Is Venom Mine the most useless hero ability?

well perhaps not, but i also have a collective playtime of 5 minutes on widow probably so that’s more of a wacky zany out of this world 9 trillion IQ high-octane story i wanted to share w my friends here on the Overwatch™ forums

If you are a good Widow, your venom mine is a good warning system and since it was buffed (reveal enemys poisoned to widow), it can give you a free kill that wouldve been a free kill for your enemy without the mine.

When it comes to the worst ability…either Shadow Step (Reaper E) or Teleporter (Symmetra E). Teleporting abilitys are really bad in overwatch. They have a long cast time and are easily spoted by the enemy.

The worst ability is shadow step. Mine is meant to let you know someone’s creeping up on you, and the chateau patch buff it got enforces that…

It’s limited to one because it’s strong enough that it would be utterly obnoxious to have multiple mines covering all approaches. It’s easily noticeable if you’re looking at it so it’s feasible to “counter” if it’s just randomly tossed on the ground.

You still get the warning if it gets destroyed. If it doesn’t, it reveals and chunks them for 75 damage, which is enough to pretty much instantly force a Tracer to recall. It’s not quite enough to let you one-shot most characters with a body shot, but close.

Am I the only one that always see these flankers coming? Very rarely do they actually get to “sneak” up on you considering they all just jump on you.

Besides a good widow player is always moving. Only a bad widow always sits in one spot so flankers getting behind you makes little sense.

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i see her mine like junkrat rip tire, if you use it in front of everyone you have extremly high chances to get destroyed before use it
but if you use it on a sneaky way you can do 75 damage and see the dude who activated, like for 2 sec, having info about a probably flanker, kill anyone who want to seank you or go full ham and use on the middle of a team fight you can help your team
at the end it all depend HOW YOU decide to use it and give it the propper value man

well my experience with widow is usually in playing against her as a tracer main, and at most the mine is an occasional inconvenience
but there are times when destroying it or triggering it alerts a widow who is in the middle of sniping, which usually makes her zip off somewhere and makes my job harder

in that sense it seems like it has its uses. I dont think its function is the problem so much as the execution. you may have a different opinion on this, but i think it’d be better if they replaced it with a sort of tripwire that she can place akin to mei’s wall, forcing people to jump over it if they see it at all
that way it’s less obvious, creates a legitimate obstacle, and probably works more all around

Except you haven’t.

It does not function as a warning system because you are always moving.
The maps are so straight forward that if you get “sneaked” on just means you are terrible at keeping track of your surrounding.
You can’t use it aggressively because it gets destroyed too easily and you can’t detonate it at will.

again my dude, it depend on you
if you want to keep the idea its uselless then keep it, if you think its usefull then keep it

Rather have it be more utility than detection. Could be like this:

Deals 25 damage over 5 seconds
Enemies hit are affected by a decaying slow. Starts at 50% slow and drops to 0 over duration.
Enemies Hit will receive critical damage from WM only, regardless of where hit.
WM can hold 3 at a time, recharge of 10 seconds per mine.
Mines move along a straight line and not an arc.
No longer reveals enemy silhouettes.

I figure that the mine does minimal damage for what it does, but empowers WM to use them as a means for boosting her damage. So Wm with good aim and placement will do better with it.

But then again, considering the current, these types of changes would probably be OP.

Even if it’s destroyed, you will still know that someone is sneaking up on you, so how noticeable it is doesn’t really matter. Plus, multiple mines could completely block enemies from doing their job, and would be very frustrating. I don’t think any character can have something deployed multiple times anyway (barriers, traps, mines, icewalls, turrets, translocators, whatever), I suppose the only exception would be armour but that’s a resource that must be earned.

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McCree’s roll is way worse than Venom Mine

it reloads your gun and it allows you disengage…


Widowmaker has a grappling hook to disengage with, that can send her far further away.

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except we are talking about venom mine?

Alright, so which would u rather have in Widowmaker’s kit, McCree’s roll or Venom Mine?

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Roll if I am forced to choose between the two but I would rather something that fits her kit better.
With Mcree the roll could be use for a swift reload and fan the hammer so its much more useful to mcree.

Venom Mine and Shadow Step are probably tied for the worst abilities in the game from a design standpoint.

The Best Defense is a fairly close next place.

I never had a problem with venom mine, though that’s probably because I play widow a bit more offensively than most. I don’t just purely snipe in the back, I’ll move up, toss a mine, fire the SMG, then grapple somewhere else to try to flank the enemy and get a snipe or two off. Though granted most people would probably say I play her wrong.