were talking about that anyway. I asked you why you need it to be recorded and public knowledge and you didnt answer my question. Whats the reason to have it recorded? You do realize that sports games are recorded basicly to entertain people right? And reason behind it is mostly to generate money. Thats why there are bilions flying in sport.

So why you want to have all games as public knowledge? Whats is your reason for it? To have fun watching them? In that case you can watch thousands of games alrealy on twitch and other platforms like youtube.

Sorry I dont understand your answer at all _:slight_smile: Might be me not being so good at english. Can you eplain it more?

I feel like you think there is some kind of mystery hidden in MMR and matchmaking to make you better player. There is not. If you want to be better player and cant do it on your own, find the coach.

Anyway, if you want all things to be public knowledge, why dont you start and open your profile? :slight_smile: its hidden.


MMR formula is simple - you win 90 games of 100 = youre MMR god

Win games. Improve. There’s tons of guides out there. You make the right choice at the right time. It’s not easy, but to climb you must learn how to outplay your opponents.

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no I mean the results are recorded for the public ledger. yes the “tristate biannual tournament for the officially sanctioned blindfolded horseshoe throwing” competition wasn’t uploaded to youtube, but it’s not like they keep the results of the tournament secret.

If it happens in the ladder, it’s public knowledge. That’s my position. I haven’t heard a good reason yet to change it.

If all the ladder games were recorded and available for replay in client, that would be super duper awesome. But I understand that may be quite laborious for the devs.

but at the very least the win/loss, MMR, and all 12 players should be on a giant list. Why do I want this? I want this because it’s how ladders are run (like in chess) and it’s done this way for third party verification. Now do I think we need third party verification for Overwatch? No. But it would create a sense of faux legitimacy.

and further more, why not? forget time and money right now, and get rid of PBSR. Once these two things are out of the way, there is no reason to hide game results. Mind you, I think everyone should start at zero SR and be able to shed SR with the click of a button. Sandbagging is tough to stop (I know JK said they have a new system to catch sandbaggers, but I’m still skeptical)

someone is harassing me on here, and they look at my profile to facilitate their harassment.

I’m all for blocking profiles in client, but not competitive stats. If it happens in the ladder, it should be public knowledge. The forums and the competitive ladder aren’t in the same category in that sense.

you’re missing the point. You get to know exactly how to get to the superbowl. Likewise, you should also get to know exactly how to get to Rank 1 in the Top500.

you missed the part where I said exactly. what about hero selection? if we had individual hero MMR and all MMR was made public, I would know when I could slack off and play widowmaker or when I knew I had to play my highest rated hero despite team comp.

Get rid of PBSR?, you cant be serious man. Thats the best way how to climb in ranks below diamond. Without it, it would be much much worse and longer way up for anyone who is improving.


I think it would be worth it. You have to play around 120 games per season to maintain an accurate SR(if PBSR were removed.) If you can’t play this many games per season, you don’t get an accurate SR(and then they could do something in matchmaker to make sure all 12 people have close to the same play time.) I’m in favor of this approach just to make the MMR formula public.

I am really confused about some of your answers. You want certain things in OW but you struggle to properly explain why they should be implemented or changed.
Instead of explaining why is removing PBSR good thing, you just say " I think it would be worth it" Ant then you start speaking about how many games you should play, how is that even related?

PBSR is there to keep people where they belong or helping them get out of of their ranks if they are better. For example if someone will boost your account from bronze to plat, you will suddendly be plat ranked guy. But you dont belong there at all right? So you will eventualy simply drop back to bronze, because you were bronze for a reason before. Without PBSR it will take actualy a long time, because your MMR is at same level as other people in plat after boosting, maybe even higher. So you will start going down but as matchmaker is trying to make balanced game so they are 50/50 it will actualy be a long time before you hit bronze again. And thats why PBSR is very important in this, because it will make your way to place you belong faster, taking like -30 SR or more for your loss and rewarding you only with idk 15 SR for win.

Without it, you would damage many more games. It goes same on they way up for sure. PBSR is helping people to climb, especially alt accounts who belong higher. Without it, you would see alt account users more often.

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