PTR Mercy actually feels really good

a good example, thank you

Indeed, they cant.

Blizzard holds this control, and ergo defines what a character is through initial design and subsequent changes

And thats another problem.

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I think you didnt catch the sarcasm. The entire rework was forced onto the mercy community because of DPS players whining.
Then 14 nerfs got forced onto the mercy community because of DPS players whining. Now noone is whining, unless they get her on her team because she is actually garbage.

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To think of it, rework made everyone unhappy, while pre-rework was making only enemy team unhappy. Now it’s still 2/3 unhappy, since enemy team now doesn’t have to do anything to Mercy, she isn’t that strong anymore.

None of that changes what Mercy (or any character) is, as defined by Blizzard

Using or not using an ability is a choice, one of many we make over the course of playing a match

Let’s say I whip out my pistol and start shooting the enemy Orisa

One player might tell me thats a bad decision, never use Mercy’s pistol

Another player might tell me thats a bad decision, you should be healing me instead

Another player might tell me thats a bad decision, shoot soldier instead, he’s squishier

I would just smile, knowing that as a shoot at Orisa she is easy to hit, her shield isnt facing me, she’s been decimating us throughout the match, and she’s almost dead already - I’ll get back to one of those other things shortly



choices limited to what is defined for the character by Blizzard

I respectfully disagree with this statement

It did not make me or any Mercy player I know unhappy, as well as many others who have stated the same on this and other forum threads

I can’t wait until this change goes out and Mercy players stop healing as much, and then streamers and pros will start complaining until she gets nerfed again.

You didn’t play pre-rework Mercy, so you have little clue about what she was.

I talking about Overwatch. Not Witcher. I don`t wanna make choise between lesser and bigger evil.

I am talking about OW as well

a question, if you dont mind: How exactly do you know what I have played or not played?

Because it’s obvious: players that started to pick Mercy after rework simply know no better.

You didn’t need Valkyrie to survive ults back there: proper use of GA with 1 s cooldown could keep you ahead of ulting Genji.

true, but having free flight is better to be honest. your GA path is dictated on your teammate’s positioning

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I believe we all have access to the same set of 28, err 29 characters, so all players have access to Mercy. Any changes applied to any character apply to everyone’s game, not just the games owned by Mercy players

I havent read anything anywhere from Blizzard devs indicating that these were the reasons for the changes they made. Conversely, I have read other statements from Blizzrd indicating what their reasons were for these changes, and in no case do I recall it being anything like what you have described here.

As such, I am going to respectfully disagree with this statement.

I will avoid providing a remark form my own POV here, and will instead note that I have read many statements from many forum participants (in this and other Mercy-related threads) indicating that they feel there is a great deal such activity going on at present on the subject of the character we are discussing

in my opinion, none of the 28 err 29 characters is garbage

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Survival is meaningless, if you can’t share it with your team. I consider dying, but bringing back everyone a better decision, than being sole survivor.

If giving up Valkyrie is price required to bring actually strong ultimate back, I am willing to do such trade instantly.

With apologies, this sounds (to me) quite a lot more like an attack on all current Mercy players than an answer to the question I asked about how you know what I have or have not played

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?? surviving is what you should be actively trying to do as Mercy. Being the sole survivor is bad for every single hero.

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Except this is what Valkyrie is good for. It keeps Mercy alive better, than it keeps alive her team, which needs it a lot more.

Again, killed healer vs killed team, first one is lesser evil.

It isn’t bad for heros designed around this concept. Mercys main job is healing. Healing provides the least potential charge out of everything in her kit, and she was reworked with the goal of not encouraging her to stop healing. This is why its a problem for Mercy based on the way she functions and the way her kit exists as it is now. That’s kind of the whole point of my novel of a post.

Edit: spelling on mobile is apparently hard today.

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Valkyrie isn’t an escape button for Mercy. Granted, it won’t outheal everything, but it’s a massive advantage for every teammate to have 60 hps applied on them when engaging a fight for example.

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