Because by now people have realized that if you let her live through rally you basically lose the teamfight.
So how is it broken if she can be killed quickly and easily?
Because if you wait 3 seconds instead of focusing her then you can start complaining how she’s too hard to kill apparently
I guess I’ll stand out in the open when DVA uses her bomb so we can finally “nerf this”
Getting all 20 ticks to trigger would require the player to take enough damage to keep themselves below the 100 fortified armor max for the entire duration of the Rally while also not dying. It’s not impossible but, I wouldn’t consider it to be the normal experience. The players that trigger it pre-fight would be wasting ticks by putting it up too early and the people that activate it mid fight would waste ticks sometimes by having the player die.
Well I’m mostly speaking about 15 ticks because that’s the max per OP. I think it’s not as rare as you think and it presents itself as stronger in the situations where it can happen. Heroes like Tracer, Winston, Hog, Soldier can cause it. Which are heroes Brig is very good against.
To put it in a time perspective, Brig is potentially mitigating an unintended 6-12 damage per second on the generous side. This getting fixed isn’t going to necessarily have the impact people are hoping for.
That’s only during the ult no? There’s also that this effect of stacking is there even after Rally. Even so 6-12 damage per second sounds small, it really does. However if we consider something like Soldier’s rifle then you can see the effect of these seemingly small numbers. His 20-19-20 changes were “only” a 9 DPS change. Kinda undersells the impact in my opinion especially when that is potentially per hero in her team
It won’t have the opinion people are completely hoping for. That I agree with. It will however have an impact.
Don’t forget to stand in front of ulting pharahs
Waving to ulting Soldiers will be my new strategy
I didn’t say it was broken, and ‘quickly and easily’ isn’t giving Brig enough credit. If she has inspire proc’d then she has 16.67 HPS on herself plus the 15+15 armor per second making her regain 46.67 health per second and always having the armor reduction unless you can take the rally armor and the natural armor off and continue doing damage. That’s better than a Mercy hard pocketing her for the entirety of her ult. Add on her CC and shield and she is hardly quick or easy to kill.
Except now everyone says Repair Pack was the issue all along and that the Tracer one-shot combo didn’t invalidate Tracer. But I just knew that as soon as there was something else to complain about, people would change their tune for the 20th time. This just goes to show that the community will literally never stop complaining about Brig no matter what happens to her. As soon as something is “fixed,” something else conveniently becomes the “”“”“REAL”“”“”" problem. Thank you for proving me completely correct on this. Thank you for proving that the anti-Brig community is logically bankerupt.
If you wanna generalise thne you pro brig people were advocating that she was balanced from the beginning so clearly you don’t know what you are taking about. Besides that, I have personally ALWAYS, read that again, ALWAYS maintained that the problem was her armour. That includes both Rally and Repair Pack. This isn’t some gotcha where you caught me out.
Earthshatter is lightyears more impactful in high level play, gut Rein and throw him in the trash. This is how this works right? Apply your logic consistently, come on now.
That’s really not what I said. You’re just looking for stuff to poke “inconsistencies out of”. Funny enough if you look at single ult teamfight win rate, the two ults are within 4% of each other.
So how about that Earthshatter nerf? Not surprised someone would make this seem like less of a big deal. After all people around here defend Rein when he’s a must pick. Do you see any issues at all in this type of argument here?
Please show me defending Rein because I have never defended the tanks.
It seems like you keep trying to generalise me to the rest of this forum so as to point out some inconsistency whereas I did not do the things you are accusing me of doing. I have always maintained my position about pro balance and that armour is the problem. Armour includes repair pack and rally
Hell I called it months ago that they didn’t address Brig’s biggest problems and instead addressed the parts of her that were annoying people. Like the shield bash not going through shields nerf. I thought and still maintain that that was only to appease those tanks who were crying but did nothing to fix why she encourages 3-3.
Do not presume to know me and bring an actual argument instead of “hey you’re not consistent with the rest of the idiots here. You’re just anti Brig”. No I’m pro balance and the current game is not that
I was responding to the OP and it is giving her credit because focus fire destroys her in her ultimate.
And isn’t Mercy’s healing bad?
There is this little thing called range
She has very, very little of it. I’d exploit it.
Seriously, of all the ultimate abilities in the game this one is one of the last ones I expected people to complain about
That fact is literally made up.
I see Brigs die during Rally all the time on Gm streams mate. Dont mistake “high level play” with “OWL” because thats a different race all together.
She still dies with 2 blasts of junkrat/pharah, DF combos and many other things. Armor is in no way, shape or form a HUGE mitigator like 300HPs from Trans or 750 Beat from Lucio and thats a fact.
Its called having an accurate depiction of reality. Just because you throw percentages, that doesnt make the ending flat amount of damage mitigate any bigger. She is far from being immortal during rally, Zen is and Lucio is during 3-4 sec. Another fact for you.
