Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

I literally just can’t play the game anymore, it just won’t let me.
I’ve been playing for two or three weeks since launch and a few days ago the game suddenly decided to just not work anymore: I open the game and it seems to run normally for about 30 seconds, then it kicks me and tells me i’ve lost connection to the server, then I have to reenter my phone and password and I can log back in, except 30 seconds later same exact error pops up. every. single. time. And it’s been the same for 5 days now. I just can not play the damned game. I’ve pretty much missed out on the halloween event because of this. So fun!

Oh and of course, half of my ps4 cosmetics are still missing since launch, messaged support about this a week ago and nothing’s changed.

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Is there any date about console issues, such as missing items and stats info from the merge bug? There has been no eta and its been over a month. I know console players are often the joke of the community and get lower treatment and priority, but it would be nice for this to be updated at least on a working ETA or what issues are being experienced to fix this. Thank you.


Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

Akiyama, if you aren’t a whale you might as well give it up, they don’t care about your problems then.

Anyone else getting error lc 202 now

RoteKonigin on PC, linked to GefallenenKing on PS5, I waited over a month for a fix. I still do not have access to cosmetics or coins I purchased/unlocked before the merge. Please help.

Do you have anything from before the merge? Because I have been waiting since launch to get all my stuff from Overwatch 1 back. Yet, a merge later and there is nothing, nothing at all.

i feel this i have completed 21 winning matches on healer and am still bronze 5 in ow1 i was high silver. ranked bronze 4 on tank when in ow1 i had just became gold


The same exact issue here, all my event skins? completely gone. My legendary skins? Received a couple of them. Even the special promotion skins such as Genji’s demon skin? Gone, gone, gone, and gone. Hell, I’m missing voice lines, sprays, victory poses, etc., etc. If it’s a customisable option, I’ve lost it during this merge and I suspect I’ll never see them again as long as I don’t rebuy them again.


I have won 20 of my past 23 competitive matches. I was placed bronze 5 at the start of this season. Worked my way up out of my first bout with the competitive bug to bronze 2, (Mind you I was at 30 competitive wins out of 37 games to get there) only to then be placed against an ex pro ow 1 player and then getting knocked back to bronze 5 on my new placement. Finally, of my 23 games I have averaged 35+ elims, 10k+ damage, and 12+ assists as a dps. Playing nearly every character in the pool. Please fix your broken game before everyone realizes what this company is really behind this facade. A crap company who isn’t even willing to fix a bug which wasn’t even existent in ow 1. At this point you shouldn’t have made ow 2 and just stayed with ow 1. If I as a DPS can enter local competitions against plat and diamond level teams and win, I should not be bronze 5 in ow 2. Please fix your game.


The stuck in bronze 5 bug is still affecting a lot of players out there including myself despite having a high winrate and performance. When can we expect this to be fixed?


Blizzard has set the value of a legendary skin at $19.00 USD. Many of us have lost hundreds of them, not to mention all other cosmetics ranging from $3 - $10 each. I’m not a lawyer, but that sounds like ‘actual damages’ and there are enough of us to consider a class action suit if there’s no resolution in the coming months.


FIX BRONZE 5 GLITCHH it is affecting players way above bronze level and its demotivating me to play this game.

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Yea I’m missing the Origin skins there behind a pay wall to get them back

holy crap they are like bad drug dealers lol

The event ends today and i still have no shop to access… Pls fix this bug. I can´t buy gold wapons or anything else. Why is it taking you so long to fix this bug or every bug in this game…

So I was putting this after being recommended to this forum by a Game Master, and my issue was that the Origin skins that were included with the Legendary Version of Overwatch are currently inaccessible to me on my PC Account after merging the two accounts. I would log onto my Xbox to see if I even still have the skins there–but given that I just recently moved to a new duty station for my military career, I unfortunately cannot do that at the moment (Xbox still needs to be shipped to my current location). It sounds like I actually got the lucky end of this train wreck of missing accessories, as these seem to be specifically the one ones I am currently missing.

Give me my twitch Kiriko skin :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

who knows. they refuse to even acknowledge it even though they keep saying nobody has lost anything. Seems like they are just stalling the inevitable of telling us bad, bad news.

strong text
The game doesn’t launch since FRIDAY, November 4th. Was able to play on PC for about a month and since then it doesn’t even open the game. Response from customer service is useless and a waste of time. JUST FIX IT! :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: