Rally has a misleading mechanic, it's actually very broken

It will never stop until she is removed from the game because people don’t like supports being able to defend themselves.


Why are people just focusing on the “Brig is hard to kill during rally” element because that’s not where the strength of rally lies. It’s main fuction is providing armor to your team and because of this bug/oversight(or maybe it’s a undisclosed intended feature who knows) they are receiving more survivability than you usually get from just having armor on you.

If this multilayered damage reduction wasn’t a thing. Perhaps goats wouldn’t be so prevalent in high ranks or pro play as it is.


Here’s visually

Credit goes to u/DarkyPaky


I mean… it’s an ult? It’s gonna be strong and likewise, Brigs whole shtick is being the strong independent support to support the supports(what a mouthful), her Ult is an enhancement of that imo

For a hero that already has a personal shield (that is very durable due to its small size and the fact that only precision attacks can reliably damage it and spread weapons lose a lot of damage vs it), armor, personal healing, 2CC and an unmissable primary, giving her this much sustain on top of that is pure insanity

She should’ve never been a strong frontline character. But it’s beyond me why Blizzard made her strong vs frontline and strong vs backline

Pick one

As long as she exists in this state without a rework that takes away one of those aspects of her balance in the game is going to be horrible.


Brig isnt even in the top 10 most picked heroes anywhere in the ladder

Stop trying to nerf this character, she is fine now. Just stop

Even jeff kaplan admitted she needs buffs

Likewise, Rally is still, Comparatively, The weakest support ult,

Zenyattas ult gives you literal invencibility agaisnt sustained damage, and lucios gives a 800 hp brust…

Brig isnt even in the top 10 most picked heroes anywhere in the ladder

She doesn’t have to be

The mechanic is clearly bugged, you just defend it because you are/were a Brig abuser

Likewise, Rally is still, Comparatively, The weakest support ult,

It’s still insanely good. It just shows you how much stronger support ults are than anything else really.

Zenyattas ult gives you literal invencibility agaisnt sustained damage, and lucios gives a 800 hp brust…

Not really, anti and EMP counter both of them, Brig’s 30 armor per second + unblockable healing is almost 80 equivalent HP/s AOE vs sustained damage heal which is very good and will save almost any sustained damage while having no counterplay. Also, neither has a shield, both have noticeable drawbacks either via hitbox or via cast-time on ult.

Even jeff kaplan admitted she needs buffs

No, he said that she isn’t good to be played in 2-2-2, which is actually true only at the highest level. You can get away with playing her in 2-2-2 on attack anywhere below masters and you will generally stomp the enemy if you are not braindead.

But nobody is talking about playing her in 2-2-2

Case in point is that she is insanely broken in 3-3 and she counters an entire meta on her own (she also counters a lot of sustained damage characters) and that affects balance horribly

But not going to bother argue with you

I remember you. You were hardstuck plat on no-aim heroes and bastion and then you started to abuse Brig and then you suddenly hit Diamond and then you stopped playing ranked after she was nerfed because you can’t abuse her anymore and it’s back to plat for you.


Actually if you check my playtime you´ll see that i have played less than an hour total competitive, Meaning i did my placements and stopped, thats why im in plat. got placed there, and stopped playing…

But of course, this doesnt fit your narrative so you choose to ignore it…

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Yeah, you did only your placements for 2 seasons in a row

Back then when you were a Brig abuser, you didn’t do your placements

You kept playing her because you knew that she was a free climb

Now when you are above your natural SR, you just avoid ranked except to get CP points


If you were bothered to do your homework and stalk me properly, You´ll see i often complain that i have disconnections, and that my internet isnt working properly:

So heres your proof of why i stopped playing Comp

So, by alll means, You are absolutely wrong

Still didn’t prevent you from playing 5 hours of comp that season when you could abuse her. And barely touching ranked after that.I don’t care about your excuses. Your entire profile is an epitome of everything that is mostly wrong with the balance choices in the game. I’m done talking to you.


Yes, 5 hours is equal to a single lucky day that i didnt get disconnected

Allright, Have a good one :wave: but ill leave this here for others to see

Plus, if you consider the timeframe of when i did my “i made it to diamond post”

January 28th, and This message

has done the 1st of june,

this one was done in march:

meaning that i started to have the disconnections just a while ago, shortly after the season started

Anyways i know you dont want to talk, ill just leave this here to defend my reputation from your brig-salt and for others too see that you are, in fact, desperate for grasping straws to get brig nerfed because you cannot stop the character,

on to my opinion from the bug: Yes, i understand this is a bug that should be looked at

But it should also be considered the following

Some bugs, should be made into features, Like moira fade jump, or Brig shield jump or doomfist jump etc

Because as mentioned before, rally, despite this bug remains as one of the Weakest support ults in game imagine how it would be

When there is not a bug thats increasing its overall effectiveness by 50% according to the OP

it would be, in fact, completly useless,

if we pull up the history of nerfs to rally too, we can see some changes have no justification in her current iteration, was has her Rally Nerf to a maximum of 150 armor, which the justficiation was “because it was permanent”

which its not anymore

Therefore, its a lot more complicated in this case due to the state the character is in

Consider how moiras “cannot heal through barriers” bugfix left her,

LOL, people saying this unironically in 2019.


Pherhaps, Pherhaps not,

What makes me mostly doubt is that there were other goat variations without brig that had mild success, Like BOATS

plus, Currently, Bunker seems a bit more prevalent arround ladder rather than GOATS, which could mean the tight teamwork that GOATS may need to work properly is non-existant in ladder… so technically it seems the problem is more OWL rather than GOATS

Wait WHAT?!

This HAS to be a bug. This should be in the bug report. There is no way it should work this way.

Does this mean you can stack more than 15 “layers” as each “layer” can be reduced but not eliminated, then 0.5sec later another layer is added and that’s reduced so keep adding “layers” where each “layer” is only 2-5HP deep so adding up to +100 armour with 20+ layers.

ironically this would mean “beam weapons” would be least affected as they deal a flat 80% damage to armour which wouldn’t matter how many chunks/layers it was in.

But doesn’t his “overload” instantly apply the +100 bonus armour so it would be one “chunk” or “layer”.

Oh yeah, Rally applies the armour over 10 seconds with 0.5sec interval. That’s only 20 intervals.

This bug is kind of in a tough spot.

Is it something not listed and something that should be looked at? Yes, absolutely.

But should it be removed? That’s where the tough spot comes into play.

I’d be fine with them fixing it but only if they buff Rally to improve the protection it would provide without the bug. Maybe giving back 150 armor, at the very least, but she’d probably need more to get similar impact.

Because as it stands now, even if the numbers are higher than you expect, the other off-support ultimates are still better. You’re still going to want Transcendence or Sound Barrier over Rally because those ultimates just have better impact than Rally will have just about every time.

Exactly, this is why i initially told OP to stop trying to get the hero nerfed because they dislike it,

We all know this is a bug and should be looked at, But rally even with a bug that is suposedly making it have 50% more value than it should is still considered the worst defensive support ult in the game

imagine without this

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JuSt StaY oUt oF HeR RAnGe


The worst part is how it gives such inconsistent bonus, from things beyond your control. Yes an element of uncertainty in the game is important, but when you have so much hinging on odds that’s called gambling.

It’s fluky and not fun for anyone, you didn’t win because you played better or they played worse, just pure luck on the damage coming in.

it should definetly be made a bit more consistent so that you know how much damage you can take and not rely on this suposed layer mechanic

pherhaps to make it more consistent you could remove this whole layer mechanic and add a 20% damage resistance to people who have atleast 1 point of armor of rally to make it more consistent?