Thanks for proving my point, she is very survivable, which is the intention, not immortal nor “feels” immortal.
Again, even with this “discovery” still falls under the “meh” category. Period.
Only according to Mercy mains.
She doesn’t need range to keep people off of her while she ults. She has a shield to stop ranged damage and if people do get close then she can proc inspire and start cc’ing them. With her inspire proc’d with her ult she does slightly less than valkyrie in terms of healing, but she over-heals making it slightly more powerful.
She still dies with 2 blasts of junkrat/pharah
She doesn’t die from 2 Pharah shots even if she is not rallying
She doesn’t die from Junkrat nade + mine combo.
DF combos
Unlike quite a lot of other heroes, she can actually CC Doomfist and either counter-bash him or whip-shot him away.
and many other things.
You mean things like Hanzo headshots, that kill other 250 HP heroes, she survives it?
You seeing Brigs die doesn’t mean it has no effect. Like what the hell. Just because something can fail due to the player does not mean it does not have a high effect
As CrazyDiamond said:
“I’ve seen Valking mercies die so clearly Mercy was never OP. Checkmate atheists/Mercy haters/Brig haters”
She still dies with 2 blasts of junkrat/pharah, DF combos and many other things. Armor is in no way, shape or form a HUGE mitigator like 300HPs from Trans or 750 Beat from Lucio and thats a fact.
The hell are you talking about base brig for? We’re talking about Rally. Also love that you said she dies from two pharah rockets. Really shows the type of people who defend Brig when suddenly 237 damage(-3 from armour) is greater than 250. So maybe check the nonsense you say before going around claiming “facts” and “period”
Its called having an accurate depiction of reality. Just because you throw percentages, that doesnt make the ending flat amount of damage mitigate any bigger. She is far from being immortal during rally, Zen is and Lucio is during 3-4 sec. Another fact for you.
Nobody said she is immortal. Why do you keep throwing out hyperbole and then addressing that? Just because you ignore the percentages does not change their effects. The fact that you even claim Lucio is immortal during those 3-4 sec just shows that you are all over the place here. Calling things facts when they are just your opinions
Or does Pharah do more than 120 damage per direct in your world of “Facts”
Thanks for proving my point, she is very survivable, which is the intention, not immortal nor “feels” immortal.
Again, even with this “discovery” still falls under the “meh” category. Period.
Considering this
Is still a thing, your “period” means just as little as your “facts”. Nothing at all
People said this nonsense about killing Mercy in Valkyrie form as a way to say she wasn’t overpowered. We had this same nonsense being said about release Brig despite how strong she was. Pope will stick their hands in their ears and scream to not hear the truth.
If this isn’t a recent development and it always existed it would go a long way in properly balancing Brig if they fix this and buff her in other areas. If it is a recent development it should be fixed.
Yeah and the most frustrating things is these people will then pretend that they always maintained that Brig or Mercy was OP despite the same people calling the heroes dead after every single nerf no matter how minor
We are assuming she is underfire, therefore she is not full HP, otherwise you cant stack “layers” of armor mate.
If she is 250hp, then the max armor cap hits.
You seem to be, again quite off on your estimations.
We are talking about “immortal” here, and there is A LOT of room between “harder to kill” and immortal. Let me spell it out for you:
Falls under the “meh” category still.
Aparently, you like the other dude, are twisting the experiment conditions.
She only has “layers” over and over if she is underfire, therefore she is NOT at 250hp.
He literally said, and I quote “feels invinicible”.
Because you are specifically using percentages and not flat numbers because when we look at the flat numbers all your argument of “high effect” falls apart like a castle made of sand.
Look at the OP again and check the numbers. Sure, the numbers are not the ones you would “expect” but they are, in no way, shape or form, HIGH.
They are not.
They simply arent.
You using percentages to “boost” the notion of that being “broken” is a brutal over exaggeration that leads to nothing. Specially when talking about a hero that has been brutally nerfed to the ground.
Another fact for you:
If you still have issues with Brig by now, its on you mate. She is far from being broken, in the “overpowered” way.
Keep running around throwing percentages but the flat numbers are there.
We are assuming she is underfire, therefore she is not full HP, otherwise you cant stack “layers” of armor mate.
No, we are not assuming that. She doesn’t have to be sub-250 HP for the above-mentioned effect to kick in.
If she is 250hp, then the max armor cap hits.
No, it doesn’t. She can comfortably go to 200 HP + 50 Base Armor + 100 rally armor and still have rally ongoing and still experience the above mentioned effect, in which case, all of your damage breakpoints are horrendously off and she is borderline unkillable. Anyhow, I looked through your post history (you cant really hide it even if you think that you can), not really much sense in even trying to argue with you.
Imagine still whining about Brig nowadays . . .
Idk what the issue is. It’s an ultimate and she isn’t actually immortal during it. So I don’t really care. In my experience, the player’s confidence is overwhelming in her ult and they mess up because she is , not in fact, immortal.