Ftp will increase dps queue times

We’ll here’s the funny thing, despite my name (which used to be accurate) . I have played tank is like a year now. They nerfed all the tanky parts away. I love for them to restore it however.

Secondly are you so selfish that you don’t understand the desire to improve the game across the board?

And you think I don’t believe this why? Hell I’ve long said Ball is a main tank, which lends directly to that point.

What’s wrong with bringing in new players from different games? Sounds like a good thing for me

The increase in queue times lol. That’s literally the title. In a vaccum, nothing is wrong with it. But it will factually exacerbate a prexisting problem in the game.

Yes and no, because the number of people paying for top priority will always be a tiny percentage of the server population. Implemented correctly, your queue times as an ordinary player would essentially be unaffected. Note the pricing can be adjusted—dynamically based on current usage even—to keep queue times reasonable.

If the ratio of new players picking dps is significantly higher than new players picking the other roles, the existing que time issues will get exponentially worse because queue times are a result of role ratio, not total number of players.

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Cause you’re here.

If you were an actual tank player, you would realize that tanking is still very much important (And frankly, hasn’t really changed.), tank heroes are still strong, able to receive buffs, and is the playmaker in OW2.

Heck, OW2 QPC is the best place to be an example, where tanks are amazingly strong there. There’s also synergy.

What if these players queue for tank and support instead? I mean junkerqueen and tanks global rework towards brawlers makes them more appealing to fps players.

But supports… Hmmn maybe fox girl will be damage oriented like zen?

This, I’m not judging new players. I’m saying that it will cause mechanical issues

They won’t. They are traditional fps player. That’s the other half of my point.

Hmmn idk, as a former TF2 Spy main I mained support instead of Sombra xD

the problem is that even characters like zen won’t appeal as much to fps players as many dps, because zen has high damage, but the rest of his abilities are supportive, which is probably less appealing than a high mobility dps whose whole job is to kill stuff

Spy and support have things in common. They both involve very little pew pew


Wait, spy is a support class in TF2 lmao

He’s not a main damage dealer like soldier, scout and demo


I disagree.

I came from COD/TF2/CS and was drawn to early zen (Despite him having 150 hp.) because I like his aesthetic and realized discord at the time was amazingly good due to the damage it provided.

its good to know that some people are like that. i’m mostly basing this off my friends, who all play standard fps games and gravitated towards dps

Spy has everything to do with assassinating the right enemy players at the right time to open their own team up for making a push. Or he’s played to pick on the snipers and engineers because the player likes playing the class that enables his inner jerk to shine.

Which is quite different from the Overwatch support player mentality. Usually as a support, you are much more focused on enabling your own teammates by focusing on them (largely by healing) and less on interacting with enemies.

Well spy alongside sniper and medic are all support classes, obviously support in a pure fps game (TF2, except medic) is more about getting key picks instead of raw healing/utility.

But we’ll see, I doubt queue times would changes much tbh

DPS would still be popular regardless of a new influx of players

Says the one trying to gatekeep against people who gasp play other shooters.

Don’t you guys have game modes to play ?

And here I am trying endlessly to improve queue times because of stuff like that.

[OW2] How to impressively fix Queue Times in Beta #2

I’m not gatekeeping Jack. They are welcome to play, but let’s not act like it won’t cause queue problem. This is but one of the problems with ftp. They will reap what they sow.