All of this started when i faced a in Comp D.M and just couldnt deal enough damage to her to win duels, specially when low , just seemed like i couldnt headshot her at all, as it turns out…
As you can see, most shots Reaper does to does 70 damage on her armor and 140 damage to her non-armored , meaning, every single pellet is doing 7 damage, not headshotting, as to how this works… as i said on the title, Reapers spread is binary, meaning, the hitscan of his weapon or completely headshots a target, or it completely bodyshots
As you can see… even though i’m aiming at his neck portion so that all of his pellets connect, no pellets connect for headshot damage , dealing 140 damage a shot (sometimes less cuz his spread is so huge) and some other times dealing 280 , THIS is how it works and why Reaper sometimes gets such a spiked RNG , sometimes 1 shotting people when in reality you’d be doing a inbetween damage… this is my guess as to why it works:
Reapers shots spread in a hitscan manner, meaning if say for example, 20% of ur spread is on the targets head and 80% is on its body, 20% of the time it COMPLETELY headshots, all the pellets hits their head, 80% of the time it doesnt.
Wich just doesnt make any sense, every other shotgun character has projectiles wich work like a random spread would, dealing inbetween damage, to me , this seems its because its not updated, since Reaper was the first ever shotgun character they developed, his guns work in a weird way, specially since hes the only one with hitscan, i for one would’ve prefer the more in line with the actual random spread functionality, this just nerfs his damage per second alot, specially when facing a, spikes his RNG to oblivion and just doesnt make any sense, what do you think about this functionality?
tl;dr/dw Reaper’s shots spread in a very weird manner, a binary way, or all of his pellets connect to the head, or they dont, no inbetween, like other characters, spiking his rng damage , probably because he is the first ever shotgun “hero” designed, i think changing this to be more in-line with other characters would be apreciated.
ps: If anyone with lvl_3 would please post these links for me it’d be greatly apreciated.
Videos in thread, Thank you viralVertigo