Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

I have watched the entire overwatch league stream from October 31th and I didn’t get any rewards. I watched the entire overwatch league grand finals and I didn’t get any rewards.

My Blizzard and Youtube account are linked i don’t know why i didn’t get anything.

Yep, the Same thing with me. I really hope they acknowledge this and work on retroactively fixing this for us that were affected.

PC configurations on console is still an issue! PC-Controlls forced on login (Console)

So after 1 month my PC account is still missing:

  • Premium Battle Pass
  • Watchpoint skins
  • Origins (legendary edition) skins

It seems like from consoles my PC account only got the currencies (including 2k OW coins, included in the Watchpoint pack).

Blizzard, it’s been a month, and account merging issues are still being ignored. AT LEAST SAY SOMETHING.


i watched almost all of the owl playoffs and all of the finals even went back and watched 3 hrs of the encore of the finals. my accounts are linked and i didnt get rewards for the finals and it only counted 9hrs of watch time even though i watched much more.

MMR bugged still exist but blizzard is not looking at the forum I guess


I have won over a 100 games and every time my rank updates its bronze 5 won 21 games last night and still bronze 5 please fix this its pointless to play competitive if my rank will not move up or down


I wrote this post 16 days ago, not one member has reached out to me and I am still having the same exact issue, how shiet is this company? at the moment 10/10 for sure. This is disgusting how you treat your player base, all for a quick buck. DISGUSTING!!!

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Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.


sad i still don’t have any of my stuff back

Been over a month and still don’t have anything from ow1. I put money into the game and this is what I get. How is this even possible for a massive game development company.


I also lost almost everything, transferred and only 30% of my stuff from ps4 to pc, I lost the total desire to play, it doesn’t even make sense for me to play since I lost a lot of things from Overwatch 1

The fact that post merge a ton of my items are still missing on pc and console , or how my origins edition stuff is only accessible on console and not pc is annoying . This bug has existed for months and I’m beginning to believe nothing is being done to force ppl to buy the skins over again.

Just give me my stuff :sob:


Dude I’m in same boat don’t understand

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If you had certain options applied in your Communication Scroll Wheel in Overwatch 1 that are now part of the Ping Scroll Wheel in Overwatch 2, you are unable to change those options in your Communication settings. (I.E. if you had “Fallback” or “Countdown” in your communication scroll wheel, you cannot change it)

fix the stat bug omfggg you guys are actually hopeless. what are you doing???

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I was masters 3 on dps. Normally u can’t queue with people that are diamond but this time I could with my friend who is diamond 3. I played a game with him and won the game. It was the 7th win so I got my placement. Then I went from master 3 to diamond 2. It ruined my whole rank. I have video evidence. Please fix


tim the tatman the big streamer just made a video about how broken rank is i mean there are even people that win a bunch of matchs and stay bronze 5 like not even bronze 4 ever its crazy so there is someone that has 4 million subs making a video about this blizzard better do something now. wtf is this ranking system anyway its horrible


Last season before ow2 I placed dps T500 on console and I didn’t get the top 500 badge

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Hi, My game keeps freezing and then forcing me out the game on Xbox One during competitive matches. Because of this the game keeps suspending me from competitive when its not me that has left on purpose its the game forcing me out of matches. Please fix this as I am concerned I will be banned when its not my fault. Thank you.