"Waiting Queuewatch"

Per Overwatch my main account has just over 2,000 hours of gameplay. As far as I know, this is an accurate figure of time spent in matches.

I began playing in 2020 and as far as I know, all game-modes have always had their time tracked in the timeframe I have played the game.

Yet what is most interesting is that per the Official Microsoft Club, I have over 3,400hrs in the game.

The OMC tracks all hours, the primary driver of my play time spike being waiting in queues.

This means I have spent nearly 1,400hrs in queues waiting for matches. While not all 1,400hrs have been spent there (some in LFG and some chatting with friends in the menu or Practice Range) I’d have to say an absolute bare-bones minimum I have spent in waiting is 1,000 hours.

This is one of the primary reasons this game is done for. I know for me personally I am all but detached from the game now. Nobody wants to spend 1/3 of their time waiting in queues for a match.

If this franchise is to thrive and survive, the queue issue must be handled.


Well, about that…

Which would you say is worse, persistently bad queue times, or occasionally getting a subpar tank player?

[OW2] How to impressively fix Queue Times in Beta #2

I think OW2 did improve the tank bottleneck problem, but they created a support one instead :joy:

So now they should focus on supports and make them more enjoyable to play.


ok they fix support problem so theres twoo things that could happen after Playin few games drop support for other role, realise PvE in both sytuations DPS just Die in queue :rofl:

If they wanna “fix” it they need to realise more Heroes for both roles, more intresting is what have more options, more choises.
If blizz gona realise Heroes like in ow1… well just prepare for slow agony dieing PvP when PvE will be avalible

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The hero count imbalance is the greatest exacerbator of queue times.

Imagine a world where 17 Tanks, 17 DPS and 17 Supports existed simultaneously…


For some reason I expected something like the meme “noooooo you can’t x”
I give this opinion on few posts and reaction was that it can’t be more Heroes coze they boring/no one wanna Play them/easy and yet still argue that best solution to q time is get rid of role q.
The same role q that stoped Goat meta and fact that tank and support was least played roles and players get flamed for picking them in team Comp full of dpses.

And yes it would be the best thing if there was 17/17/17 but on one stream Michael Chu sayed that they wanna have 40 Heroes in total and the first hero we get is dps when theres lack of tank and support, both roles have anemia in heroes pool.

If you wanna fixed q times you need to be more vocal that this game in fact need more tank and support.

I thought about open role q where theres a limit 1 tank, 2 supports, 2 DPS but in ow would be whos faster to just click on any DPS.
Paladins on Comp got solution you pick hero and after that next player can pick it so if you pick last the whole team know whos to Blame :rofl:

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Annnd now you are seeing why they are making the OW2 adjustments that they are.

The one thing I would add though, and this is an honest question that I hope someone can answer, is does that 1600 hours include the pregame and midgame setup screens? Obviously they count as non gameplay but they are not really an issue of queue times. However the fact that in a 15-20 minute game you can spend upwards of 3 minutes doing nothing is a problem.

Clearly you enjoy the game or you wouldn’t waste so much time waiting to play… :wink:

Yeah and if he likes the game it would make complete sense why he would be invested in hoping queue times get better.

You’re phrasing this like some sort of gotcha which is weird

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If you’ve seen this users recent post barrage about how ‘OW sucks’ (paraphrasing) it suggests the opposite which is why I’m pointing out the hypocrisy… :wink:

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I can understand why you could see this as hypocrisy but I would like to share my perspective. Forgive me if I dont explain how I feel about this well as english is not my first language.

I believe many people on this forum are players who feel two different things:

  1. Overwatch as a gameplay experience can still be fun and unique and there is nothing like it and on that basis a player could “like” the gameplay and invest hours in it.
  2. In the other hand there are many barriers to enjoying a game of Overwatch. for different people it might be different things - throwers, smurfing, perceived unfair matchmaking, unfun maps, or maybe queue times. and on that basis a player could say they don’t “like” the state of the game.

And in that way I can see why someone can simultaneously be having fun in a match of Overwatch and want to keep playing and yet be deeply unhappy with what is happening with the game as a whole.

This is just my perspective. I think it is important to dive into what people are thinking when they present seemingly contradictory views.

Honestly as long as role queue exists, there will be waiting for a match and it will not be even across the roles. I don’t hold out hope for this game if it insists on there being a roll queue.

Well, Open Queue with Role Limits on Tank/Support would work.

Forcing an FPS game to play like a MOBA…

Ya not smart.


The past threeish months has done it for me. I really did love this game, but seeing the transition to 5v5 on screen is not something I was enthused by.

That said, OW1 is in it’s most unplayable state it has ever been in. Doesn’t matter the role (main tank tank main here) the game feels beyond awful and has for months. It’s simply not fun anymore and I’ve been slowly but surely distancing myself from it.

I really hate to see my passion for a game I really enjoyed dissolve into nothingness but that’s exactly what is happening.

So many hours for just a few years. Do you play anything else? Do you know who’s the prime minister?

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For now i think OW2 only proved that when you add new things to the role then you get more people playing it…

No I really didn’t.

I started up after losing my job to the pandemic. My next job was a shift work week on, week off schedule. I had insane amounts of free time and really just invested it into OW as interactions with IRL friends and my family were pretty scarce during the pandemic in 2020.

I work part time now and spend most of my free time gaming or in the gym. My friends all popped out kids during the pandemic and my family is all over the U.S., and I’m an introvert, so yeah.

Gaming really is a beautiful form of escape and socialization when you don’t enjoy reality.

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well about the support thing, i like instant queue times so leave supports alone please. i want my instant queues

(im sure it will change and ill be forced to play tank again sigh)

I can respect that. Was heavily invested in MH:W, and witcher 3, before some idiot knocked out a powerline 5 days ago. I lost everything on my ps4, no backup, besides ps plus cloud. (Which was 5 months out of date).

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