Reaper vs Armor (Math)

You’re forgetting that tanks have their whole team too. All Reaper can add to a situation is some W+m1 with high damage that has a lot of weaknesses

Reaper has his team too.
Unless you’re going for a big brain sneak kill on a lone squishy, Reaper shouldn’t be looking to take the entire when team on by himself.

In the current meta the way to play him is to either stick with your tanks, or to punish enemy tanks who dive your supports.

9/10, after you kill Winston when he goes after your healers he will switch to Reinhardt or Orisa.

He has to depend on others to even be sort of viable, that’s an issue.

Reaper’s ult is garbage and always has been, but that doesn’t stop guys like McCree from being viable and he does way more damage than he does, yet was only an off meta pick once in beyblade season. Literally the only time he was meta.

And again, this is an issue because he has the range of a melee character and no speed. Unlike any other offense hero in the game.

His damage absolutely was a problem because his dps would help destroy the two most dangerous components of Dive yet he can’t even deal with them. And I’ll tell you why it is, because he doesn’t have the speed or damage reduction to get into the range he’s suppossed to. The only reason he was even off meta in season 2 or 3 was because Ana’s ult enabled him to get into the range he was good at and stay there. When he’s not in range he has severe damage penalties that Tracer and other close range heroes don’t have because of his spread and falloff. There’s a comparison video in one of the old Reaper buff mega threads showing you just how pathetic his damage actually is if you can’t get close, and even then the spread is so erratic you’re never doing maximum damage.

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Let me start over. His job is definitely to fight tanks. He’s just not well enough equipt for the job to compete with any other tank buster.

Not exactly. Headshot is bonus damage unmodified by armor. So 10 damage against armor is 5 damage, 10 damage to the head against armor is 15 damage. That being said, getting all pellets to headshot is very unlikely, even if you’re at point blank.


He can’t do that since he needs to be close to do that, half the roster have stuns and crowd control abilities that turn his killer shot into a sneeze if his pellet rng doesn’t do that already. And unlike the most viable heroes in the game, he needs a healer suppository at all times to be even close to decent, and at that point why even pick a hero like him when Hog, Tracer, Junkrat, 76, etc can do it better.

He doesn’t work in the current meta, especially not with Hammond and Bridgette around, the CC’s and stuns plus the free armor completely chump him, and he’s not fast enough to finish hammond off especially not when he pops his shields.

I had to do some digging but there is a fix for his primary weapon that I wish they would apply. It’s nerfs his total damage but buffs his damage against armor.

  • Reduce the number of pellets from 20 to 9.
  • Increase damage of pellets from 7 to 15.
  • Replace the old random spread with a spread pattern (all shotguns should have this).

The issue with this is the bullets would have to be huge, or the spread tightened dramatically, and if they did that the damage fallouffs would have to be harsher. I’d be willing to give it a shot, because frankly anything is preferable to confetti guns.

I’d also like to address that Winston has gotten significantly better at at dealing with Reaper because of his reduced crit shot damage taken buff. This is to say nothing of the stance dancing and superior range he can employ and have access to more because of the shield buffs he’s received.

It’s because snipers in this game are op. Reaper is perfectly fine. It’s funny because I have a hunch he’s going to be pretty good next meta with dive coming back and Doomfist being so strong

The only thing I want, is to improve Reaper’s E-ability somehow.
Yeah and maybe reduce his head-hitbox a bit.

No it’s not, and no he’s not. He was stuggling even before Hanzo was buffed, and Widow has always been a problem for him. He’s not fast enough to deal with anybody in the game, and several heroes do his job much better without having to put themselves in suicide range with birdshot rifles.

Even if you removed the snipers he’s still far outclassed by anybody with midrange capability and the ability to walk backwards. Bridgette especially is awful for him because she does consistent damage, has a great flat health on hit that he doesn’t have, can out range him with the primary. can knock him back with the cooldown, gives everyone armor further devaluing him, a shield, and finally, her bash stuns him which pretty much is a death sentence for him.

Reaper would need many more fixes before he was even close to viable and he’s never getting them.

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Except Reaper’s headshots are slightly borked.

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Guess we’ll see. He’s already more used than tracer or s76 in this meta and wins more than both of them.

Half damage per pellet.

Double the ammount of pellets

This would be consistent, but with worse headshots and boosted damage.

Are you sure about that?

The wikia says that the multiplier is applied first, and so do all other posts I have looked up.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt though,

Let’s say that Reaper gets a headshot with your explanation. His pellet damage is 3.5 and bonus damage is 7, so he does 10.5 damage per pellet which is 210

210 is higher than my calculation of 180 and would mean that Reaper is even better against armor than I originally stated. Though, I am very confident in the number 180.

Your calculation is correct, indeed Reaper is less affected by armor if he headshots, issue is headshots with Reaper are incredibly RNG based : Reaper's spread is binary


Why don’t they just make his shotguns fast projectiles, so that his spread and headshots function like Roadhog’s? That way each individual pellet can crit
I’ve never understood why Reaper’s headshot calculations are so different then every other shotgun hero

Not every other hero actually, and Tracer, being hitscan spread characters function similiarly, thats the catch, its appearently how they developed hitscan, wich sucks for Reaper the most cuz its more appearent.

I thought Tracer was projectile based? I’ve been told that’s why you aim at neck level to maximize headshot damage?
Maybe it’s because all of Reaper’s pellets fire simultaneously. But that still doesn’t make sense because D.Va’s headshots don’t function like Reaper’s…

My head hurts

lol, nah, Tracer is hitscan, shoots 2 times each click, thats her initial spread (oof), or both of them headshot or dont, D.vas the same, 11 pellets per click.

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