Pls revert GA back to 1.5 seconds

My suggestion: Mercy changes get reverted. Every character in the game has GA.

What lobby is this??thinking dmg boost isnt op lmfaoooo. ever wonder why is it soo annoying to deal with these comps Phar-Mercy? sojourn-Mercy? ashe-Mercy? creee-Mercy?soldier-Mercy? echo-Mercy?? is it the the heals or the dmg boost??

it’s both, but that’s a skill issue, my new way of explaining it because I’m tired

This is uh, not a great idea, unfortunately. Giving mercy damage options on her own and getting rid of blue beam while keeping the rest of her kit the same will limit her to no end.

My best example of this would be oh okay, she has damage potential now, can she flank? No, because she can’t use her mobility without a sightline to her teammates if she needed to get out of a bad situation. Okay so flanking is off the table, as well as most options that have anything to do with being on her own away from the team.

Great, so what does that leave us with? Spam shooting into the enemy lines behind your tank while getting some healing in there? Yeah, sounds really fun and dynamic, as well as definitely useful-

Ya no that would be insane op and we would move even harder into a one shot meta do to having to remove the mercy intensity the second she stops moving. With her new pasive you remove poke options like soldier and if you make it insanly spamable you remove even bust because she can just always get away instently so the only option is one shots. And dont come at me with genji double jump spam i think that needs nerfed as well just like hoe pharah and echo got their movement nerfed

The way so much of this thread is mercy players playing the victim as if she’s a completely non functioning character. It’s impressive how much some people let a fictional character affect them.

Like OP has some pretty reasonable and simple ideas for GA. Then the other mercy players come in and talk about how she needs her current healing buffs along with a GA revert lmao.

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It happened with pharah to a lesser degree when ever she gets a fuel nerf they say it feels unfun then in like 2 months adapt and keep playing then history repeats its self. I think genji needs a cool down on double jump and i know alot of genjis would cry it feels bad but i think its needed for low rank

mercy never needed 1.5 seconds cooldown to begin with, it’s just what made her bearable to play. her real problem is when the cooldown starts.

her GA cooldown only starts after the entire flight takes place and ends, not right after using it. The only reason why GA with 1.5s was ok, was because the cooldown was so small that it didn’t matter.

now with 2.5 seconds, you can fly towards a max distance winston (and the travel time for that is around 3 seconds now because she flies slower even forward but it doesn’t show up on the patch notes) and still have to way ANOTHER 2.5 seconds for the skill to cooldown. that’s 2.5 to 6 seconds of cooldown vs the old 1.5-4 seconds.

mercy’s beam takes 1.3 seconds to break. this means that at the end of the day, using winston as an example:

you jump to him-> tether-> he jumps away-> your beam broke while you’re on cooldown (so you can’t do extended GA to catch up with him)-> you have been abandoned-> have nowhere to go-> enemies are shooting you-> you’re dead-> winston died because he was confident that you were healing him, but you weren’t-> now winston is flaming you in the chat and tilted. Now you have to not only heal his character for the rest of the match along with everyone else, but also be the equivalent of a FBI hostage negotiator to deal with his tilt. this makes for an absolutely crap match.

winston has more mobility as a monkey than a literal winged angel woman.

what’s really stupid is seeing people defend this with “but i still see mercy in every game so the nerfs weren’t really that bad” instead of thinking objectively about it. people play the characters they like, good or bad, mercy has a fun playstyle that tons of people love. these people aren’t going to stop playing mercy because she sucks, they’re just going to continue doing it until the frustration is exhausting enough to where they play less of the game. and once those players take a break from overwatch, THEN you’ll see less mercys, not before.

we need to be honest about the fact that mercy was just fine, a lot of mobility, slow healing, she was just not “fun” to play against, but she wasn’t OP in the slightest.

now it’s no mobility and even less healing (unless they’re 50% or below). so now she’s not just not fun, she’s also takes longer to top up teammates

why wasn’t her health simply dropped? why not make her healing proportional to the distance between her and the target she’s healing so that people don’t just dance around the sky avoiding bullets while max healing a tank? why not get rid of her damage boost or nerf it? there were SOOOOOOOOO many ways to nerf this character, and they chose this garbage way. give mercy her mobility back with either the 1.5s or immediate cooldown trigger after skill use, remove the stupid double tap GA manual cancel, so everyone can stop fighting about this.

pharmercy has nothing to do with damage boost, but with her consistent healing. Even if she would only heal pharah you would still complain about them.

Backwards superjumping is the most fun thing to do in the game for me, it was fun to do in OW1 simply because it was harder to do. Personally, I think it should go back to how OW1 was even though it feels easier to do in OW2, but I kind of feel mixed about it.


Yeah no. Now, I just think

“Do I leave this person to die, or is there a really good chance they’ll win? If I GA to them and they get Hanzo headshot I’m dead too so…”

Which fricking sucks. Having to just leave people to die as Mercy completely ruins every reason I played her. I’ve just been abusing Ana and Kiriko if I ever wind up playing the role again.

You know how many times im forced to just stand there to die. I just go fully AFK for 2 sec cuz im dead. no possible way out of a situation. Plain dead by a noob opponent cuz i cant use GA for another 1-2 sec.

I like how she is.
More fun playing with her, a lot of utility and healing so she can adapt to what’s needed.
More fun playing against her because she’s easier to focus down.

While she is more op now it 10x times more fun to play with and agianst her.

Still haven’t played the game since the patch hit and refuse to.