Reaper Is Even Worse Than We Thought

[TL;DR]: Reaper’s pellets are wack, lol

Reaper is an even worse hero than we thought. His shotguns have another reason as to why they’re so bad: the pellets do NOT register at times. Yep, that’s right. Not only is his drop off absurd, spread too large, pellet spread binary, and that a whole list of people do his job better, but his pellets don’t even register sometimes.

I have valid proof of this as well, seen in the video below.

Screenshots of the moment in question.

This was captured from a QP match just an hour ago from the uploading of the video. If you slow the video around 0.25x around 0:06 you will notice that a HUGE amounts of the pellets from my two shots connected with the Soldier:76 and yet it dealt no damage to him.

Later in the video you notice my bad aim my melee connect and the final shot kill him, showing that this was not staged in customs with headshots-only.

This is a HUGE issue and another reapson that Reaper needs serious fixing. We, the community, have expressed our concerns about him in the past, only to receive minuscule changes. I hope that the developers will hear our pleas and fix this nightmare.


Shotguns are short range weapons.And a single short range shot from him kills you.And aim for his head,not his feet XD


Yeah his spread is awful, you’ll usually deal 2/3 pellets on a Zarya from 8m.

I’d be fine getting as close as I need top, but his abilities don’t help him close gaps.



Who? You mean Hammond? He isnt even out yet, give him a chance.

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Did… did you even read the post?


You seem to be referring to a hero called “reaper”, please keep your fictional hero fanfic creations off the official forums.


Put the speed on 0.5 and you’ll see he(you) missed 90% of his(your) shots.Like seriousćly


He did, it just did not… Register. Ha ha ha!

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If you’re going to troll, please do it elsewhere.


Kinda like the devs love for reaper.


I’m just stating facts,and telling you to work on your aim.I personally play Tracer and her fall-off is great too.But aiming for the head helps a lot.


Im not, apologies im making fun of how laughably neglected reaper has been for such a long time by the devs, its beyond a joke so i kinda just make it…a joke.

Judging from the amount of time they have spent with him since release, it seems they have all forgot he existed long ago, im just following in.


The aim was a bit shoddy; however, you can literally see the pellets colliding with the hit-box. They are bright white, like fireworks, and the damage is not registering.


Not you, I understand that you’re just joking. I was replying to the other guy.

Ah apologises of course, looking at reply’s OP

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Yeah…that’s pretty insane.

Jesus Christ, let’s give the man the proper respect that he deserves…I mean, he’s the former Commander of Blackwatch!

I would be pretty ticked if that happened to me in game.


Classic no regs. One of you two probably had really high latency.


Looks like a visual problem with how the shot displays on what I’m assuming are low graphics settings, not an actual no-reg issue.

If you watch the part of the video where your screenshot came from, the shot fired there was not aimed at Soldier. For whatever reason, when you turn afterward, the shotgun spread displays in a way that makes it look like your bullets turned with you, but obviously they wouldn’t actually do that.

Also I had medium to high all across the board.


I watched the video, and then watched it slowed down. What you say is true… and then I have to add something to this…

There two heroes that should never be used as an argument in these kinds of videos: Lucio and Soldier.

For some reason, when Lucio and Soldier are using their speed actions, many shots are missed.

I have footage of “dead-on” shots with Hanzo, Bastion, Tracer, Widow, Roadhog AND Reaper, on Lucio in his speed mode (especially while on walls) and Soldier in his… they all miss.

It’s not the pellets, it’s the hero you were up against. I know this isn’t fair… but I’m pretty sure it’s some form of comp-lag or whatever it’s called, and not an issue with your Reaper itself, or even your aim.