Replace Venom Mine with Web Mine

Venom mine is useless? No, it works well with widows kit. Although admittedly this would too, but Widow is fine as she’s is.

Bad idea. If widow can slow or halt an enemy, she can easily headshot them to kill anyone trying to stop her. The venom mine needs to stay weak because the rest of her kit is so strong.

She’s a sniper, you should be able to dive her. Which is still difficult when she has grapple hook. I should know I’ve played “a lot” of widowmaker.

But she is the only hero in the game who is pure aim.All other DPS like mcree,Soldier,Hanzo have some kind of hack abilities which let them get easy kill like dragon strike and tactical visor .So I think she deserves this.

No more CC. Please. Widow is fine.

Useless doesn’t equal crucial.


as a widowmain, can confirm, venom mine is rubbish, even for “alerting you” its very weak and too subtle and the zone of it being triggered is a joke, id be aware of an enemy long before they trigger a mine


A Root ability
For a sniper?


Venom mine fits more aesthetically with widowmaker. She takes after black widows, which are venomous. Widowmaker without a venom thing feels incomplete.

Venom also works mechanically because it can be placed anywhere and deals damage if an enemy isn’t careful. If you had the mine root than you have to place the mine on the ground, where it can easily be destroyed. Plus we can’t have widowmaker restricting movement because that mine would be a death sentence since widowmaker’s kit is designed to punish reckless slow moving characters. Widowmaker’s whole thing is rewarding good aim with instakilling people, and making that easier is a mistake. Widowmaker is already strong and doesn’t need any buffs. Plus look at how many lucio mains hate the easier movement.

I would say without webmine she is incomplete because spiders trap their prey in their web. That’s the first thing that comes into mind when you think about spiders.So she as a character feels incomplete right now.

Or they could just make it a paralyzing venom to achieve the same effect without needing to make new animations?

Tbh I really like Venom Mine, it’s a light and well thought out ability that complements her kit and doesn’t dominate it. If there were more abilities in the game like it rather than ones that completely overshadow entire character skillsets (shieldbashcough) it’d be a marked improvement to the game.

Yes, I would love more cc in this game GivePLZ

The last thing the game need is more CC.

Brigs design is bad not cc.

Venom Mine is a poorer version of Sonic Arrow. The damage it does is negligible. It rarely works as a “warning”. It is useless when she uses her ult.

It has been recommended in the past to change it to Widow’s Web that slows movement in the 5’ radius for the same duration.

People are so afraid of CC Iin the game and think that we have enough.

I can guaranty that there will be more coming to the game over time.

I dont knoooooooooooooooooow… more CC is not the answer at this point in time.

Not mutually exclusive my dude.

She deserves multiple mines (2x) to justify the ridiculously long cool down, and the damage should be upped from 75 to 80. I’d be happy with that.

i dont think she needs a web mine at all, it would be quite op and remove her biggest weakness as well which she needs to have