Reaper vs Armor (Math)

A lot of people say armor punishes Reaper too much, but let me show you why Armor doesn’t do much to stop him.

Reaper shoots 20 pellets at 7 damage each for a total of 140 damage for a body shot. A headshot turns this into 280.

Now the way armor works is if you do less than 10 damage that attack will have its damage nerfed by 50% if you do more than 10 damage then the attack will be reduced by a flat 5 less damage.

Reaper does 7 damage per pellet, so that is reduced to 3.5 per pellet by armor. This means a body shot to armor will do 70 hp.


Headshots against armor work differently…
A headshot makes each pellet do 14 damage which is more than 10 damage which means instead of getting his pellet damage halvedhe has it reduced by 5 damage points. This means that instead of doing 3.5 damage per pellet a headshot has him do 9 damage per pellet for a total of 180 damage against armor

To recap:

-Regular body shot: 140
-Regular headshot : 280
-Armor bodyshot: 70
-Armor headshot: 180

This is highly important because Reinhardt, Orisa, D.Va all have 200 armor which means all it takes is one headshot and a melee to get rid off all their armor. Winston is worse off because he has only 100 armor which means that the first shot will do 220 damage (12 pellets needed to get rid of armor).

So yes, Reaper does indeed counter tanks since armor doesn’t do much.

(Pro-tip jump up to Roadhog, Orisa and Reinhardt to get their head to be a much larger target)


Spread is RNG
Headshots are RNG
And Reaper’s E is only good for two things:
Poor man’s wall climb
2 extra meters of distance in roll outs
Get’s outplayed by every tank.


I wonder how many times we’ll have to make this argument before we get a dev comment.

Reaper posts trend everyday, I see them more than any other ‘buff this hero’ post.


His teleport needs a buff, and less RNG is always a good thing, but in the ranges that Reaper operates in to get headshots (barrel stuffing range) you will find it easy to headshot tanks especially Winston and D.Va since their heads aren’t that high up.

If you are getting outplayed by Winston, Orisa and D.Va while you are Reaper then I don’t know what to say, it’s like if you told me that Hanzo can’t counter Bastion.

This has been my experience as a Reaper player throughout the whole of Overwatch. He’s good against tanks and his teleport sucks.


A real tank buster would shred the armor, like Hanzo or Junkrat, and neither get in the tank’s optimal ranges unless they want to.


Winston can’t out damage Reaper, Orisa is an ult battery if you get next to her, if Roadhog misses the hook he’s usually cooked, D.Va can’t out damage Reaper.

Plus, if you want to really screw over an enemy tank then face them with your whole team. Unlike Hanzo, Reaper can safely roll in a death ball right next to friendly tanks and enemy tanks.

If you haven’t been using him in this way then I don’t know what to tell you, since tank busting is his main thing.


i’d like to see shotguns in general in this game made consistent


His real problem is the large AND random spread, plus the fact that a bodyshot or headshot is randomly determined when pellets hit both head and body.

He could easily be fixed and made viable(more so), but it’s blizz we’re talking about. They’re slow.


I agree that RNG is his shotgun should be reduced or removed (having a constant spread pattern), but my main post was about the myth that Reaper struggles against armor when the opposite is true.

Reworking how they calculate damage on pellets, as in, making the pellets actual objects in the game with their own path, would help.
But that would be a lot of work.

(seeing as they are reworking reinhardt with new tech, this should be possible)

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Ya you are right about that. Armour has less impact than people like to assume. It gets deleted real fast, just like the rest of their health if they can’t escape, or if caught off guard.


he’s useless against brigitte. I just run from her.

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Do only some of Reaper pellets get damage reduction, I was told that because Reaper pellets connect all at the same time that they all get damage reduction

That’s because she can stun him, negate his damage with shielding and toss him back after he uses wraith. In a solo situation she tends to win.

Have you ever fought her when she her shield is broken though? She is an easy target in that situation.

he meets mccree, brigitte, mei and roadhog (if hog doesn’t miss hook reaper dies in oneshot, or hog can rightclick to also oneshot). Hanzo also oneshots him in any range. Reaper is a joke. No utility, garbage guns, trash kit

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I know that’s now it was in the beta, but they changed it, as he used to only get 5 off his entire shot I.E.

Instead of a 140 body shot he did 135 and instead of a 280 headshot he would do 275 lol

Inc Death Blossom being moved to E with a 30 sec CD, while his Shadowstep becomes an ultimate that can teleport him anywhere on the map.



You’re no taking into account Reaper’s abysmally short range, Tracer has double his effective range and even targets slightly out of sneezing distance take far less damage. Aside from that the armor also reduces the paltry amount he gets healed by, so you’re double screwed if the tank walks backwards. This also doesn’t account for his abysmal spread or the fact that he still needs to kill most tanks faster than they can kill him.

This is Reaper’s biggest issue, people like you say the armor doesn’t affect him, but in practice it shuts him down hard. This is because ON PAPER he does more damage, but he’s NEVER GETTING THE MAXIMUM DAMAGE OUTPUT IT SAYS ON THE TIN. If this weren’t the case he would’ve been used extensively in dive meta against tanks, since he counters or is SUPPOSED TO COUNTER DVA and Winston.

Roadhog has always been able to one shot reaper, and can outdamage him. He cannot heal enough in damage dealt to survive the second shot from Roadhog if the first doesn’t kill him in one.

Lucio’s boost gets Reaper in table easily. Winston has worse rathe than Reaper.

The reason Reaper wasn’t used in dive is because his ultimate is insta deleted by D.Va and Zenyatta’s ultimate. Genji’s dragon blade negates D.Va’s delete completely.

Genji and Tracer also have the speed to contest the point after a team wipe while Reaper does not.

His damage wasn’t a problem, but the rest of his kit didn’t mesh with professional dive.