New role Queue idea: 1:2:1 + mandatory Ana

Instead of having 2 free support slots. We should make one of them a mandatory Ana slot.

This is to ensure games are fair, consistent and most importantly fun. It will also ensure the game never becomes stale. It will removes thoughs horrible instances where a bug occurs causing you not to have an Ana on your team or to be fighting against an Ana.

In the past, I was naive. I wanted Ana nerfed so she wouldn’t be the most picked hero in the game but little did I know that Ana is the foundation of Overwatch. The only reason why Overwatch has been so successful over the years is because of Ana’s existence. She has allowed Overwatch to thrive so her omnipresence in all your games is necessary and we should all be thankful for it.

I want to apologise for making these past threads:
AUG 2019: Ana needs a nerf!
JUN 2019: Why is Ana allowed to be OP?
SEPT 2020: Mercy is going to receive nerfs soon

At the time I thought that Ana being the most picked hero in the game for over a year was having a detrimental effect on the game. I thought that is was necessary for heroes to rotate in and out of metas to stop the game becoming stale but 3yrs later of more AnaWatch, I realise how stupid I was. While this might be true of any other hero in the game. Ana is special. She enhances the game. She is the keystone that makes Overwatch the best game in history.

To ensure OW2 is just as successful as the current game, we MUST ensure and guarantee Ana’s position in it. Making her a mandatory pick will instill OW2 place in the history books of greatness.


Ryzik stop being weird


why not just 6 anas?


What is weird about trying to ensure that OW2 is as great as possible? I am sure the devs love suggestions like this.


I think this is only fair. Your team is at a massive disadvantage without Ana, even more so in OW2 so making her mandatory will improve the balance of the game. /s

Seriously though in OW2 Sleep and Nade are just absurd against 1-tank. She can already feel unfair to fight against, In OW2 its just going to be miserable.


I met a junkerqueen from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert… Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The Ball that mocked them, and the Hog that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Anamandias, Queen of Queens;
Look on my CC, ye tanks, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


…the cheetah lives for three years and the camel lives for nine."


If they want to test it on OW1 they could do more

  1. Ana mandatory
  2. cass or hanzo or soldier mandatory
  3. rein mandatory

They you get to pick the other 3 heroes, but 2 out of 3 games the 2nd DPS hero is limited to those 3 or widow. Actually that wouldn’t prove anything except that these rules seem to already be in place in OW1.

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how about this. Blizz rewrites the engine so we can get 12 anas per team

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Dude, it’s OW2 - 10 Anas per game…

Just imagine at least 1 of them would be asleep at all times.

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This idea has basically been looked at seriously by having a “Main” healer queue and an “offense” support queue
Only reason you can’t do it is because of not enough support characters
And yee, at this stage you might aswell give people an ana role queue. In fact the ana mains would probably prefer it so they don’t have to risk playing a different support.

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This post makes me feel so bad for solo queuers, because it’s so true. We need a system that helps people find groups ASAP so people can start playing the actual game.

P.S. Rein is bad and Ana is mid. Not sure if the best comp is double shield bap zen or ball tracer dive, but it’s between those two for sure. My stack usually goes for Orisa Sig, and Rein teams can’t even get close, and Anas don’t land a single nade. Can’t sleep us either.

I wish everyone could experience the joy of playing Zen in a stack that peels for you. Strongest support under those conditions, and it’s not even close. I get why people like Ana, though. She’s fun, especially against Hog, who’s very popular in solo queue.

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After the first balance patch in beta 1 Ana unmirrored winrate was second worst after Bap. Around 46%. This belief many have that Ana is a must pick is not correct.

You can already do that in Custom Game modes because it’s already been done for Lucio Surf modes.

90% of Ana players are terrible.
Just breathe on them and they die.

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bit dramatic don’t you think? but either way, Ana will stop being so important when her uniqueness is a bit more spread out, say another support with antiheal or with a very strong CC

Inherently Ana isn’t too powerful atm, she’s strong in the right hands yes but it isn’t overbearing, this is not to say the rest of support should be buffed or anything but once we get characters that make the gap feel less stark than we can start talking about rebalancing Ana

further confirmation that Ana is the protagonist
unfortunately, as a winston onetrick, the bad guys win :slight_smile:

Playing ana is like stepping into a sweat factory. At my rank plat…. She’s not that good. Hero’s like mercy, Moira, brig and zen are WAY WAY better.

So unfortunately…. When it comes to game balance it needs to be fair for the average player… not for pros.

Balancing hero’s for pro play creates serious issues bc most of us arnt as gifted as the top %1 and want accessibility to all the hero’s.

This same philosophy is what makes unskilled hero’s skilled at high levels.

For example easier heros can pubstomp below diamond…… but it becomes increasingly difficult to squeeze value out as you climb higher and higher which makes it skillful to be able to play easy hero’s at the highest level.

This is the balance of games.

And tbh season 1 ow2 owl was mostly Lucio pairings. One being ana. But the ana swapped a lot more than the Lucio

That is the main problem in OW imo.

Mechanical skill affects every single shot in the game, but the game sense is needed only in some points of the game.

The game is dominated by the mechanical skill and the performance of those game sense characters is also largely based on the assisted mechanical skill(100% accuracy, normalized hps/dps) by the devs, not by their game sense. As a result, their performance is simply better no matter the game sense, when people at the tier have worse mechanical skill than the normalized hps/dps, and worse when people better.

That’s not true at all. At a professional level obviously the hero’s with the ability to express mechanical skill positioning ect should probably see more playtime.

But we cannot forget about everyone else. Most people that play fps games arnt gods. The game has to be fair for everyone.

All the support hero’s see owl playtime which can’t be said for the other classes. That’s very balanced imo.

All hero’s require position game sense and decision making.

For the game to be fair it has to be harder to squeeze value out of beginner friendly hero’s as you climb.

But we gotta respect someone that is able to take an easier hero and pop off in GM. That is very skillful and deserves respect bc they are squeezing every bit of value out of that hero