Reddit Q&A tomorrow

I wish I got paid.

Still having trouble staying afloat.

But that’s an Economy issue.


Yeah most OW players are all hired by Riot to sabotage the game. :clown_face:


Sadly nothing.
It’s not being a doomer to say most of the patches have been a miss, we’ve had horrible metas each season now.
Sojourn kiriko Zarya dva then sojourn kiriko hog orisa now basically the same with orisa ball.

Rich keep staying rich while the middle class gets poorer.

I doubt they’d actually answer any question I’d write.

Likely enjoying some hot tub somewhere.

try “you guys all looking forward to going back to the office?”



Lol… I mean… I think we’ve already heard at least a partial answer to that from Twitter posts.

Got a real simple explanation for you. “He’s a Symm main”.


probably didnt do their TPS reports since they werent at the office

Just the Doomers :grin:

The picked the Competitive OW subreddit because that is the most pro-Blizzard forum left on the internet.

I find it hilarious that they can’t even go on the main OW subreddit anymore, when it was extremely positive up until October of last year, through the entire lifetime of OW1. They just have to pretend it was always really negative and everyone there is unreasonable, despite the fact that it was one of the most positive gaming forums anywhere online for 6 years. I also love seeing how people on the Competitive subreddit talk about the main subreddit, pretending everyone there is just completely unhinged, when it was 99% gameplay clips and dumb jokes for 6 years straight.


When will we get to see Kiriko’s bike?

I suspect they’re annoyed at the mods not being as sycophantic as desired

(though that sprite guy will delete any anti-blizzard news whatsoever)

Meanwhile, Zen heals, boosts damage, and does damage all at the same time.

People are writing essays under that comment section

Yeah but when do zen heals actually make a difference???

  • When your teammate is in a 1v1 to maybe give them an edge
  • on a flanker as they’re about to go in for a little assistance
  • ……

Thats about it. Zen heals are irrelevant most of the time. In a fight its not like zen orb will keep your team alive. Thats why you dont pick zen for the heals. You pick him for the damage and utility.

Also problematic and will likely be next to get nerfed/reworked

And you easily forgot to mention zen has no mobility. None. 0. He is a stationary target unlike mercy who can catapult herself across the map. So of course he has more of his power elsewhere in his kit to compensate

I’m gonna be real, very concerned about that March 7th patch date.
The longer Mercy stays as is the higher frustrations rise on both sides.

I still feel buffing Cass and 76 was their attempt to make Soj feel less brokenly oppressive instead of nerfing her down and generally nerfing pain points across the game too. l
I fear we’re in for a furtherance of the Mit vs Dmg arms race and I am not excited for that future.

I don’t trust they’ll answer uncomfortable questions, and expect a path of least resistance as far as where they’ll be willing to give answers.

The dev team has definitely made improvements, but there’s still a massive way to go and a lot of vague outlines of things happening.

I guess I’ll be lurking here for a tldr on the more standout parts of the Q&A tomorrow.

What would you define as Dooming?

But he does damage. He does a lot of damage. He can win duels against most DPS, and can two-tap most of them. If he lands a discord orb on a Tracer, he can one-shot her.
Meanwhile, Mercy only has her mobility and currently, I’d argue Kiriko has more mobility than she does.