Stop it with Hog Ball

I’m not talking about OWL, this is ladder I see it ran in.


no its because main tanking is boring and feels awful. doesnt matter if it is rein orisa or sigma, theyre some of the least popular heroes in the ENTIRE game. of the remaining tank players in this community, most now just want to play off tank so they can actually have fun.

since blizzard is garbage at design and balancing, their main shield tanks in every game they’ve ever made are all bad. it’s also the least popular and least fun role in WoW, yet other MMOs like GW2 and FF14 managed to make main shield tanking fun and engaging and you can also solo content as a tank in those games.

blizzard is of some archaic mindset that main shield tanks in any game have to be extremely boring and limited. “but tanking requires good positioning” is not enough of a skill requirement, because it frankly isn’t that difficult and it’s boring as watching paint dry.

you feel utterly powerless as a main tank in this game, doomed to just get CC’d into oblivion and pray some deity has blessed you with competent supports for that game, because you can’t do anything by yourself as a shield tank.

so yeah i don’t blame someone queueing as tank and then wanting to play zarya or hog. it’s gonna be real common to get 2 off-tank players on your team because shield tanking is a disgusting experience in this game.


Whatever, with double shield coming back, get used to seeing it a hell of a lot more.

lol, just won a game with hog/ball as ball


im someone who always defended this.

i cant do it anymore, i probably spend more energy trying to make this abomination work and losing,
then i would playing a normal people comp and having a larger impact and possibly getting the w.

and because my comp is so bad, im having to play harder because of it(im not saying i make more mistakes).

im not going to do it anymore.

and you should be able to. frankly, any 2 tank combos should work together well in this game. the design mentality of “off tank” and “main shield tank” is trash and needs reworked entirely.

any combo of 2 tanks should bring enough to the table to be effective, same thing i believe with supports. they should all heal equally well, in different ways, that way it removes the idea of stacking the strongest healers in an attempt to cheese. it removes the concept of “we literally can’t win this match because we have lucio/brig and the enemy has moira/ana”.

rigidity needs removed from this game entirely before it can ever be considered a good experience again. people should be able to pick the hero they want to play and skill, not rock/paper/scissors, needs to determine matches. the blizzard school of game design has long been known as a cancer.


They would have to completely rework tanks for that. Roadhog will never be as good a tank as Reinhardt without massive, massive re-designs.

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Yup, stop that. D.Va & Hog is much better trolling


In diamond and below, literally any comp can work. I’ve won with ball/hog more times than rein/zarya this season. Rein/Zarya is a better comp, but that doesn’t necessarily mean those people are better at that comp.

The reason people play Hog Ball is so they can claim their free loot box.


Well, yes, but hard counter, even soft counter to an extent if it stacks, prevents this.

So, it’s just the game design disallowing this.

Nope I’ll run at often as I can, enjoy your 222.


You guys are just going to eventually get Hog, Ball, or both banished to DPS.

Nobody wants them on their team, Roadhog especially.


The fact nobody want them is more incentive, enjoy your 222.

What sound logic. My dps are struggling to get kills so let me pick a hero that will make it even more difficult for them to get kills…


Unfortunately, playing main tank sucks a$$ for a number of reasons. The top 2 are its boring AF, and main heals never prioritize which creates loads of deaths.

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Well, if you don’t want to play good tanks I get it! I don’t either! But you don’t have to queue tank then…

Do what I do, play one game for a lootbox, play Reinhardt if you must to win, and then find a better queue for fun.

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I DID say that if Mei got nerfed into throw pick, Hog Ball would be everywhere. And here we are.

and dey say : play tank by yourself if you don’t like hog or ball Kappa