Rally has a misleading mechanic, it's actually very broken

If armour works properly, without this bug, and it’s found that such armour isn’t enough… then give more armour. Or give the armour at a more rapid rate than 15 armour every 0.5sec, that’s effectively only 30HP/sec “overheal”.

But the status quo is no solution, armour should be armour. It shouldn’t work so weirdly different if given like this by Brig’s Ult.

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i mean technically there are differences between characters who have the same type of health, as is with Hammond Doomfist and Lucio, who possess three different types of “Temporal shields” One decays super fast, the other slower, and the other decays all at once

So it wouldnt be out of the question have “rally armor” be different from “overload armor” for example

Its her ult i hope she is oppressive it’s like the only thing she can really do well now

So are we looking at Transcendence next?

Nah brig isnt that bad as people make her out to be

i ran sucesful 2-2-2 comps with brig in comp and won a bunch of times

Maybe not in GM but on the more average ranks its ok but GM is a little bit more extremist by nature, so you shouldnt always stop playing ahero because they are not the best there,

in GM, you are either the best for the job at hand, or your not good enough, thats kind of how it goes for most heroes

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Two wrongs don’t make a right.

And you can still see what’s going on with Lucio and Doom’s health, you can see it decaying, what you see is what you get. And when you damage it then that “dark blue” health reacts to taking damage as expected.

Yeah, it could differ in decay rate or whether it decays at all.

But this isn’t about decay rate, this is about how the instant the armour as it is, it’s not reducing damage as the devs say it otherwise should work.

Im not saying shes terrible because youre right she can work in 2 2 2 sometimes like very well its just like its still her ult so i feel she should be very effective during that time especially

I mean, sure but we only have one other comparision…and it shows that they can vary so who says if its wrong or not?

Here is the thing right, Im pretty sure that her armor in itself isnt chaging, its because the way its beeing adquired that is different

the armor still works the same, it reduces -3 from an attack that does more than 6 and reduces it by half if it does less than 6

its just that your attack is technically hitting multiple armors at the same time and thus why it gets multiple reductions,

But it still works as intended, Maybe making it come in small packs, like every 1 second you get 25 hp in a bulk to prevent the over time mechanic from stacking up, but thats the best you could do, and maybe that would make the ult too weak after…

If this is in fact a bug, it seems like a nice time to buff or rework Rally, with the armor mechanics working properly of course

The interesting thing is I tried this out on the bots in training mode and nothing occurred. 6 shots of 8 damage each results in 250 -> 220 or 350 -> 320.

maybe it has to do with the firerate and the damage and in what moment they hit

Seemingly to make it all the more a bug than anything if this does exist. I have not tried on other human players, but the fact its not consistent is not really good.

Hi original OP here, you have to cross armor boundaries to get extra reductions. In your case each bullet deals 5 damage, so 3 of them will destroy the 15-armor
layer (2 for 10-armor layer), so no boundary crossing.

If that’s the only comparison it’s not much of a comparison.

You may misunderstand exactly what is going on here.

Multiple “armours”!?!?

That’s NOT supposed to be a thing in Overwatch, that’s NOT how armour works ANYWHERE else. No one ever said it was supposed to work like this. The rule is supposed to be “if the damage value would reduce even a single point of armoured health then the armour effect is applied to that batch of damage which is half damage, up to -3 damage for that batch”.

Nothing of how armour is “batched” or “layered” where this -3 can apply multiple times for one single damage value!

No term like “armours” exist in talking about armour in health in overwatch. Health points are armoured or not armoured.

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This is a big thing what they found, but it doesn’t change anything in regard to her state in Ladder.
It’s just explain why she is so good at Goats, and why she is generally good even at the highest ranks without Goats.

This needs an example damage calculation to make more sense honestly for the terminology used if that is closer to the case.

Brig 310 health = 200 (white) + 50 (armor) + 60 (4x rally)
Ashe fires one bullet of 40 damage. Where does damage value lie? 15/30/45.
Armor lost = 34 = 40 - 3*2 stacks
Brig 276 health = 200 (white) + 50 (armor) + 26 (rally)

Calm down dude, maybe its an oversight of the mechanic, or maybe its on prupose, (it aint the first time there are obscure mechanics we havent heared of)

Want an example of an obscure mechanic that shouldnt be how itworks but it does and this is confirmed by the devs?

Ashes ult, Your not meant to gain ultimate charge while your ultimate is up, yet she does,

So, we have yet to see if this is even a bug

I just hope this will be not “blizzard will fix it soon tm”

Please don’t interpret emphasis as shouting, it’s emphasis because you seem to be glossing over a lot of things.

You’re glossing over how utterly broken this is.

I doubt the devs would ever do anything quite this underhanded as to deliberately implement such a significant and obscure change secretly.

This has all the hallmarks of a bug.

That’s not an example at all, devs explicitly said how it was supposed to work.

They explicitly said how it should work and that it not working that is a bug.

And even if you didn’t know about that post, that’s not an “obscure mechanic” that would just be an inconsistency. It’s not actually that consistent what ults do or don’t allow you to continue to gain ult charge.

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Only after it was complained that it stopped working, Thats the moment where they made it clear because ppl though they were nerfing the hero

Again im just saying that, Lets stop here for a minute before saying anything and asking for bug fixes and stuff, We have seen plenty of bugfixes that have either crazily damaged a heros viability, or made it really strong

We are all in the same page in knowing that this isnt normal, and that it may be a bug,

But we also have to consider, Hey, Look at the state the character is in (which is a whoooooooooooooole topic on itself and hard to get a grasp on because of the sheer amount of controversy the character has) and then think, What is this bug doing for the character,

Because, Yes, this is an inconsistent mechanic with the rest of the other abilities, Just like ashes ult as i pointed out before

But this inconsistency may be what is keeping the character from beeing worse, which changes our question from “Is this a bug or not?” to “if it was a bug, should it even be corrected?”

There are “bugfixes” that were never fixed or turned into features just because they helped the character, Like GA bunnyhop that ability has a ton of obscure mechanics that are probably not even intended

or “bugfixes” that people said that they should have never been fixed in the first place (e.g moira)

or “bug fixes” that made characters a lot stronger than they should once they were fixed (e.g doomfist)