Just had a game where my team ran a coordinated, full Dive

Wow, that’s a fun comp to play as. At least when you’re not diving on Dive, I don’t know what that would be like.

I don’t think I could do that again but man, it was fun to be part of.


One game will be an absolute soup sandwich with everyone doin their own thing (me and maybe one other person actually in voicechat) and we lose horribly. Then the next game will have almost immaculate teamwork with great comms. Overwatch is a box of chocolates…


Yeah, no kidding.

It’s pretty much a miracle round in gold to get a team wtih:

  1. A competent Winston.
  2. A competent Dva.
  3. A competant Genji.
  4. A competent Lucio.
  5. A competent second healer (I think it was Moira?)
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Classic dive, e.g. late 2016/2017 era, was: winston/dva + tracer/genji + mercy/zen
Classic dive also had 3dps often, with a tank or sup starting as e.g. pharah or widow to secure an early pick, provide more mercy value, and snowball ult economy.

The most primitive coordination was:

  1. winston+tracer, dome weaving for tracer during blink replenish and tesla damage to cross/complete on isolated/squishy. Domes prioritized for offense but saved to contain dvabombs, block cc like hook, or save low hp. Drop from high ground during engage and leap/recall back up for poke phase.
  2. dva+genji, rotate matrix and deflect try to not overlap. Rotate/save air / z-axis escape for mercy so she has option for perma airborne.
  3. zen/mercy, blue beam for ult gain - whoever can gain ult fastest (usually aoe winston, poke genji, or zen) depending on situation. Zen would support dive engage with harmony and pre-condition a swap target. Fake burst on A while zen gets B to 70% hp, when cd deficit available, discord + full burst on B (or back to A). Trans would be used selfishly and to counter-engage (e.g. bait enemy sticky, trans, and comitt on that).

Nowadays everyone calls everything “dive”, when they probably mean “disrupt” (viz. hammond or doomfist). And with all the changes the best dive healers aren’t even ranged-support heals, sadly, they’re essentially brawlers that can hold their own (lucio/moira).

Dive is fun. I miss it being meta.