Orisa Hog isn't a good comp anymore, guys

True, but for Platinum and below and most of Quickplay, that doesn’t need to apply.

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But that isn’t what I’m saying here.

I’m saying, don’t play Orisa with Hog.

Orisa can be played with Rein and Sigma.
Hog can be played with Rein and nothing else.

Even if Rein was nerfed into the absolute bottom of F tier “Don’t play Orisa with Hog” would still be true. You’d want some kind of Sigma comp then, or dive.



What if I start spamming threats about how glorious MonkeyBall is and how Dive 2.0 is an underrated comp?

It would be a mission to counteract all the Rein Zarya stuff

That’s because of anti-dive heroes like McCree, Moira, Brigitte, etc. not because of Orisa/Sigma. Either nerf the anti-flankers or buff the flankers.

Honestly Winston is desperately overdue for buffs, he’s the worst tank statistically even lower than Orisa.

No it isn’t

And yet when people made threads about Moira they were flagged. Sounds like classic forums bias to me.

I mean, Orisa Sigma isn’t that bad, it’s a hell of a lot better than Orisa Hog. I think Orisa Rein is better, but Orisa Sigma has a lot going for it.

Now that is a phrase I never thought I would hear you say

This was during Doubleshield “Meta”. Double shield had the tank pick and win rates spread across the tanks.


This is now


When Orisa was meta, was the time when the playersbase wasn’t locked into a single meta.

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Double barrier is getting too popular in high ranks for it to be too bad. I think, based on winrates, it’s still worse than Rein Zarya, but it’s not completely terrible.

Using winrates to judge the state of heroes? That’s a yikes

I mean, what else would I do? Go by feels?

Go by pickrate of course

I feel it’s good to look at both, because sometimes heroes are overrated (high pickrate, low winrate) or underrated (high winrate, low pickrate but still high enough for validity).

The signs of a truly OP hero are combined high pickrate and winrate as that indicates the hero is winning excessive numbers of matches against other picks, as most of their games are mirror matches. Likewise a hero with bad pickrate and winrate isn’t even good in their niche.

You can get all that info just by looking at pickrate

I agree that should not of happened. But plenty of pro support threads have also been flagged. I think you’re being biased as well.

Yeah it is. If you looked at his threads:

  1. Suggests an idea for roadhog
  2. Saying dive is really fun, but hard to pull off.
  3. Complaining about rein zarya being too dominant.
  4. Rein needs better counters, his counters have been nerfed.
  5. Complaining about the recent experimental
  6. Hog ball is a throw pick
  7. Asking for balance changes
  8. Tanks need huge changes

These are all completely fine and different topics. If anything, you should be flagged for falsely flagging.

I’m using the same logic as the Forums

All have to do with either Rein being too much or the other tanks sucking. So by Forums logic, that’s spam

You shouldn’t though.
If lots of people are commiting murder, that doesn’t suddenly make it right, does it?

How does suggesting an idea for roadhog have to do with rein doing too much?

Poor analogy. Murder is not the same as a type of mentality. One is illegal, the other isn’t.

You forgot the or aspect of that phrase

My point is, just because some people are doing something, it doesn’t mean it is right.
