PTR Mercy actually feels really good

It is an escape button, as soon as you hear any ult.

You can use it for that reason if you want, but it’s a waste most of the time

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I respectfully disagree with this statement

This is a game where being alive is one of the keys

Victory conditions involve a payload being moved to a certain point and/or a location/point captured or controlled

a living character can move a payload towards and into a point, and can control/capture a point

a dead one cannot

It’s not like it will save teammates from any decent damaging ult, so I can just fly away. If second healer got their ult, they will use it, if there is no second healer, then all hope is lost.

Feel like backing this up with some numbers proving that its likely her healing will go up? I don’t mind posting a novel that no one will read filled with math and averages based on what the average stats of the hero are, but if I’m going to spend the time, I’d appreciate not being the only one doing so for once.

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So basically, you’re telling me that Valkyrie isn’t going to save your teammates, so they’re going to die. For that reason, you don’t use Valkyrie.
So you use your ult after they die to escape???

In my opinion, not everyone will be willing to make such a trade, even in the unlikely event that Blizzard would make the choice available

I for example would not be willing to make that trade

They didn’t even buff it other than 60hp/s which is what she had before. They took away your cake and gave you half a slice back.


I use it as soon as more than 1 teammate dies, because it makes outcome certain. 2 teammates dead with other team still having 6 players = fight is over, see you at spawn room.

Prefer not to watch teammates being killed, when I am unable to undo their deaths or outheal that damage.

Just reviewing facts here: the change announced on 20181023 does not take anything away from Mercy; rather each of the two changes strengthens her.

Look, Valkyrie isn’t meant to outheal ults because it lasts 15 seconds. Compare it to Transcendence that can help you team survive channeled ults; which lasts 6 seconds.

Valkyrie SHOULDN’T be used to counter ults unless your tanks are trying to actively shield your team as well.

Also, a DPS ult isn’t going to kill your whole team everytime and some ults can actually be outhealed more or less easily by Valkyrie like Tactical Visor.

You should use Valk to give your team a massive advantage when initiating a fight or trying to defend a point. It’s also super versatile with the damage boost and pistol

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There is no other healer usually, so your suggestions are not working. Also I won’t call advantage massive, it’s not sound barrier.

Versatility is downside here, since Valkyrie does multiple things, but none of those things are strong enough. If I were interested in dealing damage, I would pick DPS instead.

Our priorities appear to differ

I tend to use Valkyrie preemptively rather than reactively

I like to use Valk as the teamfight begins to prevent (or help prevent, if you prefer) a teammate from dying

I do not like to use Valkyrie after someone has died, as it will now help (or potentially help, if you prefer) 1 fewer person

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Can keep teammates healed well enough without Valkyrie.

Our experiences differ

Most teams I am a part of include 2 healers. If there is only one healer picked, I will fill in as the second

You should know that the 3 main healers don’t have defensive ultimates. Valkyire, Nano-boost and Coalenscence have lower healing outputs because their base kits already have a high amount of healing potential.

If you want to counter ults, either play Lucio or Zenyatta or ask someone to switch to them. If no one wants to, then it’s not the devs’ faults for not giving Valkyrie the potential to outheal dps ults. They gave you the option to do that with Lucio or Zenyatta.

Except Nanoboost and Coalescence both counter ults, just not multiple. Compared to both, Valkyrie is weak.

It might satisfy those who just want anything and will take whatever is thrown their way, but at best it only partially reverts a nerf that did feel nessary to begin with.

So in other words, it doesn’t address the issues that have been brought up for months on end except now it can be said that Mercy has received her first buff since the rework and that buff is just to undo damage done by a needless nerf.

The issue with what the devs stated about the reason for the rework is that it completely ignored reality and was built upon the gripes made popular by popular YouTubers and streamers. Statistically speaking, the issue that spurred the rework was being done a very small fraction of the time compared to when it was not happening, and the problematic behavior started after a very specific 2 events occurred. They could have very easily just nerfed those 2 things and there would have been no justifiable reason the rework had to continue.

Ironically, Jeff himself made it a point to state what was happening wasn’t actually happening when the Mercys and supports brought it up and started providing data in a database to prove it was really happening. The devs insisted we were wrong a total of 3 times, then had to admit we were right a month later when they ninja half patched it. Up to that point, if you played Mercy you were actively sabotaging your own rank purely because of her being broken, and that was beyond not a concern to the devs until they started getting slammed by game articles, websites, and on popular youtube channels. This plays a large part into the distrust namely that Mercy players have for what is said by the devs. If there wasn’t a history of repeatedly getting BSed, or when proven valid concerns that negatively affect the game are brushed aside, maybe we wouldn’t be expecting it and maybe we wouldn’t be hyper analyzing everything so much.

Not saying its right, nor justifying it, just saying its a contributing factor that gets very overlooked and that doing so is completely unfair.

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i do agree with this statement, that’s why it’s getting buffed. And Nanoboost does not counter ults - the 300 burst heal can save someone, but won’t counter an ult.

Coalescence can outheal dps ults but certainly not as easily as Sound Barrier or Transcendence. Not to mention that Moira can also outheal some dps with her base healing.