Replace Venom Mine with Web Mine

We all know that Venom mine is useless in most scenarios and is not the most loved ability.So why not replace it with Web mine. As the name implies, whenever the enemy will come in close proximity to the Web mine, mine will trigger thus will trap the enemy in the web cluster thus rendering him slowed for some seconds. This will give her the time to escape or take the headshot.


Tether them to a spot.
Literally imagine a fly caught in a web. It can flail around and move, but it can’t escape from where it’s stuck.
So imagine a Junkrat trap, but instead of being perfectly rooted and unable to move, they can move/jump around say a 2-meter radius, and can’t get further than that.

And blizzad can add ‘shoot to dismantle the web strands’ mechanic so that if an enemy is trapped in web,he can shoot the web strands and escape.Think of it like Symmetras turret trap.If you are trapped in it you shoot the turrets as quick as possible and escape.


Is the second ability permanent?

I really like the idea of some sort of web trap. Blizzard please :slight_smile:


No, no more CC in this game. Venom mine is one crucial part in Widow’s kit. Leave Widow alone she is fine and balanced. Stop with the dumb suggestions.


That’s an overstatement.


How so? Mining the flanking routes prevents you from getting bursted/one-clipped by Genji/Tracer.

giving root to a sniper? thats crazy OP my dude


Widowmaker is one of the most balanced heroes now. No changes needed.

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No more CC we need anti CC and cleanses


In my experience it’s more of a minor inconvenience except in maybe CTF when placed on the flag.


I am not sure about that. Maybe they can add ‘shoot to dismantle the web strands’ to escape the trap or set the trap duration to 3s seconds.Idk

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Even if it is shoot to dismantle you can jebait whole enemy team and leave them trapped and capture the objective.

No it will capture single enemy only.

Venom mine is useless in case you get dived by a tracer or genji because they can follow you and grapple does’t work instantly and is a slow ability. Thats why we need something like this

I don’t really remember when I saw Genji or Tracer on ladder apart from myself. Genji and Tracer are dead and no point of reworking something that has never been broken.

Venom mine is not used to kill anyways. It basically farts on the enemy and alerting the Widow that “Someone is coming on to you so you should relocate.” On rare occations it will kill a low health player that triggers it.

Do you have any kind of statistics to prove what you are saying?Btw I used Genji and tracer as an example.There are other heroes that can dive her

I like it too. I have to admit I only really use venom mine as an early warning system but then I only verse AI as widow and they can’t help themselves but shoot the mine :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Venom Mine is pretty useless except it has a functionality as an alarm system. I’d rather her have a passive that outlines enemies who are a few feet away from her so that she doesn’t end up going around corners and then suddenly getting bombarded by a character like Genji or Hanzo or idk lol. The web mine isn’t good because people will complain that they get insta killed everytime they step on it. It would almost kinda be like a Sniper Version of Fan The Hammer lol.

They should up the speed while she’s grappling to a location. I agree that she moves too slow when she grapples.

I agree

Also another proposal I would like to make is: Decrease her bullet spread. Literally, her bullets fly everywhere when she shoots her gun, it’s super inaccurate. It’s only really useful if you are trying to finish off someone, but even then it’s pretty hard.

I’d rather the mine only slow and/or disable movement abilities rather than a complete tether.

I don’t think they will get instakilled that easily because they will still be able to move in any direction in a 2 meter radius.So dodging bullets will still be possible.And blizzad can add ‘shoot to dismantle the web strands’ mechanic so that if an enemy is trapped in web,he can shoot the web strands and escape.Think of it like Symmetras turret trap.If you are trapped in it you shoot the turrets as quick as possible and escape.

People will call it anitfun

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