Pls revert GA back to 1.5 seconds

Ney. Leave it as is. She’s both stronger and less frustrating to go against that’s a win win.

Only if we revert doom to dps

I’d be happy for them to make it 1 second and revert the 20% backward jump. Just revert the healing nerfs and nerf dmg boost.

Would you want them to revert these changes? That’s kinda giving into the complaints?

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I would prefer that, yes.

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Would you be open to even more survivability…like lower GA cooldown and maybe more self heal in exchange for nerfing dmg boost?

This would just nerf Mercy’s damage potential without nerfing the core issue of break points. The difference between a one shot on Sojourn is 5 damage. 10% nerf doesn’t change that. There has to be fundamental changes. I’m interested to see if damage boost gets similar treatment to Mercy’s healing changes.

revert everything like it was before but leave boost on enjured below 50% . This is only one fair way

I’d nerf her dmg boost to 20% but she can chain targets if they’re very close

And nerf rez CD to 45 seconds

Add passive healing back in her ult

Make the boost when below 50% from 67.5 to 62 max!! No aim instant heals shouldn’t be close to 70

Make the heal when above 50% from 45 to 50

would agree but they’ll need to make it so you can no longer follow pharah, then i’m good with it

This is coming from someone who hates mercy:

Ga nerfs were…big. to say the least. I think what makes us tick is the high amount of reward a hero gets for little to no thought nor skill.

Not to say mercy player are bad, but a 1 button 30 second cooldown to literally resurrect someone to FULL hp makes up for a huge mistake and is insanely valuable. Holding 1 button for dmg boost to let a dps dictate games is crazy.

Mercy has a lot going wrong with her kit, and needs a different way to channel these abilities.


Damage boost isn’t a problem.

It’s been in the game since the beginning of OW1.

So has Widow…

Will it though? You could nerf Mercy’s damage boost to 3% and it would still enable Soj to one shot. They need to make it so Railgun can’t be damage boosted.

I’ve decided to become an agent of chaos.

Nerf damage boost to 20%, buff every character in the game by 10%.

The changes I’d go for:


  • Revert Season 3 changes. (Bear with me.)

The changes to Mercy in Season 3 are generally poorly received by all.

  • Health to 150 (from 200)

Reducing Mercy’s health reduces her margin for error without gutting the most fun part of her kit: her movement. This should make Mercies in mid-to-high ranks less survivable due to her mistakes being far more punishable.

  • Caduceus Staff Damage Boost: Replaced with Charge Boost
    • Blue beam now increases ultimate charge rate by 30% for affected heroes; Mercy also receives the boost amount as ultimate charge.
    • This effect applies to all forms of ultimate generation: damage dealt, healing dealt, and passive generation.

Everyone hates blue beam. You stand there, spectate a burst DPS, and things die. Your opponents hate it, and it’s boring for you. These changes nullify the breakpoint-shattering effects of damage boost by removing the damage boost effect altogether, leaving the damage boost’s effects on ult economy untouched; boosting passive and healing charge further evens the playing field for recipients of Mercy’s boost, allowing all roles to take advantage of its effects.

In other words, it’s a straight up nerf with a side of niche utility; an ult charge boost effect would need to be finely tuned, and as a result I would not be comfortable with increasing the magnitude of the boost before seeing its effects on the game overall, even though it most likely would need to be increased to something like 40-50%, if I had to guess.

  • Regeneration Passive: Replaced with Sympathetic Recovery
    • Mercy receives 10 hp/s of healing when healing while healing an ally; this healing stops if the ally reaches full health.
    • This amount is increased by 40% when Mercy has less than 75 health.

Here comes a diet version of Mercy’s healing changes in Season 3, because I personally think that the more unique passive suits her. Compared to her Season 3 version of the passive, the self-healing is reduced by 11% and boosts her self-healing based upon her own hit point total, instead of her target’s.

Her reduced health total should allow her to be burst down through the light healing, while still allowing this to be a suitable reward for a triage Mercy playstyle.

  • Caduceus Staff Healing:
    • Reduced to 50 hp/s, from 55 hp/s
    • Healing dealt to allies below 50% of their maximum health is increased by 40%.

This makes Mercy a slightly stronger (literally 2.5 more hp/s) triage healer, while reducing the hit to her consistent healing output compared to the Season 3 changes.

  • Valkyrie:
    • Gives 50 overhealth to Mercy on use.
    • Sympathetic Recovery heals for each ally receiving healing.
    • Caduceus Staff Charge Boost increased to 35% while active.

Just covering my bases here.

  • Resurrect:
    • Casting time reduced to 1.5s, from 1.75s.
    • Move speed penalty reduced to -60%, from -75%
    • Displacement effects, movement, and the like only cancel Resurrect if they displace Mercy more than 10m away from the dead ally. (Ability range is unchanged; cancel range is double ability range)
    • Resurrected allies are now resurrected at 50% HP (from 100%) with a 50% healing boost effect for 3 seconds.

With Mercy’s additional frailty due to her reduced health and reduced momentary impact thanks to the loss of Damage Boost, Resurrect’s vulnerability needs to be reduced to compensate.
Allies are also no longer resurrected at full health, to limit the impact of resurrecting a tank while having minimal effect on the resurrection of squishies.

Of course, Mercy would possibly need buffs to Charge Boost and possibly Resurrect to compensate for the uncompensated nerfs here, but I’m trying to solve a whole boatload of complaints here all at once and I’m just one random guy on the forums.

Nay. Find a middle ground where GA isn’t 2.5s but also isnt 1.5s while also being able to keep some form of her new passive

Reworked GA is too strong at 1.5s

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I’m curious what you’d think of the changes I mentioned above, then.

I figure, why not do it… and then promptly make the margin for error smaller to compensate by cutting her health, to force Mercies to use her crazy movement tools or die.

Hai hai

If they were to give her 1.5 GA again, they better revert her healing buff too.

imo every damage amp in this game should be removed it doesn’t fit in ow2 and would fix so many issues