Maybe we should start tanks over or something

The state of tanks is basically ruining the game for me. You have Reinhardt, you win, if you, you lose. It’s not fun.

Maybe we need to start completely over, just remove all tanks except for Rein Zarya, and re-introduce them carefully, completely rebalanced, in a state the community will accept to be comparable in power with Rein. Redesign the whole role, one at a time. Make sure people will accept the new tanks so the game designers don’t just trashcan them all as they have now.

I don’t know, it’s just so hard to enjoy the game in its current state, I’m tired of losing every game in spawn. I don’t want to be at a impossible disadvantage all the time. It makes the outcome of the game feel like a coin flip I have no control over.

Tanking feels just fundamentally broken.

I’m just out of ideas at this point. I just want games to feel fair again, and to feel like my contribution counts for literally anything.

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I feel that. I’ve been playing tank in comp for a while now and I do not enjoy playing zarya, i do not enjoy playing rein but i have no choice and its extremely frustrating

Game after game I play rein, and the one time i’m like i want to play sigma or ball, i lose. completely stomped, getting spawn killed. The only counter play you have is to pick the same heroes and that’s not what overwatch is about.

You have a lot of different DPS that counters each other but for tanks there’s nothing you can do . I would love to play other tanks than just brain dead hold barrier, swing and press forward but knowing the devs they wont do anything.

I used to love playing tank but nowadays its just a chore. I love Winston, he’s probably my favorite hero in overwatch but most of the time if i pick winston i just feed the zarya rein and I lose. It makes me just want to quit playing the game all together.


You guys didn’t want double shield anymore. What do you expect? The only way to fix this is to buff Orisa/Sigma so their combined barrier strength is greater than Rein. But then you’ll complain about double barrier. Then they nerf that and maybe dive becomes meta and you complain about that lol.


I kinda think Sigma’s entire design is a problem. He’s an off tank with a main tank barrier. No wonder double barrier happened.

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Just give BarrierTanks less HP, but more Firepower with strong Barriers.
Then speed up offtank cooldowns a bit.

That way, BarrierTanks feel like they aren’t so reliant on their team to do, much of anything.
And while they don’t have selfheal, a regenerating barrier is almost a selfheal.

As for how you avoid the problems of DoubleBarrier with that. If you got two BarrierTanks at 350hp, and they get two 600hp offtanks getting into their faces at close range. You got a legit weakness/counter going. Where it almost doesn’t matter how strong the barriers are.


  • Orisa/Sigma = 350hp, Stronger barrier, 14% more firepower, Weaker fortify/grasp
  • Rein = 400hp, Stronger barrier, 7% more firepower, 14% more barriered mobility
  • Mei = Tank, 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall
    • So she can’t Peel for DoubleBarrier.
  • Off Tanks and Winston = 1sec less on a cooldown
    :white_check_mark: Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks
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You seem to hate Rein Zarya comps a lot Metro, but I have to remind you that the community didn’t like double shields AT ALL.

I think the main problem is that it always feels like there’s always two tanks that are superior at a given time, with no room of having other tanks be a strong choice unless you’re playing in scuffed terms and add a Hammond.

I wish we’d be at a point where we can just play any tank and everything would be good and we wouldn’t put our team at a disadvantage. But the fact of the matter is, tanks shape the team comp and are basically the core of the team, losing an essential part would bring so much detriment to the team than flexing on support or dps, in humble my opinion.


Yeah, I’m starting to acknowledge that maybe the community just doesn’t ever want the other tanks to be good, which is why maybe everything needs to be redesigned so that’s not the case.

I would rather have a complete rework of Sigma/Orisa than just have garbage tier useless heroes with wasted assets forever. And I would like something other than Rein Zarya to exist in the game in a meaningful capacity.

I don’t really hate Rein Zarya comps so much as I refuse to play Reinhardt under any and all circumstances, and I don’t like repeatedly losing because my team couldn’t figure out that Reinhardt is ludicrously better than any other tank and the other team did.

I actually wouldn’t mind a situation in which Rein Zarya was literally the only two tanks in the game. I wouldn’t tank myself, but at least games would be fair and I wouldn’t have to worry about tank players picking trash.

Well, another mechanic they could use is make it so EMP cancels airborne Orisa barrier projectiles.
Throw in moving Mei to the Tank Role.

Now throwing an EMP onto doublebarrier can keep it in check a lot more.

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Let’s not move Mei. I like Mei, and I don’t want to see her thrown into the pile of tanks we’ll never allow to be good because they’re not Rein Zarya.

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Look at it this way. She’s already somewhat underpowered, and she’s about 3 nerfs away from being not viable in OWL. And they are going to keep nerfing until that happens.

Move her to Tank, and it eliminates her OWL usage, and she can even get a couple buffs, and a small queue time.

Oh, and the biggest reason, if they keep DoubleBarrier, then Mei can’t play the function of an offtank for DoubleBarrier.

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No I don’t agree, that’s not really the case, because for four years, the community always hated the meta and wanted it to be changed after a while as it gets stale. We’ve had brawl, dive, goats, triple tank, double sniper, wacky combo ults like grav/dragon, it always gets stale which is why I think hero pools are doing more good than harm.

As for balancing, generally, I feel like they should stick with hero pools and maybe design more maps to suit certain comps. An extreme example would be junkertown first, havana third, you wouldn’t see a Winston diving on those maps would you lol? They seem to be doing that with the new Toronto map they showed on Blizzcon, favors flankers and might be good for dive comps.

Just nerf his dumb shield and bring him into line, that is literally all they need to do. Drop it to 1400, and no more slow advance nonsense.

They’re not going to fix it… too many dps players love it.

It’s time to give up and just rework the other tanks so dps players are happy to play into them.

I think the bigger problem with tanks is no one wants to play them.

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The problem is most don’t even stand behind it, but they demand it like a security blanket… all the coaches tell you don’t depend on shields, learn to position and use natural cover and time your advances.


Well, yeah, but there’s only one viable hero in the role. That makes it unappealing.

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Annnd this is what I don’t want to see, more players asking for tank nerfs. They gutted Orisa, she needs help. Buffing her shield would just make her oppressive again and get double shields back and literally kill off all the hitscans. Terrible for the game’s health.

I’d personally buff Orisa in a creative way, not just numbers

yeah that’s the classic buffs just numbers because they’re scared to innovate.

I don’t want double barriers back but im so sick of seeing rein zarya every game, it is very boring

I feel like Overwatch is the only game that could have more DPS than any other roll, and still have people who say “I think we should remove most of the tanks…”

BTW, If Rein is giving you trouble, kill the Ana or Lucio near him first. Zarya and Rein alone aren’t nearly as strong as they are with their enablers near them.

Hog flanking is a good way to send their supports back to spawn.

I don’t know. Mei is competitive with DPS but would be wildly underpowered if she was a tank. And I don’t think players will put up with her as a tank, they already hate her. I’d rather just have her sleep quietly as a slightly underpowered DPS you can still play sometimes, rather than a throw pick you have to trade a Zarya for.

I mean in what universe is it worth trading Zarya for Mei?