Please help. I have tried everything

Ever since the Ashe patch this game has been, well I am not going to put it lightly been running like sh*t. I have made two other posts talking about this hoping that some dev will respond and be like “Yea we know about this and we are looking into it/working on it” (If I have missed a dev talking to someone else about this problem I apologize) but I am getting very annoyed with this :frowning:

My game is an absolute stuttering mess about 80% of the time. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING! I have even gotten a new video card since my first post and the game is still stuttering so bad. Not a single other online game suffers from this horrible stuttering on my computer and I even play WoW which is obviously another Blizzard title.

I have tied reinstalling the game (Several times) I even bought a new SSD and move OW onto it instead of a normal hardrive.

I have repaired the game.

I have deleted the Bnet cache several times. (Was a tip on the old forum)

I have disabled powershell. (Also a tip on the old forum)

I run this game on LOW everything with a constant 100FPS and I can easily do it on ULTRA everything and still have 100FPS so the graphics are not the problem.

I have VSYNC forced off in my NVIDIA panel.

I have tried having absolutely nothing besides OW running while I play.(Not even discord)

There are probably a few other things too that I have done but I honestly can’t remember because I have tried EVERYTHING!!! If anyone else knows some magical spell I can do to fix this please tell me because that’s about where I am at.

Sorry for the long post but I am just getting frustrated.

Have you tried writing a custom .BAT file to disable HPET?

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I’d post this in technical support too.

Not sure what you should do other than that though, sorry.

Have not tried anything like this. I am willing to try anything, friend. Have a link or what do I need to google?

Gimme a sec, I’ll go find it.


I have potato pc and it runs 180 fps smooth. I would follow instructions on tech forum. Use the apps and post the data for devs to trouble shoot or however it works, I dunno I haven’t done it in a while

My two other posts were in the bug section but I didn’t get a response =/ I’ll post there later if nobody can help. Ty :slight_smile:

Oh, looks like you can do it without a BAT file.

Search " Device Manager " on your PC.
Scroll down to " System Devices " and open the sub-menu.
Scroll to " High Precision Event Timer ".
Right click it and select " Disable ".
Restart your computer.

A lot of modern stuff doesn’t even use HPET, it uses TSC, but it still runs HPET even though it’s clogging up your system with unnecessary calculations.

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I’m going to try this now. I will report back. Even if it does not solve my problem thank you for trying to help I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry to hear this, technical problems are always so frustrating to deal with. My only guess is that there could be a problem between to your internet connection and the Overwatch servers. I’m not a technical person at all, but judging from what you have tried, it seems like the only thing you haven’t looked into.

I honestly don’t believe it’s this (I could be wrong though) My MS has always been the same since day 1 of Overwatch. I sit between 45-51MS

Check what applications are running in the background, I had some issues a while back and it turned out my cloud backup service was actually chewing up a ton of resources trying to keep up with whatever temporary mess OW creates.

I…I love you random internet stranger…So far I have not had a single stutter in my game. Holy crap. Best xmas gift…I wish I got you something! haha. I am so overly happy right now.


Awesome dude.

Glad that worked.


There’s still some good left in this community.