New role Queue idea: 1:2:1 + mandatory Ana

Absolutely agree. I think we should also add a mandatory Soldier.

I’m confused. Are you proposing some sort of change? Didn’t they implement this a while back?


This doesn’t tell us much as the patch came late and lots of people switched to bap to try out his change which made him a lot stronger. We’ll have to wait for the 2nd beta to see how things settle. I would bet Ana goes right back to highest picked.

Whut, in plat she’s dominating just as much, lol.

Blizzard has openly stated that they balance primarily around GM/Masters.

One of the main points of OW2 was to NOT keep adding hard CC into the DPS/Support rosters.

It’s one of the reasons people are annoyed–since sleep is the hardest CC on a normal ability in the game. The last thing we want is for more supports to have hard cc.

Lol, sure. Having 100% chance of Ana’s jar in the game is gonna be soooo “fun” for people they’re gonna rush to forums just to say how much they love it.

LUL, that bug is so bad it even happened twice in a row for me!

We call that “Ana paintball”! :slight_smile:

While partially true, maybe players need to start using highground against nade.
Shocking idea really.

Do ya’ll not watch the Overwatch League? Other supports are also being played, WITHOUT ANA.

Bap/Zen/Brig are also meta and have won games, so stop with this Ana is mandatory bulljive.

Every single time I play support and my team mate does not play her then I feel forced to pick her… even in OW1! Why not? I mean she was anti heal, a strong CC, long range burst heal and a good ultimate! Why not pick her?

I hate her.

You do know in the last beta when only 1 team had an Ana that team was more likely to lose right? They released her unmirrored win rate was like 45% only better than bap…

We should do a mandatory hitscan for DPS as well.

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No, they’ve stated they take all ranks into account so as not to completely break one rank compared to others (much as it doesn’t seem to work out)

My statement: Blizzard has openly stated that they balance primarily around GM/Masters.

Sorry, I left out OWL. But that was 100% accurate to what they’ve told us.

They do make sure certain things don’t break low ranks, but they primarily balance around GM/Masters/OWL

Just because they primarily balance around GM/OWL doesn’t mean they don’t consider lower ranks. Bastion is garbage in high ranks but pretty strong in low ranks. They don’t buff bastion to be good in GM because then he breaks low ranks. It’s something they stated explicitly in SVB’s QA with Geoff

Which is probably why poor bap keeps getting nerfed while ana just gets a slap on the wrist. Oh noes! The pros are insane on bap and getting too much value! We need to nerf bap asap! Ana? Too many pros like her, so we’ll let her go this time…

His healing getting nerfed was fine. But damage? I don’t agree, his gun feels like a nerf gun now when you go even just an inch out of effective range. And it’s not like he ever did the same amount of burst damage as the DPS hero. And yet they somehow still thought it was necessary to nerf his base damage (I’m not talking about his damage from ult).

And to be fair, this forum did constantly complain about bap last year despite him already been nerfed. Which made him harder to get value in lower ranks and raised his already high skill floor. So the forums are gonna forum and take turns complaining about each supports.

Side note, they said they wouldn’t buff Bastion to be good because people dislike him. That was their rationale in that video. They can’t make him meta because people hate him, essentially.

But you’re right, they basically balance around high ranks while trying to make sure that low ranks doesn’t get butchered.

Just funny to me that people said, “You’re wrong” when I accidentally almost quoted them verbatim in my original post.

But wait! They are adding a new anti effect. Maybe they will nerf Ana…

At this point I’m more inclined to think if anyone from Blizz reads this they will think you’re serious and impliment it :joy: