Widowmaker feedback

snipers need to be toned down for the sake of the game. We’re in sniper meta.

I called this would happen about a year ago.

“Guys! It’s ok to have oppressive metas as long as they’re not sniper metas!”



All metas have been oppressive up to this point except shield wars and maybe beyblade

Trip tank, Dive, brig/snipers.

Snipers are simply able to do too much too quickly. Their skill ceiling needs to be lowered. Needs to have a slower charge rate for their sniping abilities and probably body shot damage needs to be decreased by 25 damage.

Or we can make more infinite skillcap heroes as tanks and healers as well

So, remind me again why top players being good at Widowmaker means she deserves a nerf, but top players also being good at Tracer and Tracer doesn’t deserve a nerf?

Also, how does deathmatch suddenly equate to organized competitive play?

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I just want Web mine.


that can work too.

but I highly doubt blizz will just pump out a dozen insta skillful heroes like hammond in the span of a few months or even a full year.

imo, we need more flying characters. to help counter pharah and make pharah not feel insanely out of place.

Some more tanks and more healers as well that arent boring to play.
make a character that just hits people with zen’s heal balls and they heal for 50 or so hp but also make it like draven, the balls bounce off of your team mate and if your directly behind them you can just spam them with the ball and heal them fastly.
But also make it so that teh rate you heal them is based on distance from your team mate. if ur far away and you hit them, oh look it heals for like a full heal or like 75%.

and also make it so that you can throw out 3 or so balls that do wahtever task you make it out to be with either m1 or m2. This is so you can multi task and also heal multiple team mates.
That’d be a decent support character imo. It’d be like zen but not really and more mechanically skill based.

A Widow main asking for crutches to make Widow less skill-reliant is a disgrace to our kind.

Also, Hanzo and Widow are very different heroes who have never filled the same role. Dueling a Hanzo with his wonky head hitbox and lightning peeks as Widow has always sucked, but it is what it is. Does Hanzo need a nerf? Probably. Does Widow need a buff? Nah.

thats why I say both need to be toned down in general.

Or produce more high skill ceiling mechanically based heroes like hammond.

He’s actually one of the most balanced characters that are balanced upon release imo.

So I believe Blizzard has found the way to move forward. And I hope they use hammond as a model to better improve the game.

when I play Symmetra (always), Hanzos dont snipe me and kill me in 1 shot from across the map, or from windows, or wherever else, before I can even get to where I’m trying to get to.

Widowmaker does.

And there’s nothing I can do about it.
At all.

you have no idea how much time and how much training you need to be “strong hero” We don’t talk only about pros. Theres a normal people hwo wan’t play Widow but Hanzo now can counter her in many ways. And that sucks bcs he have hitbox like a tree. And he don’t need a charge shots long as widow.

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I’ve seen pro player games on widow, you haven’t apparently. If you did you’d know they’re better than my video of the guy in deathmatch.

Also, I wasn’t weighing in on Widow being nerfed some more or not, I was replying to this part of the OP:

So I ask you, Father, why does this prick get all the special treatment, while I get nothing more than a nerf from the beta and a few minor quality of life changes?

He implied Widow should get the same treatment as Hanzo even though their aiming mechanics differ. Furthermore, HE asked they nerf Widow’s skill ceiling and therefore potential because he can’t reach a decent level where he can make an impact, he wants to trade that for ease of use.

More damage on a slower starting exponential charge. Something that nerfs pros and quick scoping, but actually rewards average Joe’s like me who take or need extra time to line up a shot and aim.

Widow is the only Hero I can’t play at a decent level, but too many people can for me to not feel like OP’s suggestion would take something unique from the roster.

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It is also interesting to note that Hanzo still have the advantage in a widow vs hanzo battle at long range because of sonic arrow and much better movement aka picking capabilities.

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That’d be cool. It’d give you a chance to headshot.

