Choose one thing you'd like to fix

Fix broken dps (especially hitscan and hanzo)

  • Dev team
  • Nerf Junkrat (because I don’t like him :slightly_smiling_face:)
  • Tighten the allowable SR tolerance in average and below average ranks to 500 SR.
  • Remove private profiles (in comp)
  • Bring back group link indicators

In that order.


After 6 years of this game being out, if I had the power to do one thing… I’d probably do a full comp/quickplay MMR reset.

My main account I have literally feels hardstuck in plat even though as a player I’ve changed a lot over time… plus I got a fresh account easily climbed to Masters… I’m sure there are others that feel the same way…

inb4 “bUt tHat’s a bAD IdEa, tHeN iT’d bE toTal cHaoS fiGhTinG GM plAyeRs tHe fIrst wEek!!11!”

Okay, and?

It’ll smooth out eventually, a skill rating reset isn’t the end of the world… if you’re really that good it shouldn’t be a problem to get it back. And if you’re really bad then like sorry y’know. Don’t play OW that week while all the hardcore players get their rank back I guess.


Preferred as opponent.

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turn the ow2 beta back on

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If it was just one thing, it would be:

  • Replacing Quickplay with a version of QPC, that has a Role Limit maximum of 1Tank/2Support.

That way you get all the queue time benefits of QPC, without the possibility of overly Defensive compositions.

[OW2] How to impressively fix Queue Times in Beta #2

I’d get rid of dedicated tanks and dedicated healers and have the whole game actually balanced as damage heroes with various side specialties. Some of which may be tanking and healing.

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If a senior OW dev walked up to you and asked what was the “one” thing you want to fix about the game, then you should take it as an insult and run away from them. There are a multitude of things wrong and the forums are full of complaints, but nothing gets “fixed”, just “changed” (e.g. 5v5 garbage).

Ask them… It hasn’t stopped you knowing, it just means you have to believe their answer.

Solo queue Comp added.

Profiles removed entirely.

More counter pick potential to niche heroes added for tanks and supports.

One shots/ one shot combos removed.

Sleep dart replaced with Translocation Dart that teleports Ana to its final location.

Guardian Angel cool-down increased to make Pharmercy harder to stay together in the air indefinitely.

Hanzo having one range chosen as his effective range instead of all ranges.

Cassidy FTH shoots bullets spread right to left instead of down to up, giving him a wider spread of bullets for multiple targets or trying to pin a tracer. More interesting in ow2 than for ow1.

Reapers wraith form allows him to ‘climb’ over walls like creeping mist during its duration.

Baptiste a boots are changed to a simple double jump combo instead of clunky crouch charge.

Hammond gets demeched into hamster form and runs around with a little shotgun for a short and limited time until the c4 he is carrying explodes killing himself and anyone in super super close proximity to him

Roadhog is reworked into a tank for OW2

Symmetra moved to support and gets a new mechanic that switches her turrets between support and damage, similar to Lucios music. Her turrets can be set to damage mode or healing mode and provide low auto healing areas. She can send a turret up to that widow to provide some low over time healing or setup three at a point to heal chip damage. Her guns secondary fire now fires orbs that damage and heal like anas primary. They can still be charged.

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  • Cheater/Smurf Haven: If you are proven to be either a cheater or a smurf, you will only be matched with other cheaters and smurfs. Can’t be a god among men if all of you are gods now wouldn’t you? Oh, you wanna get out? Make a YouTube video saying you are sorry then we will CONSIDER letting you out.

  • Remove the forum. This thing is the reason I can’t trust the OW players with breathing.

  • An in-depth tutorial on everything about OW. FROM PRESSING W to the different type of HP. Good for new players who want to get into the game and the community to get a constant reminder so that they don’t forget (which they will in 2 minutes lmao)

  • Remove the ability to make an infinite amount of smurfs from 1 email address on the console. This is actually more on the Microsoft and Sony side of things rather than well… Blizzard since it is tied to the Family-Sharing mode.

  • And here is my petty one. Put all Ball “mains” into a lobby where they can only be played with each other balls in there.

Have you saw widowmaker? I don’t even know how she could walk with that kind of posture, unless she isn’t human. Let’s raise some money for their medical treatments.

If I could fix something, maybe the event that created omnic crisis, not the “key event” like assassination but the event that generated the prejudice around between them.

We all are one within Iris.

Because I only can get one, I can’t ask about the other one which would be replace RQ to hero limit per match and team composition inside the match. Like one of the rulesets on custom game that already exists.

Activision-Blizzard Inc. upper management

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  • fix the way that the MMR / competitive SR system works, as most people can agree it just does not feel good at all right now and makes the game feel more toxic


  • on KOTH maps, give the team that doesn’t hold the point a 50% faster respawn time (so for Overwatch 1, five seconds instead of 10 seconds, or for Overwatch 2, four seconds instead of 8 seconds). I’ve grown to really dislike the mode for how steamrolly it feels compared to Payload/Hybrid maps, and I realized part of why it feels bad in Overwatch compared to a game like Team Fortress 2 where it feels perfectly fine.

In Overwatch, not only does the team which wins the first team fight on KOTH get progress advantage and ultimate advantage, but unlike Team Fortress 2, they don’t even lose any respawn advantage at all, so it’s so much easier for the winning team to just stay on top the whole round.

Hanzo is only showing one nip.

He should by default wear something that shows both. That is all.

One thing?

The playerbase/community. Online pvp games have the worst communities; all the salt and no consequence for toxic behavior.

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I got a feeling that this is probably something that’s gonna end up happening anyway for Overwatch 2, and I’m all for it (if nothing else than to have people stop talking about how they’re hard-stuck lol). Can’t entirely remember where I heard it, but I remember hearing that Blizzard had plans to do some big changes to how the MMR system works.

Honestly, it’s already like that all season for anyone under plat rank.

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Matchmaker. Simple win/lose, up/down mechanics, none of this convoluted background crap.