Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Still no gold weapon for Kiriko…. I am still waiting patiently for the fix

More than month has passed since the launch of the game, LC-208 always with me, i can`t play from Xbox or PC, thx Blizzard, thx for your competence! How long to wait? Day, two, week, month, year?
It’s probably time to uninstall the game.
Failure of the year, Blizzard!

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i have win like 7 games for a promotion on support 8 times now and each time i stay the same rank with more wins then loses and over 15k heals each game i feel like this bug needs to be fixed id rather fight through OW1 sr system

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I have watched the entire overwatch leuge stream that was played during November 3rd and I didn’t get any rewards. I watched the entire overwatch leuge grand finals and I didn’t get any rewards.

I am connected to a battle.net account with a NOT brand account and I have watched it all on the youtube mobile app(youtube gaming) with the same account.

It is wierd becouse I have watched all the other streams that was played before November 3rd and i have gotten the rewards just a few hours later.
With the same account and same youtube mobile app.

I am wondering if i have somehow missed a step? Or if there is something wrong with my account?


U get them on or after Nov. 15… they said it multiple times…

I still haven’t got my Overwatch Origin Skins. When will this be fixed?

Still no Noire Skin and no Phara souvenir.
Game crashes sometimes when typing sth in chat when the match ends.
Platform: Xbox

Gonna fix the issue where origins/legendary and widowmaker noire skin doesn’t transfer over to pc anytime soon?

Checking in with the same issue - no one can seem to answer why some of us just can’t play the game :confused:

Where did they say this?

Yeah I’m stuck in silver 2 on support even though I was high diamond in ow1.

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Unable to remove player title. The No Title title is locked

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i still havent even got my skins or levels from my account merge and its now november

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I’m getting extremely fed up with losing multiple games in a row because someone has left after realising that they’re not ready for ranked play. New players are obviously good for the health of the game, but more needs to be done to keep them separated from veteran players until they’re more comfortable with the game.

FTUE should be increased by at least double to bring it more in line with the time it took to get to level 25 in OW1, and you should add an unranked competitive ruleset game mode. I think a lot of veteran players would be interested in this mode and it will help us teach new players without having to worry about SR. Keep the 50 QP wins requirement but it unlocks competitive ruleset mode, then an additional 30-50 wins in this mode can unlock competitive.

I’m rarely getting games with people of my actual skill level, exacerbated by your ridiculous SR drop for veteran players, so there’s nothing competitive about this mode right now. It’s just stomp or be stomped and it isn’t fun.

Edit: Took a little break after writing this then went in to another match. Spawn in to a room full of people in default skins and one leaves as soon as they get their first death, I don’t know how I’m expected to get back to my real rank with this happening in more than half of my matches.

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Comp ranking still not working on console.

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still don’t have any of my stuff, been waiting patiently. DO BETTER

im up to 20 hours bans now when this happens. 2 20 hour bans this week on my account

Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

Is there any word on them fixing career profile hero hours. I have so many hours that have and continue to just disappear.

Can the Overwatch devs please ban the afk players in vs ai. I have noticed this since OW2 launched AND have reported them. After a brutal loss streak in competitive I like to chill in vs ai to burn off steam and have notice ALOT of players new and old just wandering around the map, jumping off the map or just afking in one spot until the bots kill them repeatedly. My guess is they only want the battlepass xp without actually playing the matches. It’s not only annoying but frustrating to be fighting against bots in 4v5 or sometimes a 3v5 and lose. For example I’ve had matches where someone instalocks a healer and just stands there not healing anyone. When I have turned to them and use i need healing on the communication wheel, they just move left and right as a “No”. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT THIS.