[OW2] How to impressively fix Queue Times in Beta #2

Everyone knows the #2 biggest thing that extremely vast majority of players are going to be looking for in Overwatch 2 is faster queue times.

VideogameDunkey, for instance, had 4.5 Million views, and his biggest criticism (aside from a lack of content) is queue times.

You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. Queue times are the #2 biggest thing dragging down this game.

So here’s how we fix that:


  • Basically Quickplay Classic, but with a 1x Tank maximum per team
  • Don’t put in a 2x Support Role limit, yet. Because:
      1. We expect a new Support hero, so let people spam that role a bit instead of bickering.
      1. This slowly introduces people to the concept of “QPC, but with some limits.”
      1. Maybe this is perfect as is, and we’ll have to see how well it’s received. If it goes well, maybe leave it as is. If it gets cheesed too much, then put in the 2x Support limit for Beta #3, or for the push the PVP Live.
Comments: This way games are actually Quick, without dealing with UltraGOATs. And a lot of returning players won’t even realize much has changed since Overwatch lost extreme majority of it’s playerbase previous to introduction of Role Queue. So this should feel right at home for them.

Open Queue

  • Competitive ruleset, uses SR, no backfill
  • 1x Tank Maximum per team
  • 2x Support Maximum per team
Comments: Similar reasoning to the above. Fast games, without UltraGOATs. But also without cheesy GOATsish comps like Rein/Mei/Brig/Moira/Lucio.


  • Role Queue, Comp Rules, uses SR, no backfill
Comments: With the other modes eating up all the extra DPS players, maybe this would work. Or not do it at all yet, and give people a chance to fully experience these other two modes.

That said, I think they should have have this mode

Damage Only

  • Only DPS heroes can be selected
  • Everybody has health regen passive while out of combat
  • The only maps types played are symmetrical maps with Push and Control (aka ‘King of the Hill’)
  • Probably make it so that healthpacks can’t be denied to enemy players by Sombra hacking, they just spawn faster for everybody
  • In the future, maybe create some consumable “Grenade” items that get aqquired similarly to healthpack stations. Like a throwable Orisa Shield. Or whatever pickup items that PVE has.
  • You could probably reduce a lot of the sniper annoyance factor by allowing all players to do the PVE style rez, where they need to stand next to the rez player the whole time. Maybe even with the ability for downed players to crawl a little bit. (i.e. Apex Legends, Deep Rock Galactic, Gunfire Reborn, etc)
  • Although if ranged oneshot hereos are too problematic for this mode, they could just block Hanzo/Widow and maybe Sojourn from being playable in this mode.

And there you have it. Lightning fast games, without overpowered compositions. And you even have journalists/streamers/content creators praising it for “New Content”.

And maybe this time around, instead of VideoGameDunkey saying how bad the game is, to literally MILLIONS of people. He might say how awesome the game is.

Oh yeah… but uh… actual maps and heroes and stuff too is needed. But I think the game would be on a really healthy path if they did this.


Stop trying to put limits in QPC, especially in a beta where the end results don’t matter. All that matters is to get as many people as possible into matches to actually try the heroes/changes. Once they’ve tried all the things, they can then queue for QP for more serious/standard team comps.


I strongly agree with this post. The solutions given are reasonable and really address problems with the game.

Disagree. Let the beta be a place for experimentation, there is no downside to trying it and see what happens.


Except results do matter. This next beta needs to not flop. And if Overwatch’s competition has fast queue times. We can’t be expecting people to spend more time in queue than actually playing the game.

I’d also argue that a tiny subset of the tiny subset of current players don’t matter in the scale of whether or not Overwatch disappoints millions of players.

Upsetting a few thousand players is kinda nothing in the scale of that.


or maybe don’t add 2 new tank heros and 1 new dps hero at once to a closed beta without adding any support heros/reworks.

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They kinda had to. They needed to ship code quickly for OWL. And reworking Supports is more difficult than reworking DPS and Tanks combined. And it was good enough, just kinda bland.

Either way, unless you got a time machine, they can’t do much about the past.

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Just an idea… It will fix the queues and everyone will get games asap… REMOVE THE BLOODY ROLE LOCK IN QP!!!


It’s going to flop regardless, and when the live game launches WITH RQ, the QP queue times WILL STILL be a problem. If 3 tanks get changes or if a new tank is launched the problem will be even worse. Allowing as many tanks or as many dps or whatever in QPC is the only way to help the queue times, because more than one person can try things out simultaneously. It’s like you guys don’t have a fundamental understanding of what a beta is for.

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Well yeah. There’s 4 queues described here, and only one of them has Role Queue.

I know. But the role lock is the problem. It always has been. It needs to be gone

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Look at it this way. 3 of the 4 queues are probably on-average going to have more than 4DPS per server. The DPS Only mode would have 10 DPS per server. This all acts as a heatsink to soak up all the excess DPS players. Which makes it so that the one mode that does have Role Queue, benefits by having a lot less DPS players in it.

That way everybody gets fast games.

And the only people upset are those that want to play Overwatch 2 like it’s still in the GOATs era.

GL trying to deal with widows that can aim well in open maps without dive tanks.

That Widow could potentially have a Tracer, Genji, and Sombra hunting her the whole game though.

Oh, actually good point, lemme add the PVE rez stuff.

  1. you get minimal point presence; and
  2. aside from maybe sombra, they’re reliant on cover to get close without being obliterated. hence the problem in more open maps. and trying to sacrifice a teammate to get to their widow obvs isn’t a good idea because being 1 down obvs is a huge disadvantage even if you are successful in taking down the widow.

Added this point to the top. Having it where everybody can rez while immobile should make it much less of a problem to peek Widow players.

that doesn’t address the issue of how oppressive a widow that can aim well in an open map poses. you can’t viably res that way without cover, which again, isn’t a lot of options as noted in the premise of open maps. heck the downed target would likely get shot dead before they’d reach cover anyways in open maps even if you do implement the crawl mechanic.

I think Role Limits is worth a try. Maybe if the game had a soft preference queue? Soft enough so the only people put into a hidden queue are one tricks or people who play one role like 99% of the time.

I was kinda fine with regular QP being QPC. Ultimately winning and losing doesn’t matter in that mode…

Well they could just make it so that there’s a “dibs” queue where you get put into the tank role or support role before your teammates.

So if you wanna play Tank or Support you are guaranteed to get the slot.

But you could then immediately switch off the role.

And like you said, basically have it look like role queue, but selecting DPS doesn’t do anything. Since there is no limit on DPS players per team.

Or they could make it more obvious


  • [Flex]
  • [Tank]
  • [Support]

Where selecting Flex, locks out the other two choices, and selecting Tank or Support locks out the Flex option.

Well I figure if they are gonna call it “Quickplay”, it better darn be “Quick” to get into a game.

Well they could just make an enhanced Deathmatch mode, but with an objective, instead of a kill counter.

Or heck, they could even just now allow ranged oneshot heroes at all.

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I mean… if one of the objective spots is in an open area like in the typical sniper area of chateau shown in the vid, she can easily rack up points by claiming it, then continue to zone everyone out because they can’t contest her. esp if she stays near the orb forcing them to have to deal with her if they want to take the point from her…

then you have an askew of heroes for comp.

i.e. your whole idea rides on these other modes taking away dps from the main comp queue. but if you do that, then you have most of the flanker mains on this dps only queue, then you have all the snipers being forced into normal qp or comp. and so the number of dive hero players will be less in comp to deal with the snipers. sure there may be dive tanks, but chances of there being one on your team? :person_shrugging: