Pls revert GA back to 1.5 seconds

great, but she can damage boost anyone, so what’s so op about it?

if it works on Reaper too?

would reaper walking with Moira/Kiriko and both shooting one target be any differnt?

Mercy ‘isn’t bad’ right now reads the same as her being way too strong. She caught a huge buff on the back of the GA nerf which, most players agree, makes her feel just as terrible to play against as before…she’s just slightly more killable than before. The changes made playing Mercy in mid to lower SR much more difficult, and playing Mercy at mid to high SR much stronger, while lowering her skill expression and agency. So, that was interesting.

Mercy is, I think pretty obviously, going to take another nerf in the mid season patch. They clearly did not intend for her healing to function the way it is, or for the effect the change would have on the generally targeted Mercy playstyle; pocketing. I also can’t see them putting her movement where it was before because, frankly, it was comically overpowered. Mercy’s movement from the OW2 rework up until this GA nerf was literally so overpowered (as far as a movement system in OW2 goes) that it was almost comical. So I don’t think we’ll go back to that, at least.

As far as ‘restoring it back to OW1’…I think something I am noticing a lot of players misunderstand…Mercy didn’t get the GA/SJ change going from OW1 to OW2 for the sake of changing the hero. They had to change it because the OW1 SJ was literally a bug in the code. It was the only bug they left in intentionally in OW1 because it suited Mercy players well enough, but they never coded it in (like they did for other things they kept) because I don’t think they could. I think that, with whatever systems that are in the game, they could not get a SJ to work just like the original OW1 SJ (which, again, was the result of an unintended bug). That’s the way coding works sometimes.

So they couldn’t leave the bug going into OW2, because a bug in the code can’t be accounted for and could have big negative interactions down the line. They had to remove it, and they had to code something in its place. The dev team was, in my opinion, really generous with the playerbase and offered a couple of different iterations, asking how they felt along the line. They just could not make the same exact one, or we would see them bring that same one (but properly coded) back, I think. It would be in their best interest. Remember how upset the playerbase was that Mercy’s GA was being changed at all, during the beta? (which, lol, they were fine with once they realized the one they got was outrageously overpowered :woman_shrugging:). They could have avoided all of that by just…coding the existing one in, if they could have done so. So I don’t think you can get just ‘bring back the old GA’.

Frankly, I think players are going to have to learn to live with the 2.5s CD. I’ve played some Mercy on this patch and I think it actually does add a bit of thoughtfulness to her CD usage, which is nice, and it does add weight to her CDs. It makes Mercy think before she makes a play. It helps with Mercy’s risk/reward.

I really think any of the other changes you said would either a) be impossible or b) slide the problem Mercy players have with the nerf around. The issue is not just the superjump. The issue was Mercy’s entire survivability. Now, whether that’s her real issue (due to ranged DPS pocketing being her sole use, like she is an NPC, in higher SR) is a different argument…because what Mercy needs are reworks, not nerfs, but w/e.

Mercy is a really hard hero to balance because a) she has a really volatile fanbase (no other hero ‘main’ causes nearly an uproar when their clearly overpowered hero gets changed, lol), b) she directly affects the balance of a lot of other heros, and c) she is played very dramatically different across all SR. So when you consider changing her, you have to really consider what is the problem people have? Where are they speaking from? Because, though Mercy is a dominant pick at lower SR (due to her low skill floor), she really isn’t an effective, oppressively force. She’s being played closer to the ‘triage healer’ she was designed for. But when you go up in SR, then she loses that aspect of her kit and is, almost to exclusivity, played as a hard ranged DPS pocket. Her kit effectively gets dumbed down the higher in SR you go, which is wacky. You have to be a lot more thoughtful about your individual plays as a lower SR Mercy than a higher SR one, not to mention that pocketing is starting to really show cracks in OW2’s balance. Pocketing and overall damage boost as an ability.

I know what I, as a GM support player, would look at, if not outright what I would change it to (as I am not a dev). But that doesn’t mean that the team will grow a pair for long enough to change Mercy that dramatically, even if it’s better for the game and Mercy’s kit itself, in the long run.

Here’s my offer:

Remove super jump.
Remove damage beam.
Remove pistol.

In return, Mercy receives:

New Right Click Ability “Lightning Surge”!
• Tracking Beam
• 30 damage per second (40 in ultimate)
• Holds 50 ammo; 10 rounds used per second = 30 damage, so 3 damage per round.
• Lore: Something to do with Winston and him being a monkey or scientist.

1.5 second Guardian Angel returned + keeps the new passives.


but what don’t you understand that it gives too much advantage with this 30%? 20% would be fine

what advantage? oh no it gives lil bit more damage, oh the agony…

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A little more dmg? are we playing the same game?

clearly not, because you somehow think 30% is 100


If there’s a way to make Mercy feel fun to play again while still having her be killable then sure. The thing that gets lost in the “it’s not fun” argument is how good the mobility of Mercy is. When we have a character in game that has the highest survivability due to being able to TP through walls and make themselves and others immortal and Mercy somehow rivals that character due to GA and the techs with that ability I feel like people should think something is off there.

So if people are being stupid, you join them? Why?

Lol no thank you. Now she actually needs braincells to be played

GA shuold be 3 sec.

If you want 2 sec GA super jump should be removed. Or hey, give Genji his ledge dash jump back. They made Mercy completely broken through a bug. What about they undo that instead, you privileged little Mercy.

They tried to buff the zippy heals but indirectly changed it to the direction everyone hates.

I still zip around…just not very quickly. It feels counterintuitive and very sluggish. Just remove GA if y’all want a pocket playstyle - stop sending us mixed messages.

I’m not angry, just disappointed. The way I played Mercy is gone and now I hate sticking to one or two people.

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We do NOT need compensation nerfs.

If anything bring back ow1 ga, but I personally really enjoy backwards ga. Superjump being more consistent is nice as well, though I do miss being able to control the height of it.

But I don’t think anyone would even have a problem with her movement or anything else in her kit if she wasn’t meta thanks to SOJOURN. Since Mercy is receiving unwarranted hate, I refuse to settle for nerfs unless Sojourn is dealt with and she is still a problem 2 weeks later.

I’m not accepting and catering to illogical arguments just because they’re plentiful and loud.


You want her ga to be reverted but for her to keep her new buffs aswell? LMAO

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They need to do a full revert of all of the S3 changes. None of the changes she got were healthy for her or the game. They won’t, but that’s what she needs to start with.

Then they can hopefully address Mercy’s issues properly.

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I’m not a Mercy main, but when there is only one good player (dps ou tank) in a team of headless chickens I switch to her and pocket the good player.
But I’m don’t play her like a Mercy before the nerf, I’m not a Mercy main and never will be, but I play her like a damage boost Kiriko.
Safe, smart positioning, and I only dash when it’s the last issue to survive.
The good part is playing like that make her efficient, the bad part is playing like that is boring as hell, you are just a damage booster and healbot npc.
I’m not a Mercy main and never will be, but I can understand the despair of previous-Mercy main.
For me it’s just a situational solution, not my favorite hero.

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I don’t know why they don’t just do this.

Revert all the other changes from that patch as well?

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That’s the whole problem with Mercy now, boring and powerful, and they just refuse to address the pocketing issue and make it worse.

One day… one day Mercy’s impact won’t be based off of who you stick with, and I hope that day comes quickly.

Nothing will make them stop complaining.


Every time the devs fold and give in to the Mercy complaints it just further reinforces the behavior and makes the complaints worse.

If the devs want support players in this game, they need to stop putting the fun of support players below others.

We have sacrificed way too much already for their fun. But they are never satisfied.

GA was fine until they nerfed Sojourn.