The next patch is concerning

Okay, so what about the top 6 heroes being evenly split between people who use guns and people who use a grenade launcher, shurikens & a bow scream tactical shooter to you?

And, what about the game having 70% or more of it’s roster not using any kind of conventional guns screams tactical shooter/AWP/deaglefest?

When you see Zarya/Pharah/Junkrat/Mercy/Zen on a team do you feel like you’re playing counterstrike?

The jargon I’m using is more about “TTKs” or KillSpeeds.

Well Genji is just fun. He’s always been popular throughout the entire history of Overwatch.

Junkrat is easy, and the bulk of these stats are centered on lower ELOs given the influx of new players. But he’s getting more nerfs soon, specifically to reduce that annoyance level.

And I’d put Hanzo into the “problem” hero category with Sojourn and Widow. And to the extent that Sojourn is getting less play, is just because it’s being offset by other ranged oneshot heroes.

My question is really coming back to what I asked in the first place… what about the stats that you linked is upsetting to you? There’s a good mix of guns and not guns, nothing close to a tactical shooter

Generally, that heroes with very very fast TTKs shouldn’t ever have high pickrates, in a game built around lower TTKs.

Especially in the basically “hypocritical” context of making it so that heroes like Mei, Hog, Cassidy, Doomfist, and Junkrat need their kill combos removed or gutted “Because they are too frustrating to play against”.

And yet you got heroes that are spamming out instant kills in less than a second, which are very very difficult to kill them back without sniping them.


I disagree. I don’t see the game through that kind of lens. What I care about is the game having healthy variety, which it does, that way players can have success with many different playstyles, which they can.

The game isn’t like Valorant or Counterstrike where every corner you walk around is instant death from the same 2-3 guns every game with pretty much instant TTK

It often takes several seconds to kill someone in OW

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I’d argue the main issue isn’t that oneshots exist, it’s that the risk vs reward counterplay isn’t balanced against oneshot DPS.

For example, if it was me, I’d probably do something like this

  • Widow: 150hp, 10sec grapple
  • Hanzo: 1.5x Lunge distance, 175hp, 4x headshot on StormArrow, 1/2 damage on StormArrow
  • Sojourn: 225hp, 5sec PowerSlide, Can’t headshot with basic railgun.

i.e. “Either Glass Cannon, or don’t have a Cannon”

And that all said, I believe this is an issue that would lead to Overwatch getting millions less players, leading to less profit and content development in the future.

Also I got this suspicion the devs are balancing based on Winrates, without accounting for the “Time Weighted” aspect of Winrates. Where heroes that are very fast on Attack Phase, and bad at Stalling on Defense Phase have “artificially” lower winrates. (i.e. Less Time played during a match, equals “artificially” lower Winrates).

But even that doesn’t match up with them saying how they nerfed Hog when he had a negative winrate.

But yeah, just feels like another one of those “Dooming” things which is going to come back to bite the devs a few months from now.


First, dive heroes are already strong. They don’t need to be stronger.

But more importantly, I don’t think you understand the fundamental issue with flash.

More often flash was not used on mobile heroes. It was often the wrong choice to try and hit them with it. Why? Well, on the hypermobile heroes like Tracer they could avoid it reasonably well. Sure, it was a threat to them. But not a guaranteed value for Cassidy. Do you know what was a guaranteed value? Use it on a slow hero. Slow heroes can’t avoid it. And the stun is just about a guaranteed kill on anything other than a tank. And with one tank having a reliable easy stun on them would be completely broken.

Flash looks good when you only factor it in verses the mobile heroes. But it is a good example of why trying to balance a hero by having a counter is a huge problem. This is especially true when you are talking about mobile heroes. Anything you can hit them with, you can hit someone else with far, far easier. Anything that ‘counters’ a hero often has the knock on effect of ‘countering’ a lot of additional heroes.

And that is not even factoring in that buffing mobile heroes because Cassidy had flash would make Cassidy mandatory. And that is never a good idea with any hero.


We already have Widow’s grappling hook and one that works like in Destiny would both be busted for a hero like McCree as well as out of character.

Idk about projectile speed. Maybe? But it could mess with some of the best Meis’ muscles memories. I do agree if she gets a buff it shouldn’t be hard CC buff.

Yeah let’s bring back flashbang And while we are at it go back to launch ow1 where fth could one tap a tank seems fair…

Next patch better nerfs Mercys ridiculous healing, it’s making tanks even more invincible than they already are.
No idea why they buffed it in the first place, they should have just nerfed GA and Damage Boost.


5v5 dude, 5v5. There’s no need for hard CC in a 5v5 setting.

The only reason you liked Mei was because you could cheese the enemy players.

The fact is that due to her freeze CC in OW1, she had very few counters and was a hard meta pick. Now, she’s got actual counters and that’s only a good thing because if someone picks a Mei, you don’t need to worry about needing x hero to deal with her like you had to in the past, which was very limited.

If they were to give her freeze back, they’d need to buff other heroes in order to compensate for such a massive change in her kit.

My problem is more they aren’t changing the things people are unhappy about.
Mercy mains complain but im not seeing people changing off mercy cause she feels bad.
Most of what im seeing is trash matchmaking, groups in comp and some people annoyed they have to play comp for challenges. And some tanks getting annoyed again.
Giving cassidy cc or a second mobility option would be ridiculous. He also shouldn’t have a new ult, his value is in his gun, hit shots with him and you win, that seems right to me. You can only give him a good ult if you nerf him elsewhere.
Mei, her primary fire already slows instantly. They are talking of making it a gradual effect instead.
I really don’t think flankers are too strong at the moment, so ramping up cc just annoys tanks and dumpsters flankers. What I see is mid/long hitscan being strong. Nothing new.

Hanzo is a moba hero ,bite me.

Mercy’s HPS is still quite low when compared to other supports.

Mercy + another hero is a 2v2. There’s no way 2 people shooting at the same target cannot overcome her HPS.

Toss something like a discord orb or an antinade in there and things get even easier.

And unlike many supports, she also has to be within 15m and take the time to fly herself to her teammate before the healing can begin.

Let’s also not forget that even with damage boost, her damage and kills contributed are far less than other supports.

So how exactly is Mercy’s healing “ridiculous”?

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you know what’s also awful to play against…hyper mobilty.


I know at least one person that would call this ability ‘an ultimate on CD’ if they would be any where near consistent and they opinions didn’t stem down from hate of a certain hero (-;

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Well, less toxicity from people like AKJ would be a dub. I agree.


[quote=“AKJ-11308, post:1, topic:796031”]
Magnetic grenade, the ability really isn’t that strong being 10m and having detonation time. It would be useless if they nerfed it. They should just give Cassidy back CC or a new ability like Destiny’s grappling hook. It would give Cassidy decent mobility having synergy with fan the hammer, call it lasso. Cassidy needs a new ultimate more than anything, Dead Eye is the worst ultimate in the game. It’s so easy to LOS, you can deflect it, wall it, snipe it. An aim ultimate or something he can aim during like Bob that would tank for him.[/quote]

sorry but lol this doens’t add up.

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While buffing/keeping cassidy the same. Nah AKj it’s not party time.

If you can’t kill a Mercy on Cassidy, that’s a skill issue. You shouldn’t play Cassidy. Play Torb or Reaper instead.