Pls revert GA back to 1.5 seconds

Mercy isn’t bad, but with her GA nerfs she is now way less fun to play as imo

What if GA went back to 1.5 seconds but they gave her some compensation nerfs to her mobility? For example;

1.- Restore GA back to how it was during OW1, back when she couldn’t effortlessly spam SJ including her backwards SJ which was difficult to execute consistently

2.- Give SJ a cool-down so it isn’t spammed every 1.5 seconds

3.- Make her SJ slower and predictable. This would allow mercy to get punished easier which would make her think twice about using SJ. It would basically become more of a positioning tool when there’s no enemies around

What do you guys think? Yay or nay


Revert GA to 1.5 sec with no "if"s, "but"s and “compensation”. And we’re good.


I wish but people would complain non stop about mercy again


1.5s and instead of 30% dmg boost to 20% dmg boost and it will be fine


Revert her back and put super jump on a 10 to 20 second cool down.

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ppl still think damage boost op, lmao


Nah, damage boost is fine

Overkill lol


What the hell? No? That would be awful


dmg boost is cancer in ov2 30% and 20% would be good


I will make a lot of enemies right now… but… I like the current Mercy more. She feels more complex and you have to think more, while Valk is more powerful and her healing is now something you can and should use more often.

Sorry… The GA change made me think about more:

Do I need to slingshot?
Do I need to use it every time its off cooldown?
Do I need to get there or can I just walk there and have GA in my pocket?

In high level I am sure it feels terrible, because they are the ones who move like CRAZY all the time, but I really enjoy the new Mercy. Less bland and also kind of more fair?

If they change it back, so be it, but I like it. Sorry… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I don’t disagree, I just miss mindlessly flying around more xD

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Can you elaborate? Like the only time it’s ever a ‘problem’ is when it makes heroes who are on the cusp of 1-shotting do so. The only hero who benifits from that is Sojourn and she won’t stop 1-shotting w blue beam unless blue beam goes down to ~5% from 30%

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These types of posts give Mercy mains a good name.

Acknowledging that she has some strengths now that make her a powerful hero but asking for adjustments to her playstyle to make her more fun.

Very same feeling I have with the Doom buffs - I didn’t like them even though them made him more powerful. I have a feeling they’ll nerf Mercy again just like they did Doom.

I’m all behind - your idea of making her fun again.

These posts, unfortunately, do not give Mercy players a good name.

The Mercy main that either is in denial or not skilled enough to use her strengths - or simply only wants the game to be fun for them and no one else.


The movement is 100 times worse yes, but I like how you have now more power in her healing and ult. Is it healthy to buff the pocketing? Nope

I am sure we will see some crazy Mercy changes in the future if the splitt opinion over this soft rework stays. :joy:

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ashe or mccree also use dmg boost a lot
dmg boost mercy as well as orb zen is a problem in this game
characters like ashe or mccree already deal a lot of dmg with dmg boost already really sick

And you’re telling “Mercy mains” to “stop being in denial” in the face of baseless posts like this:

? Okay. Go ahead. But I’m done “arguing”. Now I just state what I think should be done and call it a day.

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DPS use damage boost? no way… that can’t be a weird coincidence

I would rather have damage boosted a Reinheardt that’s holding up his shield, that sounds much more normal

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No it’s not, her main issue is her being able to fly up constantly to pretty much always be in the air going at fast speeds. If you keep her mostly on the ground she’ll die more frequently.

She is less fun to play AGAINST, too.

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well, but you know that ashe already deals a lot of dmg and with dmg boost this dmg is not balanced in any way? because dmg boost gives too much?
in diamond me playing reaper with mercy duo i see the advantage of dmg boost + i play mercy sometimes(favourite supp) and i see that dmg boost is a general problem not only with sojourn