Yes, because I’m at the point in life where I’m not an 8 year old kid who can play Overwatch until the point that it’s my job. I’m not Khepri, and I’m never going to be Kephri. 99% of the community and most likely more isn’t and will not ever be Khephri. A lot of us are just normal dudes trying to play Widowmaker who are still getting obliterated by heroes for far less effort that we are putting into our own hero.

I’m sure everyone has worked or will work that job where you feel like you are working your butt off every single day, single-handedly holding the entire place together, but low and behold Steve comes in to work late every day, slacks off, schmoozes with the boss, and somehow at the end of the day makes just as much if not more money than you do.

Playing Widowmaker is kind of like that, and that Steve character is every other hero in Overwatch, especially Hanzo.

Further update. I used to believe that every hero in Overwatch was special enough and could fit someone’s play style to be something amazing, and honestly maybe they can. There were top 500 symmetras. There’s top 500 Torbjorn’s and Bastions. There were even top 500 pre-nerf Hanzo’s. But it turns out that apparently this isn’t the case. Apparently some heroes need to get buffed into the skybox or completely reworked in order to be more accessible to everyone. Why can’t my hero get buffed or reworked too?

Do you think if there was even one, absolutely insane kill everything all the time Hanzo main in OWL, even if he was well above the rest, into the top .00005% of all players (believe it or not, someone out there actually holds this title!), Hanzo would have gotten any form of love or a buff from Blizzard? I honestly highly doubt it.

Letting the smallest percentage of your heroes player base represent the entirety of that hero for literally everybody else sucks.

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Literally smallest projectiles in the game.

Also 1 sec charge for full charge shots

Yes, because I’m at the point in life where I’m not an 8 year old kid who can play Overwatch until the point that it’s my job. I’m not Khepri, and I’m never going to be Kephri.

I literally quoted what you said to someone that didn’t know. If you feel ashamed enough that you want to stereotype 39% of the ranked playerbase that’s your problem.
Platinum, Diamond, Master and Grandmaster all have significant play rate for Widow, according to overbuff (^https://www.overbuff.com/heroes), and according to this link they make up 39% of ranked players: ^https://www.esportstales.com/overwatch/competitive-rank-distribution-pc-and-console
By definition high rank players are players that know best how to make use of game opportunities. There are multiple dps heroes played less than Widow, that are easier to use.

Apparently some heroes need to get buffed into the skybox or completely reworked in order to be more accessible to everyone. Why can’t my hero get buffed or reworked too?

The difference between Symmetra rework and Widow rework idea is that Symmetra didn’t offer something unique and valuable enough compared to other heroes, Widow does, this is why it is so picked and successfully so in higher tiers. She’s not replaceable by a Hanzo, Hanzo is not a full sniper, this is why there have been two of them on the same team in pro games.

The high tier players use or reject characters based on whether another hero can do their job better/easier or not, apparently they disagree with your appraisal that Hanzo and Widow are interchangeable, since Widow isn’t in Symmetra’s old case where some people literally only played her because they loved her aesthetic.

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Someone out that spider man meme where they point at each other pls.

Widowmakers scoping is fine and not every average Joe should be able to headshot players. I agree she needs a buff to keep up with hanzo! They should be equal in terms of who has more skill and accuracy because right now hanzos damage even with the new patch is still unfair up against a widow with clearly way better accuracy. Also her ultimate is hanzos ability, cmon. Her ultimate does nothing compared to almost every other characters.

the difference between them is that hanzo is projectile and widow is hitscan

widow is guaranteed to kill you if you aim at them while hanzo isn’t, he needs to get close to be consistent at it because of the nature of projectiles. widow is so strong that she doesn’t even need a ult that deals damage/kills or any extra abilites

Except Hanzo has even faster arrows now and, regardless of projectile size, has such generous critical hit boxes that at most ranges, excluding extremely long ones you can only achieve in a limited number of maps to begin with, it doesn’t matter.

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