I don’t understand why Ana is getting a free pass, she has been the most picked hero in the entire game for over a year now including GM and she has only received minor nerfs.
Every other hero that has been meta in this period has now rotated out or received nerfs upon nerfs to kick them out of the meta except Ana.
People like to say that she is overrated and people only play her because she is the only skillful main healer, and I disagree with this! We have Baptiste now which I would argue takes a lot more skill than Ana and her pick-rate remained completely unaffected.
I would also like to mention that a metric ton of players love to play Mercy, pretty sure they don’t care about this skillful argument either.
The truth in the matter is that Ana is not the most picked hero in the game simply because EVERYONE LOVES PLAYING HER and she is soooo skillful, no that is bull!
She is played because she is currently good, so good in fact that you will want to shape your comps around her to work.
Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.
what? You mean with another ana to counter her healing with nade? Dive is basically useless against bunker and even harder if they have some kind of anti dive hero (mei, torb, ETC)
Most powerful CC ability in the game helps against that.
If 2-3 divers have to jump right into the backline to just secure Ana, it is nearly suicide in this meta. There is far too much CC and distruption to stop the enemy team from getting melted for going after the Ana
Ana has clear weaknesses. It’s so apparent that she got shut out at high levels of play because of the restrictions. A D.Va can shut down an Ana almost completely. Killing her isn’t even required. Just eat her cooldowns with Matrix.
Winston can shut her down as well without even directly diving her. A bubble between her and her friendlies completely shuts her down.
Also, flanking an Ana isn’t difficult. Saying you can’t Dive Ana because she sits too far back is like saying you can’t dive Zen because he sits far back.
People can shutdown a good Ana if people actually tried to do it. Mercy may be weaker but shutting her down is much more difficult. Same for heroes like Lucio and Moira
The problem with Baptiste is that he promotes too much stationary team play
His AoE heal needs people to group up
His Immortality Field needs people to stand inside it
His Ult needs people to stand behind it
His Alternate fire (Healing) needs people to be clumped to get the most value
You who which characters LOVE knowing where a team is going to stand and going to be? Snipers
Ana is on the small edge of: Nerf her a bit and she’s dead
Ana needs high mechanical skill and high game sense, she is the only support with that high skill ceiling.
I would love to see other supports who are as demanding as Ana.
Rein rotated out and Orisa rotated in?? What you talking about??
Rein is an example of a super well balanced hero, his pick-rate is determined by the meta but he doesn’t shape the meta himself.
I would argue Ana is the opposite, her pick-rate isn’t determined by the meta but she is in fact shaping it thus why her pick-rate hasn’t budged at all in an entire year. Ana isn’t just the most picked hero in the entire game, she is the most picked hero by a massive margin and this has been going on for a year now!
Rein rotated out because of Orisa and that happened not long ago. He was the most picked tank everywhere as I remember and he never got a single nerf. While D.Va got nerfs because of her pick rate since Season 3. Orisa now outrolling everyone, she is a must pick. As I remember, similar situation was with Brig and she immediately got nerf after nerf.
Been playing a lot of Baptiste in comp lately, and I can’t argue with everything you said except this one
I’m not sure where you got this idea, but his primary fire is basically like the Halo BR. Three-round bursts that still need you to be accurate where you need to land all three bullets on one target. It’s not really the type of weapon where you can spray and pray and hope to get any kind of meaningful damage
I learned that I need to VERY slightly pull my mouse downward as I fire to control the kick-back and keep all three rounds on the singular target’s head (It’s actually quite satisfying lol). So even if they were grouped up, it wouldn’t necessarily be a better situation
Obviously, let me know if I misunderstood your comment though, but that’s what I took from it
Having put a gazillion hours on Ana she is imo the hardest hero to play and get value from in the game. You get more value from a bad widow just zinging shots by people then a bad ana.
Sleep dart is the hardest skill shot to land in the game.
Shields make playing Ana very hard. Say you land a really good anti made but enemy is still behind Shields your team has to be bold enough to attack most times they are not.
Or you save it for self heal when genji and tracer jump you.