Youâve really put thought and effort into this idea!
Love it
Great concept, Someone send this to Blizzard!
Hard to code, but very interesting in concept.
Would regenerating the shields count as healing?
Glad to see you never gave up on your sym rework. Love your ideas!
I do have some feedback on your ideas.
Regarding the decision to move her back to support, Iâm afraid that would not be possible due to the fact that the devs are adamant on support being healers only. The only possible alternative for support sym would be to get the devs to revive the defense class and rework what the roleâs purpose is. Based on who was in the defense class originally, they could rework the heroes a bit to have more utility added to their kit, and serve as heroes that can defend their teammates.
The passive could end up making sym feel like a must pick and could cause alot of complaints. Also, while armor is preferred over shields, it can still become annoying on certain heroes. I could be wrong though so no matter. The passive should also have it that sombraâs hack can convert shields back to health for consistency.
I really am tempted to make the beam width 0.40m and keep the beam at 12m. Though it would probably be unbalanced. Mind adding visuals to help show the beamâs hitbox size?
Other than that, this alone would be so nice for her to have (one of the main things that I miss from sym 2.0⌠stupid zarya knockoff beam!)
Thanks to sigma, Iâm afraid your current photon barrier wonât really work. I suggest allowing for sym to hold the barrier similar to how she used it in her comic (like a personal sheild) by holding the ability button and increasing shield health to 500hp.
This will allow for sym to use the shield as a personal shield or carefully line up the path for her barrier travel. Having the hp be have of itâs predecessor feels like a better idea and still gives the barrier some tankiness against a pharah ult or a bastion sentry.
I like bringing back the shield ability and giving it some healing properties, but I think it would be cool to adjust the numbers and introduce a shield gating mechanic. The shield gate triggers when the shields are depleted by a fatal shot (rocket punch, arrow head shot, widowâs kiss, etc) and would prevent and damage from affecting the heroes hp. Chip damage would not trigger the shield gate. As a result, Sym could be a life saver for squishy heroes against snipers or critical health heroes.
While I like the glove idea, I am not a fan of 4.0 turrets and prefer 3.0 turrets with the exception of reverting the number of turrets from 3 back to 6. In order to prevent a op kill gate problem, the turrets would have a limit as to how many can lock onto one single target. My turret idea would implement a rule where only 3 turrets may lock onto a single target at a time.
Example: say an enemy walks into a room of 6 turrets, only 3 lock onto the target. If a turrets is destroyed, it will take 1.5 seconds for it to lock onto that target unless a second target comes into range, in which it will lock onto that target immediately.
This will keep players from trying to make huge kill rooms and encourage them to set up different spots instead to cover more area.
alternatively, I would like the turret ideas if the damage output was 20 instead of 5.
I am for the removal of teleporting turrets since it is usually not a good idea any way. As for the rest of the teleport, not really agreeing with your version with teleporter. I could live with the 15 sec duration, but otherwise Iâm not so sure about it.
Once again, If I had to choose which version of sym I would go with, I would immediately go for your 4.0. version. Unfortunately, it is unlikely the devs will go back on there vision for supports.
I suggest making an alternative version of sym that is dps.
Your rework is not far off from it either.
-take away passive
-remove the photon shield
-keep architect gauntlet as an ability (basically binding teleporter and sentry turrets to same button. Switch via scroll wheel)
-adjust you numbers for the rest of the abilities
And there you have a dps sym rework!
Though I would love for your version to make it into the game.
to OP: I believe that support players have been more than patient, and agree that they indeed deserve to be given more options to play that role.
thatâs like saying halt is support, orisaâs ult is support, with a few changes she would be a perfect support. Sounds dumb doesnât it?
As someone who has 400 hours on sombra+, keep your support ideas to yourself if you donât actually play the character. She doesnât play as a support at all.
Its a good idea and that is why it will never happen.
Dude, i got 80 kills with Sombra before her rework. She has always been a DPS, her damage isnât weak either if you assassinate isolated targets like youâre supposed to.
its nice but i feel the turret damage is way too low
These are good ideas but I donât see how anyone could be justified picking her as a second support. If your other support doesnât pick someone with high raw healing output, like Moira or Ana, your tanks are just going to crumble when they get pushed.
If I workshop this, is it ok if shield dmg taken turns into hp as well?
So what is the vision for this hero? A shield support that the regens for her team playing poke wars. I think that was her original intent but it was too passive. Active shield mitigation is interesting for they sym player but im not sure if her kit is fun to play against.
Good ideas here OP. iâll upboat so other people can weigh in.
She is a debuff character. Debuff character is typicly a type support. There is a reason why she is not a good DPS(!). She is used to disable enemies and that is support. Orisas halt is universal movement deny and Sombras evasion (trans) is also in every category. Sombra IS a support character (in terms of usage) because she is mainly a debuffer. And debuffer are a type of support. She is not used to push hard damage or is she? Or does she ENABLE kills? Your time with sombra is impressive but there is a reason why her pickrate in DPS is low. Its because you dont pick her for her DPS.
This is a wonderful rework idea, the only problem i see is i donât think anyone would choose her shielding or just raw healing, to keep up with the other supports she would need some type of healing.
Iâd just linking it to her Photon barrier, maybe when it passes through allies it gives them a healing burst.
I also saw a concept awhile back when Symmetra could âshatterâ her barrier early by repressing the E button, basically when the barrier shatters it creates a healing and shield burst in a small range to teammates.
I was thinking about making it linger on for additional second or two, but as I said, making them feel underwhelming is okay, and kind of the point of it. As long as this ability has 1 deffinitive use, itâs okay because her kit has 4 abilities.
My bigger concern with turret balance is whether 3 turrets are roughly the same value for its cd as a single teleporter. So that turrets will also be used and not the teleporter exclusively. Maybe it should go back to 5 DPS
to make sure turrets arenât overshadowed?
I can see why you think that, but in the end, you must realize that this shield is way less flexible than Brigitteâs, due to its fast movement speed, predetermined angle, and long cooldown. If you played Sym 2.0 you would know that it was nothing more than a very short invulnerability button, and only in of attacks in front of you.
Actually, I think coding it would be fairly easy.
You take a variable that consists of half of your normal health. And now after checking distance between symmetra and ally you would remove half of normal health and add it in shields instead, and anything that exceeded that half hp treshold will be also moved to shields. But idk how they coded HP in this game.
As for stats⌠I donât care whether it would be recorded or not as long as it would be viable. However, itâs probably a good idea to do so in order to determine how this passive performs in comparison to other healing sources.
This never prevented Zenyatta from performing well and even having his own metas. And I think people underrate the amount of âhealingâ this passive would provide.
Well, I definitely not intended for it to work that way⌠but if thereâs no other way round it.
I think Photon Shield healing + the passive would be enough for an off-support to do their job. And she gets plenty of shielding and oneshot prevention on top of that.
why rework her AGAIN when you can just make another support
I guess you skipped this paragraph.
Then it should at LEAST linger for a second, as any flaking hero has the mobility to easily evade, or otherwise destroy the turrets.
And on the Symmetraâs side, itâll be largely unfeasible as youâll have to pit
Flankerâs reaction time + escape/destroy turrets vs Sym reaction time to call out flanker and reaction time of team to get the message, much less find where they are.
And often, youâll find that the reaction time of 1 person is a lot faster than 2 people.
If you donât have the outline linger for more than second, weâre trading a good chunk of damage on the turrets, which mind you, if used right can be a formidable defence against flankers.
As crippling any flanker with at least 60 damage often can and will make them retreat, lest they fight at a BIG disadvantage, for a less than a second long of wallhack.
There's a second opinion for you. -Doc
Zenyatta can at least provide almost constant healing though, and he has an ultimate that can be used to counter a variety of offensive ultimates. Shield health is useless if youâre getting constantly pummeled.
There. I reverted it to linger on 1s and also increased DPS from 3 back to 5. Does it feel more balanced?
So does this Symmetra. Her Photon Shield gives constant shield that ends up doing 15 heal/sec if target is not attacked. And if target is attacked, the shield will help more than heal, it is always a win-win situation. Your ally either get dived and thus is shield with worth of 25 shield/sec, and if not attacked he is healed for 15/s. Note that cooldown starts the moment Shielding is applied, meaning it has 100% shield/heal uptime just like Zenyatta. And she gets that AoE shield health passive on top of it.
Keep in mind, if that healing is not enough in practice, nothing stops me from adjusting percentage to 80% or even 100% of the decayed shield.
As for ultimate, I would say that her ultimateâs purpose is completely different to Zenyattaâs, but that doesnât make it any weaker. This ult prevents being oneshotted by certain heroes, which cannot be said about Zenâs ult. So this interaction is kind of similar of that of Lucio vs Zen ult, except itâs more consistent rather than bursty.