So... ultimates

Widow and Symm are pretty bad, but at least Widow is balanced i mean she can one shot 250 HP heroes imagine if they gave her a ultimate that deals 200~300 DPS and has infinite range, pass through walls too? Symm is just there, she cant do nothing flashy, she is just a support that cant fit the support category because she doesnt heal.

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yea but it’s crazy because someone basically said widow’s current ultimate is better than trans ._. and i just had to ask in general which dps has the better ultimate

Its not “good” but is fine because is Widow, she is strong without a “press Q to kill”.

Infrasight in the kit of any other hero besides Hanzo would be garbage.


You quoted me on something I didn’t say…

yea sorry about that. i got their quote from you quoting them but idk why it says you said that instead of the op. but i fixed it though

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i like that. it kind of reminds me of the spider perk from bo3 zombies

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It is a useful ult, not the easiest to get value off, but still a great ult. I can understand wanting a more impactful one like, idk, something more offensive for her for a few sec, as long as she can choose which to use.

From a high silver/low gold player (so I’m barely an average skill level)

Mei or Genji

Mei because it is a MASSIVE area and for whatever reason she gives me fits. Probably because I spend a lot of time on flextank. I’ve been practicing my Zarya to get over this. Its definitely a personal skill issue.

Genji because I’m pretty dependent on my team not to feed him dash resets, and at low ELO that’s unlikely. With Genji I feel like if I miss my hook/bubble he’s going to pick off both healers and probably a dps.

While I we turn to focus on the laser ninja its a good chance that we will lose our primary tank as well. Most genji blades end with me running away while my one remaining team member feeds the enemy more ult charge.

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I think the best way to judge it is output value for the effort input. For this I’d have to say junkrat has the best dps ult. If position correctly your guaranteed to get at least one kill. Unless the enemy uses sound barrier. For how quick you can get it and the potential damage it can do I’d say this is the best one. I think the only two heroes who can survive it are Orisa with fortify and Hog with take-a-breather.

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It’s not. Mei’s ult is WAY too big and lasts way too long.

The tire doesn’t last forever.

mei’s ult has an 8m radius, a cast time and it only lasts for 5 seconds. It really is not the best form of her ultimate but it could be way better in terms of a faster cast time or larger radius because 8/10 times the enemy will escape her ult


it’s too big already combined with her utility she has if anything her radius needs to be brought down

it’s not that strong on its own but if anything, a shorter cast time

hmmm, we have
best utility ult: emp because it completely negate all defense lines or cancel pushes
best damage ult: dragonblade because it has huge damage, huge mobility and comboes with every “supportive ult”

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Best Ultimate that deals damage for the Offense Hero is hands down Dragon Blade, I would say Sombra’s EMP, but for one it doesn’t deal any form damage and also the ultimate can be really really useless if no follow up with the assistance of your team.

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Best DPS ult by the numbers or ones that actually get kills. DVA bomb kills everything in sight, so does high noon. But nobody ever dies to either…

Blade is really good at winning a fight, Thing is you only need a kill or two to win a team fight so it doesn’t have to be awesome.


I wonder if my perspective is skewed on this from having a fairly high MMR. Surely, widow’s ult isn’t flashy or exciting. But it IS very strong. Next time you are playing think about how you and your team react when you hear widow call her ult. I guarantee you will notice your whole team give that ult your attention, and if you don’t you will die. It demands players respect it.

Infrasight isn’t the best but not the worst ,it’s pretty decent.

But widow doesn’t need a stronger ult ,she’s balanced as it is.

I’d say the best DPS ults are either dragonblade or EMP.

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