Orisa Hog isn't a good comp anymore, guys

Don’t play it.

I haven’t seen this comp win anywhere for months. Orisa is an off tank now and Hog is barely even an off tank. Play Orisa with Reinhardt or Sigma and play Roadhog with Reinhardt if you must, but preferably pick a tank.


It’s because Sigma can completely block the halt hook combo.

It’s because Orisa is made of paper and failure.

She cannot tank effectively by herself.


Nah it’s sigma shield. Going for the halt-hook combo is a waste of time because of how easy it is to block. You have to play flanker hog to get any value with him at all and it leaves your supports really vulnerable If you aren’t completely fragging out.

Well also because Sigma and Orisa in October were nearly invincible from Dive for a good 3-4sec, and by then better Peel options would be online.

Sigma had like an almost-Rein barrier, almost-Dva matrix, almost-Flashbang, and decent firepower

And Grasp used to block Hooks

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How many topics about this do you need?

Seriously, this is like the 50th post about this from you alone


I’ve found that it can work on certain maps as long as the rest of your team double down on the CC, and the enemy team for whatever reason lack any hitscans.

But yeah, for the most part Orisa’s shield is just too weak to be the team’s sole form of damage mitigation.


Omg thank you. I’ve been thinking this for months, and every time I see the other tank deliberate for a bit and then just pick hog because I picked Orisa, I just think “ugh…”

And sure enough, we always lose point A on defense and then either one of us switches or we just lose point B relatively quickly too.

Orisa hog had a time and a place, but Orisa is nowhere near main tank material enough to do anything relevant.

Sigma hog, however…

What’s funny is that Sigma is viable in virtually every situation where Orisa used to be good.

I don’t recall making 50 posts about not playing Hogrisa.


Sombra tracer was very effective against Orisa and Sigma, but nobody would run it…

That being said, the entire Dive 2.0 comp required significantly more effort to play successfully than Orisa Sigma comps.

Sigma Hog is still not a great comp. Sigma doesn’t have enough barrier to play with Hog, although it’s not nearly as bad as Orisa Hog. The only tank who has enough barrier to play with Hog is Reinhardt, and even then, it’s almost always inferior to Rein Zarya unless you’re countering Wrecking Ball with it.

Well, it is a bit concerning that OpenQueue isn’t an option for the main competitive mode, because of GOATs and TripleBarrierGOATs.

And if they aren’t going to do something like 1-3-2.

Then that means some pretty substantial changes to 2-2-2 Tank popularity is needed.

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50 threads about the state of tanks in some form

That’s like, an entire category.

And they haven’t fixed the problem yet, so I’m still going to talk about it. I get several forced losses a day by brainless tank comps.


Then expect to get flagged as spam

I do and the mods restore the posts because it isn’t spam.


It is spam because you spam the same topics that have the same message of “Rein is too good, other tank comps are terrible”

Unfortunately 1-3-2 is garbage, and many players still struggle against multiple tanks.

I wish there were a way to make multiple tank comps equally viable and with clear combos countering other combos.

Unfortunately it seems that one combo will be labeled as “best” and run ad nauseum without consideration for anything else.

I mean, you’re not really wrong but at least it’s better than Hog/Ball. Also, I don’t really care for blaming the community for playing something that should by all rights be perfectly viable.

This is Blizzard’s screw up. If nothing else, the more people that play it, lose, and complain about it, the more likely they are to actually fix things.

That is quite certainly false flagging.

That is voicing your opinion, That is what the forums are for.
He is not doing anything wrong. I do not care if you disagree or agree with him, He is doing nothing wrong. :neutral_face:

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