If Reaper should be tank buster

No, 140 is his standard shot.

armor halves damage. so 70 body shot 140 headshot.

That’s funny, because with all the stuns he’s dead in one second too. Reaper def needs a buff


Reaper is really powerful to me. He isn’t very good on payload maps, but on 2CP and especially KOTH I think he excels. I don’t think he needs anymore buffs. He is a tank buster already.


Isnt armor supposed to counter spread guns just like Reaper shotguns?



A headshot reduces the damage of each pellet by five instead of by half.

So it’s 180.


isnt reaper supposed to counter tanks? just like armored targets?


Well, Reaper currently has 20 pellets, 7 damage each.

Each pellet does 3 damage against armor, or 9 damage with headshot against armor.

So that’s 60 damage on an armored body shot, and 180 damage on an armored headshot.

so its calculating damage reduction later. i thought opposite.

No, Reaper does 7 damage per pellet and has 20 which is 140.

When a headshot and armor are taken into account the headshot is taken into account first, which is 14. This is reduced by 5 points to be 9. 9×20 is 180.

It’s 70 for an armored body shot.

Who ever said that? People just assume that because his spread its so ridiculous that he cant reliable kill squishies

He is designed as a flanker, he is not a frontline tankbuster, thats why he suffers so much


its 3.5. 70 against armor.

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Damage calculations always round down.

Pellets can’t do 3.5 damage, it’s 3.

geoff said that. he should be tank buster.

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Say it’s not so.

Yup, they’ve done a lot of testing on that with damage boosts for instance.

Mercy boost + Zen Discord is 1.3x, then round down, then 1.3x

He should but he is not, he is overall bad

is there any source or tests? i didnt know damage was 60 against armor. i always thought it was 70.
edit: nope its 70.

His flanking tools are clunky and he’s super noisy. That’s what makes him meh in my book. Although if I hear his boots really close and Don’t see him I def panic way more then if I had a Tracer or Genji around.

Noise reduction and improved shadowstep would really work wonders

The devs said it, that’s who.